The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 214 Taoan sells medicine and attracts each other

Ye Yang shook his head.

This time the Yuan Dan was just his practice, and for monks in the ventilation realm, the effect might be pretty good.

But for warrior realm monks, it actually doesn't have much effect.

In the following time, Ye Yang continued to make alchemy.

On the one hand, it is to become familiar with the medical elixir methods recorded in the Biluo Sanqing Secret Volume.

On the other hand, it is also to refine a few usable elixirs before the war comes.

On this day, Ye Yang summoned the Sun Flying Turtle the size of a door panel, and flew out of the Feitian Gate alone.

The target is Tao'anfang City.

During this period of time, he refined a lot of low-level ointments and pills, but kept them useless, so he thought of selling them in exchange for some spiritual stones.

At present, he still has a lot of contribution points, but since purchasing the Sand of Time, Ye Yang no longer has many spiritual stones in his hands.

Therefore, he did not contribute the elixir to the sect, but planned to sell it in exchange for some spiritual stones.

The Sun Flying Turtle has followed Ye Yang for many years. With enough elixirs to feed him, he has become as strong as a first-order monster. He can absorb the strong wind and travel in the sun at a very fast speed.

Within an hour, he arrived at Tao'anfang City.

There are now a large number of casual cultivators gathered in Tao'anfang City. After stepping through the familiar gate, the surrounding streets are wide and the roads are smooth.

Soon Ye Yang arrived at the familiar long street.

The place was already filled with casual cultivators, crowded with people, and stalls of various sizes were placed in front and back.

"Let's take a look at the fine blood ginseng."

"Qingfeng Huagu ointment can remove dampness and replenish qi. If you need it, take a look at Chunyang Heart Refining."

"Feitianmen's golden blade talisman..."

The shouts of hawkers kept coming and going. Not only were all kinds of materials sold here, but there were also elixirs and prescriptions, and secret techniques of talismans and seals. However, it was hard to tell the authenticity from the fake ones.

The long street was crowded with people, and although the monks coming and going had disputes, they always maintained a harmonious atmosphere.

This actually made Ye Yang take a closer look at the security of Tao'anfang City.

With nothing to do today, Ye Yang found a free stall and put out the low-level elixirs he had refined during this period.

Because the efficiency of elixirs refined by water method is not high, Ye Yang put out not many elixirs, only seven or eight bottles.

In addition, there are some bone-strengthening and muscle-building ointments, as well as some spiritual herbs and spiritual minerals.

Some of these elixirs were refined by himself, and the other part were dug out from the monks' storage bags seized along the way.

These things were no longer of much use to him, so he thought of selling them.

The monks who were coming and going couldn't help but stop slightly when they saw Ye Yang selling elixirs here.

After all, pills are indispensable items for low-level casual cultivators.

However, the prices in regular stores are too high, and most people can only improve their spiritual practice through water grinding.

Someone came over and frowned when he saw the pills that Ye Yang put on the table.

"Fellow Taoist, this blood-activating pill only requires two spiritual stones outside. Why do you need three spiritual stones for one here?"

Ye Yang raised his head and took a look. This man was an old man wearing a purple robe with a unicorn on the clouds on his chest.

It seems that it should come from a certain family.

Ye Yang said: "My elixir is refined using the water method, which is extremely labor-intensive. The effect is slightly better than the one refined using the fire method. Naturally, the price is different."

"Water method for alchemy."

The old man was slightly surprised, and then said: "I wonder if I can observe it."

Ye Yang nodded and handed over the medicine bottle without fearing that he was cheating.

The old man gently pulled out the cork, sniffed it gently with his nose, and felt a strong medicinal fragrance rush into his mind. There was a flash of shock in his eyes, and he praised it.

"It's really water-based alchemy."

He glanced at Ye Yang in surprise, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Water-based elixir refining can maximize the medicinal properties, but the effort required is often several times that of fire-based elixir refining. I didn't expect fellow Taoist to have such a unique skill. I'm disrespectful. I'm disrespectful."

"Fellow Taoist, do you want to buy it?"

The old man was very happy.

"This blood-activating pill can activate qi and blood and increase the vitality in the body. Water-based elixir refining is even rarer. For an elderly monk like me who has insufficient qi and blood, this pill can be taken just right."

After saying that, he took out sixty spirit stones and bought one bottle.

Upon seeing this, Ye Yang put the spirit stone away.

After a while, another casual cultivator came over. Instead of buying the elixir, he took a fancy to the second-hand storage bags on Ye Yang's stall.

After some haggling, he offered 1,200 spiritual stones in exchange for two storage bags that Ye Yang had seized from his enemies.

After half a day, there were many people watching, but not many people buying.

After all, the people who come here are all low-level casual cultivators. These people have always been masters of splitting spiritual stones into two flowers.

Even though the elixir refined by water method is more effective.

However, the price of the same elixir is one-third higher than that of fire elixir. For these casual cultivators, the price/performance ratio is not very high.

It only took one morning to get half of the inventory.

And nearly two thousand spirit stones have been recovered, the bulk of which came from the trophies he captured.

Ye Yang couldn't help but sigh slightly, it was indeed a gold belt for murder and arson.

This is a trade without capital and profit.

After a long time, many small families came. Some wanted to recruit him into the family, while others wanted to make him a guest pharmacist.

However, they were all rejected by Ye Yang.

"Senior, our Liu family is well-known in the neighborhood. As long as you are willing to come to the Liu family to refine elixirs, the reward will definitely satisfy you."

"Senior, I wonder if we can cooperate for a long time? Our Feng family has a family-hered elixir recipe that we can give to our senior."

"Senior, I don't know if they are suitable for marriage. Our Wang family girls have always been handsome and beautiful. We have a pair of twins who are not yet married. They can be given to senior as concubines."

I saw another group of people gathered around me.

Ye Yang exuded the martial arts level and forced these people to move aside.

"Everyone, I only sell things. If you don't want to buy anything, please get out of the way and don't say anything."

"It seems that in the future, we will have to find someone to do the job of selling pills. There is no need to waste too much energy on such things."

Ye Yang thought in his heart.

Zhang Yu'er was riding on a green bull beast and slowly walked out of the Zhang family's shop.

She rode a beast of burden and looked at the various spiritual materials sold in Tao'anfang Market with great interest as she walked.

This is rare to see in the Zhang family.

She comes from the Chazi Zhang family. Since Feitianmen established Tao'anfang City, the Chazi Zhang family has been close to the water and has operated several shops.

Not long ago, she came to Tao'anfang City from the Zhang family to practice.

Along the way, I felt that Tao'anfang City was extremely prosperous, far beyond what the Zhang family could compare to.

"I heard from the patriarch that there are many casual cultivators trading in the market. Although there is a mixture of fish and dragons, you can always pick out some treasures."

Zhang Yuer looked at the bustling trading place and said.

Next to her was a man about thirty years old, with broad shoulders and big hands. Although he was not very tall, he was quite strong.

He did not ride a horse, but led a huge camel-like beast of burden, which contained many aquatic products brought from the Zhang family.

"Look at the blood-activating pill that fellow Taoist sells. It is actually made from red blood pill and live deer heart."

"It looks exactly the same, but the effect is not one percent as good as the blood-activating pill."

"What's more, he is proficient in the method of deception and abduction, and he can also put a wax coating on the elixir. If he is not proficient in this method, he will definitely be deceived."

"Yu'er, you still have to be careful when traveling. Dragons and snakes are mixed here, so don't bid randomly."

"This time, Uncle Wu sent a message saying that we don't have much elixirs in stock at home. Let's stop wandering around and quickly find some elixirs to buy and send back. That's the right way to go."

Zhang Yuer curled her lips.

"Brother Peiyuan, you said Fifth Uncle is right too. Spiritual elixirs are precious. You can either exchange them at Shangzong Feitianmen or go to Shanhai City to sell them wholesale."

"Why bother asking us to come and search among these casual cultivators? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

"It's not like you don't know how people with those skills can live in such a miserable place."

Hearing this voice, the young man in his thirties spoke.

"Yu'er, you're still young, so you can't underestimate the world's heroes. Besides, our Zhang family has developed so far, it's time to train an alchemist."

"Although our family does not have talents in this field, there are many casual cultivators, such as Lord Guojiang, countless. Maybe we can meet one."

"Okay, okay, I can't say anything about you. Who doesn't know that you are the most favored by the patriarch."

Zhang Yuer continued to curl her lips.

"It's not like you don't know that the price of elixirs outside has skyrocketed. During this period, the Red Lantern Society and the Blood and Bone Cult often make trouble, and people are panicking. The prices of these elixirs have also skyrocketed."

"If that doesn't work, go to Shanhai City and sell some in bulk."

Shanhai City is larger than Tao'anfang City, and the number and types of various elixirs and spiritual materials produced are also greater.

The man sighed and then said.

"Shanhai City is too far away. If we buy too much, we won't be able to eat it. If we buy less, the price won't go up. What's more, the Big Sun Star Beast riding on the Feitian Gate costs a lot every time it goes back and forth, so it's not worth it."

After thinking for a long time, the man finally spoke.

"Let's keep searching in this city. It would be best if we can find some casual cultivators who are talented in alchemy."

"Our family has mastered several special first-level elixir recipes. As long as we can refine them, our business will be much easier."

Not long after, the two of them had visited most of the trading place.

Zhang Yuer's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered something, and she quickly pulled Zhang Peiyuan's sleeve and pointed forward.

"Brother Peiyuan, look!"

She pointed to a casual cultivator selling elixirs in front of her. Behind the stall stood a masculine and handsome young man.

There were many pills placed on the stall in front of him.

Although a group of people gathered around, the transaction volume was not large.

Seeing that the elixirs were very spiritual, the two of them also led the beasts of burden and walked over.

"It turns out to be water method alchemy!"

The two inquired about it for a while and were surprised.

After all, fire-based elixirs are easy to obtain, while water-based elixirs are hard to find.

"Senior, I wonder how to sell this lung moisturizing ointment?"

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