Xiu Ya immediately understood what he meant and retreated slowly.

Later, Ye Yang moved the bluestone slab covering the spiritual well and found that the blue moon spiritual lotus inside was growing vigorously. He was on a mission in Zhangjia's house many years ago.

After killing the giant crocodile with the Zhang family, they obtained several lotus roots of the Blue Moon Spirit Lotus. After years of cultivation, the Blue Moon Spirit Lotus has covered the bottom of the well.

The blue leaves and yellow pistils in the well were filled with mist and looked quite beautiful. He took one out and exposed it to the sun, preparing to grind it into powder after drying.

After doing all this, Ye Yang thought quietly. The attack and almost death made him feel that his performance was a bit eye-catching after breaking through to the warrior realm. Maybe he should keep a low profile.

After all, not everyone is a child of luck like Die Wuhou, who can easily avoid disasters. If it weren't for the thick carapace of Sun Flying Turtle, he would never have escaped with his life.

A drop of cold sweat fell quietly, and Ye Yang quickly thought of a countermeasure.

Soon, a piece of shocking news caused ripples like a pebble dropped into a lake.

It is said that Ye Yang, the protector of the Feitian Sect, was attacked by thieves during this mission. He was seriously injured, his meridians were severed, and he could no longer improve his cultivation.

At the same time, rumors spread that Ye Yang had been seriously injured at this time and fell to the first level of warrior. He lived in seclusion in the hospital every day, often with tears all over his clothes, which was very painful.

The entire Feitian Sect was filled with solemnity.

But Ye Yang still practiced diligently as if he didn't know anything.

In the sect, he finally felt a sense of security that he had not felt for a long time, and his strength was also polished to become stronger with his increasing skills.

When he heard rumors from the outside that he was seriously injured and his meridians were severed, the corners of his mouth showed a nice curve.

Because he knew that his plan had succeeded.

During this period of time, two big news have spread throughout the sect.

First, Zhang Xing, the true disciple of the sect who made corpse clothes, quickly broke through to the martial arts realm with the help of the sect's martial arts elixir.

On the other hand, Li Bayuan, who had always been expected to awaken his destiny as a mysterious person, failed to break through to the warrior realm as he wished, which caused many people to sigh.

At this time, everyone in the sect finally knew the ownership of the two martial arts golden elixirs.

Breaking through from the ventilation realm to the warrior realm is not always smooth sailing.

During this period of time, Li Bayuan was depressed. He heard that he had returned to the Li family, and was planning to rely on the family's strength to purchase another martial arts elixir from the outside world in order to consolidate his realm and break through his cultivation level again.

A dark mountain peak with a bright moon hanging high.

In the dark and simple cave, in the black night, a layer of silver-gray light falls from the sky.

At the entrance of the cave, a young man holding a spear came slowly, it was Dugu Spear.

Since bidding farewell to Feitianmen three months ago, Dugu Qiang has been traveling abroad during this period, preparing to go to the Universiade Dynasty to meet all the heroes in the world and find the evil spirit of joint training.

But I never thought that when I was about to leave, I suddenly had a sudden impulse and occasionally felt something, and followed an ancient scripture to the top of the mountain cliff.

He heard someone say that this was the place where the famous monk Tianzi Qiang practiced thousands of years ago, so he thought of coming here to find out.

He climbed into the dark cave, but there was another space inside. The cliffs were covered with moss and ancient vines, and it was deep.

The Dugu gunman held a long spear and swung a fireball, burning all the dead trees, grass and vines around him.

After the vegetation withered, a large hall appeared in front. In the center of the hall was a withered skeleton that had gone through thousands of years of wind and frost, but was still shining brightly.

There was only a precious jade slip tightly clutched in the withered palm. Dugu Qiang felt something in his heart and was extremely excited, so he hurriedly walked over.

He took the treasure book from the opponent's hand, immersed his consciousness in it, and looked at it carefully, with a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

"This, this is actually the legendary secret weapon - the Emperor's Spear!"

The strongest inheritance succeeded easily. Even though he was always cold, he couldn't help but put a smile on his face and quickly bowed to the withered bones in front of him.

"Senior, I don't know your real name, but I have heard of the name of the Emperor's Gun for a long time. Now that you have been passed down, I have no way to repay you. I can only treat you as a disciple."

After he finished speaking, he shook his hands, created a large pit in the hall, and buried the dead bones in it.

Just when Dugu Qiang finished everything and slowly exited, a mysterious figure wearing a cloak suddenly appeared in the cave.

He watched the Dugu gunman take the jade slip and slowly retreat, with a hint of excitement in his brows.

The chattering and strange laughter spread throughout the cave.

"The fish finally took the bait."


Ye Yang slowly stood up from the Shouzhuo Pavilion and glanced at the Sun Flying Turtle in the courtyard.

Although Zhuri Feigui's condition has improved somewhat in the hospital filled with spiritual energy, he is still unconscious.

Many people came to see him in the past few days, but Ye Yangjun refused to visit because of physical discomfort.

Seeing the situation of Flying Turtle on the Sun, dragging was not an option. Ye Yang thought about it and walked out.

The main hall.

Ye Yang and Gu Xuan sat facing each other.

Seeing Ye Yang coming, Gu Xuan was in a good mood.

"What, but you have something to report to me?"

Ye Yang nodded and said sheepishly: "Master, this visit is not for official business, but for a private matter."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yang told the story about Sun Flying Turtle being seriously injured and unconscious in order to rescue him, and needed treatment from the Purple Lightning Silver Peach Tree.

Gu Xuan frowned when he heard what Ye Yang said, even though Ye Yang and others risked their lives to snatch the purple electric silver peach tree.

However, it was also the life-and-death protection of countless high-level cultivators from the Feitian Sect who were able to snatch the purple electric silver peach tree out of the salivating mouths and bring it to the sect.

Especially the two purple electric silver peaches at the top of the tree are already red and are at a critical moment of growth.

Once the branches are dug out, there will definitely be considerable damage to the purple electric silver peach tree.

But the other party risked his life to get this thing, so he should agree to it no matter what.

After thinking for a while, Gu Xuan said: "The Purple Lightning Silver Peach Tree is now the sect's most inherited treasure. If you want to use this object to rescue the demon pet, you can naturally do it. After all, this object is originally the most powerful one, but those two The peach fruit will be ripe soon.”

"The sect has also spent countless efforts on cultivating it. It is natural to remove the branches at this time. But there is one condition. Half of your share of the silver peaches must be sold to the sect, and the sect will give you a good deal. "

Purple Lightning Silver Peach can help people break through to the martial arts realm. Although it is precious, he also has a complete martial arts golden elixir in his hand, which is even more effective.

So Ye Yang said: "It is as it should be. The sect also spent a lot of effort on this purple electric silver peach. This is what it should be."

Gu Xuan nodded: "I don't know how many people have died for this thing. The predecessors have sacrificed a lot. It's a matter of great importance. It's good that you can understand the truth."

When he said this, he sighed secretly, thinking of the dead Hall Master Helian of the Law Enforcement Hall and the seriously injured Mo Niansheng, as well as the others who were burned to charcoal by Lord Qingming's thunder, but still rushed forward. figure.

Shaking his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, Gu Xuan took Ye Yang to the purple electric silver peach tree with Lord Xinhuo engraved on it beside the hall.

When this purple electric silver peach was first brought back, it was only one foot tall.

After the Feitian Sect invested countless resources, it is now a foot and a half tall, with purple electric sparks flashing, branches and leaves like old copper, and leaf veins clear, which is especially magical.

The two peaches on the top are green with red, and are about to mature.

Gu Xuan took a jade knife and walked to the thickest side branch of the purple electric silver peach.

He waved his hand, and the jade knife exuded a warm luster. With a click, there was only a crisp sound, and he immediately cut off the thumb-thick side branches next to the purple electric silver peach tree.

The entire purple electric silver peach tree suddenly shrank.

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