Give the lateral branches of the purple electric silver peach to Ye Yang.

Gu Xuan said: "Then when the purple electric silver peach matures next year, your share will be accepted by the sect, and we will compensate you at that time."

Ye Yang was quite satisfied. This purple electric silver peach side branch was almost the largest branch in the tree. He put it away. After expressing his gratitude to Gu Xuan, he walked back to the courtyard with the peach branch.

"Elder Bao Chan said that he should boil this thing into plasma."

Ye Yang thought of what Elder Baochan said, took out a side branch, and cut open the bark of the purple electric silver peach, revealing a fibrous wood layer with the texture of jasper inside.

This peach tree is sparkling with electric sparks all over, like old copper, with a bright purple brilliance. Once the bark is cut open, the jasper-colored flesh inside is really beautiful.

Ye Yang separated the bark from the trunk, and then used Kurong's hand to compress its vitality. After a while, the branches of the Purple Lightning Silver Peach had been compressed to less than a foot high.

But once it gets here, it can no longer be compressed, and you can only see the purple plasma inside constantly churning.

Seeing this, Ye Yang directed Xiu Ya to take out a large cauldron, and then lit up a pile of fine iron beast charcoal. The beast charcoal was very powerful and was an important burning material used by the sect to refine elixirs and weapons.

After a while, a clear blue flame burned and rose from the beast charcoal, and hot white gas suddenly came out of the cauldron.

Ye Yang timely threw the purple electric silver peach tree that had been compressed to the extreme in his hand into the cauldron. The flames suddenly rose to a height of ten feet, and the cauldron was filled with plasma.

One moment, two moments...

The flames burned bigger and bigger, and the compressed purple electric silver peach wood chips quickly separated out, revealing only a blue-purple spiritual liquid with crackling electric sparks inside.

The fragrance of wood fills the air, and purple electricity evaporates.

The entire copper tripod was ignited by purple electric sparks. Then Ye Yang removed the flames, and the plasma gradually cooled, and soon formed a special semi-solid object.

Zhuri Feigui was still lying in the courtyard, his breath rising, and he still hadn't woken up. However, if he felt carefully, Ye Yang could feel that Zhuri Feigui's vitality was gradually recovering.

Seeing this, Ye Yang couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

He gently scooped out the semi-solidified plasma and covered it on the turtle's shell. After a while, the aura on the Sun Flying Turtle gradually calmed down, and Ye Yang continued to increase the amount of plasma.

In the evening, with the cool breeze blowing, Flying Turtle finally woke up and turned around in the floating sunset glow, but then fell into a deep sleep again.

Ye Yang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Time flies by with the wind, always as short as a white horse passing by.

During this period of time, there were no major events in the sect. Although the friction with the Five Poison Sect became increasingly intense, both parties still maintained basic restraint.

At the same time, news also spread around. It was said that the Five Poison Sect had contact with Beihai Shenni, one of the thirteen giant pirates in the North Sea.

The current head of the Five Poison Sect traveled thousands of miles to Beihai to go to the Shenni Temple in the North Sea to offer him the gift of a disciple, and also presented the Five Poison Beasts with the purest bloodline of the Five Poison Sect.

It is said that Wu Du Sect is willing to invite Beihai Shenni to serve as the highest worshiper at Wu Du Sect.

For a moment, Bo Orange felt strange, and the atmosphere between Feitian Sect and Wudu Sect became depressed again.

About a week later, Ye Yang was in the hospital.

Ouch! Ouch!

A sound that sounded like a mighty force or a toad's shout came from the body.

The loud sound was like thunder shaking, Ye Yang opened the door and walked into the courtyard.

It was discovered that Zhuri Feigui, who had been recovering all this time, finally slowly woke up.

Although Zhuri Feigui's aura was much weaker and he was still awake, it could be seen that he was no longer seriously injured.

The thunder slurry he refined was constantly flashing with purple electric sparks.

A lot of plasma, which is half condensed and half flowing, gradually turns into a jasper-like mucous membrane.

The mucous membrane was mixed with black impurities and a fishy smell, which was extremely unpleasant.

Ye Yang waved his hand and used the life force that Ku Rong's hand had absorbed for a long time to transfer a ball of life essence to Zhuri Feigui.

Zhuri Feigui's weak body also improved a lot.

Seeing Sun Flying Turtle waking up from his coma, Ye Yang just breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked to the dry well and scooped out a jar of spiritual water. At the same time, he ground the blue moon lotus root that had been dried before into powder and sprinkled it lightly on the body of Zhuri Feigui. The aura of Zhuri Feigui suddenly became more intense. Condensed

After doing all this, Ye Yang asked Xiu Ya to take care of the Sun Flying Turtle, and then he walked into the main hall of the Feitian Sect.

Today, at the beginning of winter, is Feitian Sect’s sect’s grand Dharma gathering.

Ye Yang walked into the main hall and found that many protectors from the sect were waiting here.

Because he is the patrol protector of the Official Affairs Hall, his status is quite extraordinary, and he also holds the key to other people's promotions and welfare approvals.

So after the other guardians saw him, they all came over to say hello immediately in order to become familiar with him.

However, some people also whispered that they heard that Ye Yang was attacked and killed, and his muscles and veins were injured. They didn't know whether it was true or not.

At the same time, some people also took some specialties and deliberately came to get close to them.

"Guardian Ye, this is the fire centipede tendon that is a specialty of Taohuawu. It is the best for nourishing qi and tendons. I will send you a few pieces later to try the effect."

This is Taohuawu's resident guardian law. Hearing that Ye Yang was attacked and killed, his muscles and bones were broken, and his body was ill, so he started to say hello.

After Taohuawu was taken back by the sect, relying on the advantage of the spiritual veins, they vigorously produced, raised a group of centipedes in captivity, and cultivated the Fire Centipede Colt, and it still has a large scale today.

There are more than a hundred fire centipedes alone, but the chief elder of Feitian Sect, Mo Niansheng, has been in poor health recently, as if he has reached the limit of his life. He often stays in and out, which is extremely miserable.

After his last disciple Dugu Qiang left, he often trapped himself in the old house, looking at the moon and crying, becoming weaker and weaker.

After a while, someone else said: "Protector Ye, we have planted a few strong muscle grass in the spiritual field. We will send them to you tomorrow to nourish your body."


Everyone took a breath of cold air. The strong muscle grass was extremely precious and extraordinary.

After a while, someone else spoke.

"Protector Ye, I have collected a few white essence roots, which are known as the surplus food of immortals. They are effective in repairing injuries. You might as well give it a try."

Ye Yang naturally understood what everyone wanted to do, but still clasped his fists: "Thank you, but the injury was caused by external forces..."


After everyone waited in the headmaster's hall for a while, the headmaster Gu Xuan and the three elders walked out slowly.

Since Mo Niansheng stepped down as the Great Elder, the Second Elder Wang Lun became the Great Elder. He was a very ordinary-looking man.

His cultivation was not very profound, only the seventh level of martial arts, but he had a broad face and was diligent and down-to-earth.

He was half bald, but he had a simple and honest face, thick lips, and bright eyes. He was a man who kept the status quo.

The reason why he was able to serve as an elder for many years was that he worked hard and made steady progress.

In the past few years, he has been arranging the business of the Manlong Tribe and Feitianmen, and rarely came back.

He smiled and said, "I haven't been back to the sect for many days. I am very excited to meet you brothers today."

The Second Elder Gu Qingshu and the Third Elder Ge Canhong were already familiar with everyone.

Gu Xuan coughed and said, "This time, all the high-level people above the sect guardian are here. The scale is huge. The reason why everyone is called here is that there is something important to discuss. I believe someone has received the news."

"This matter is related to the long-term planning of Feitianmen, and it cannot be lost."

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