Seeing what Elder Baochan meant, Ye Yang took out two bottles and put them in Elder Baochan's hands.

"Elder, this gift to you can be regarded as a thoughtful gift from a certain family."

Elder Baochan chuckled, did not refuse, accepted it directly, and then said: "In that case, thank you Daoist Ye Ye."

His original intention was to get something from Ye Yang and then sell it.

But after hearing that Ye Yang said that the output of this product was not large and was only enough for his own use, he no longer insisted.

Ye Yang said casually: "Elder Baochan, you have had a difficult journey this time, transporting poison to the boundary of Wudu Gate. Do you want to return to Beihai?"

Elder Bao Chan was a good man. He heard the implication of his words and laughed: "The business route is uncertain and it is impossible to tell accurately."

Ye Yang suddenly showed a look of regret and said.

"I was also thinking of asking Elder Baochan to come to the sect to show his friendship as a landlord, but it seems that there is no such opportunity."

Elder Baochan's suspicion gradually disappeared.

"This matter is of great importance. If there is an opportunity in the future, we will have a drink and have a good time."

The next day.

The sky and the earth turned white, and the vast river wind blew the mist everywhere.

Everyone stood by the stone bridge and waited quietly. When a red sun rose slowly on the horizon, there were some figures on the river in the distance.

After a while, several dry boats and bamboo rafts came slowly from the river.

Elder Bao Chan ordered below: "Everyone, please prepare, the Flying Monkey Clan has arrived."

After he finished speaking, he concentrated his energy and made a huge toad's roar, which could be heard all around.

Soon, the bamboo rafts and bamboo rafts in the river seemed to have received some news, and they quickly rowed the bamboo rafts over.

Seeing this, Elder Bao Chan hurriedly jumped into the boat. The boat sailed very fast on the vast river, and soon it reached the middle of the river.

The man punting the boat was wearing a bamboo hat, which was only as high as a person's waist. Ye Yang saw that these people's claws were really like monkeys, with five fingers and sharp claws.

There is a pair of wings behind them with wing membranes attached to them. They cannot fly, but they can glide through the water.

The flying monkey punting the boat has gray eyebrows and seems to have known Elder Baochan for a long time.

"Elder Baochan, today is the last time we will cooperate. After we send you to the other side, we will move to the ice sea."

Hearing this, Elder Bao Chan couldn't help but be slightly startled.

"Brother Hou, your clan has been living here for hundreds of years, why do you want to move to your ancestral land?"

The white-browed flying monkey sighed: "To be honest, this Tongtian River borders the Universiade Dynasty. Recently, the Demon Suppression Department of the Universiade Dynasty has been visiting frequently. We are no match for them. If we hadn't made an agreement with you, yesterday By then we were gone.”

After sending Ye Yang and a group of others to the opposite side of the river, the white-browed flying monkey at the head clasped his fists and said: "Elder Baochan, see you later. The road to the rivers and lakes is far away, so it is better to fly high. If we are destined to have a drink someday, we can have a good time."

Elder Baochan also clasped his fists: "Everyone in the world meets you, there is no place in the world where you don't meet you."

After the two said goodbye to each other, the White-browed Flying Monkey flapped its wings and roared, and countless flying monkeys with thin wings flew out from the entire river.

They dragged their families with them, some carried their wives and children on their backs, and some carried large and small bags, jumped onto dry boats and bamboo rafts, and whizzed away towards the vast north.

Seeing the Flying Monkey Clan go away, everyone hurriedly opened a road. The Baochan Chamber of Commerce has walked this road countless times, so the journey was safe and there was no other danger.

After traveling for another seven or eight days, they were already tired from traveling and traveling.

Ye Yang looked up and saw that he had reached the boundary of Fengyu Tower.

He looked up and saw a large black hole in the mountains ahead. Gangfeng Xunxun was the Black Wind Cave where the red light had been sent. The Feitianmen Fengyu Tower jointly destroyed its headquarters, and harvested the evil spirit guided by Gangfeng here. source.

However, Ye Yang did not disturb everyone, but pretended to be unaware and continued to move forward with the Chamber of Commerce.

It seemed that he was almost reaching his destination. Elder Baochan finally relaxed and said calmly: "There are four sects in this realm. Although they do not have the background to suppress real people, their strength should not be underestimated. The Feitian Sect I mentioned before , right in front.”

"In the past few years, the sects here were led by the Five Poison Sect. However, a few years ago, the Feitian Sect gradually rose up. The whereabouts of the head of the Five Poison Sect were unknown. The great elder who had reached the martial arts level was killed by a strange monster, and he was in ruins. "

Ye Yang nodded and listened carefully to Elder Baochan's analysis.

After walking for a few days, Ye Yang arrived at the boundary of Feitianmen. He hugged Elder Baochan and said, "Elder Baochan, I still have some things to do. I would like to say goodbye to you all, and thank you very much." Give me a ride this time.”

Elder Baochan waved his hand: "Fellow Taoist, we were just kidding. It's still the same saying. The world is a long way from here. If we meet again someday, if we are destined, we will meet again."

After saying that, the two said goodbye.

Ye Yang walked non-stop towards the boundary of Feitianmen. Elder Baochan looked at his hurried figure and couldn't help but shook his head.

"The Feitian Sect is no small matter. Although this person has broken through to the warrior realm at a young age, he is still a bit young. The Purple Lightning Silver Peach Tree is not easy to plot."

He thought that Ye Yang was here to say goodbye to everyone, but to plot the purple electric silver peach tree in Feitianmen to treat his demon pet.

In Feitian Gate, a group of people were sitting in the main hall, and the atmosphere was tense.

The person at the top was withered and thin, wearing a black robe. His fingers kept tapping on the table, making a thumping sound.

"So, you still haven't found anyone."

Yang Xing, who was sitting under the command, said obediently: "Master, we have searched for thousands of miles, but we still can't find any trace of Protector Ye."

Gu Xuan slammed the teacup in his hand to the ground with a snap.

"The Thirteen Giant Bandits of the North Sea are really abominable. That day Dao Song Que, a high-level cultivator who has been famous for many years, went to sneak attack a newcomer in the martial arts realm. They really don't take my Feitian Sect seriously."

Yang Xing and Ye Yang went to escort Yu Hu back to the sect, but they were attacked. When the news of his missing person came, the entire sect was in an uproar.

Many high-level officials mobilized their disciples to search hurriedly, and finally found a trace of clues in the battle field. The person who took action turned out to be Song Que, the top disciple of Beihai Shenni, one of the thirteen giants of Beihai.

The opponent has been condensing evil energy for many years, and has reached the late martial arts stage and is very powerful.

Gu Xuan originally thought Ye Yang was dead, but after searching everywhere, no trace of Ye Yang was found.

"Master, I think the Five Poison Sect is still determined to kill us, so why not find an opportunity to kill the Five Poison Sect."

Third Elder Ge Canhong suggested.

The Five Poison Sect and Feitian Sect have been enemies of life and death for a long time, but now the relationship has eased.

But recently, the Five Poison Sect has received support from the Thirteen Giant Bandits of Beihai and has become rampant again.

"Now is not the time. You need to know that centipede insects are dead but not stiff."

"Protector Ye is the mainstay of our official affairs hall. I sincerely request to recall the disciples outside the official affairs hall to carefully investigate and expand the search scope."

Gu Xuan nodded.

The new head of the Law Enforcement Hall, Wang Sandao, also said: "The loss of this son is the loss of our Feitian Sect. The Law Enforcement Hall also recommends expanding the search scope."

"Their father and son have sacrificed a lot for the sect, and they even captured the Purple Lightning Silver Peach. They are great contributors to the sect. No matter what, we cannot give up and continue to search, at all costs, to see people alive or to see corpses."

Gu Xuan made the final decision.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Master, Protector Ye has arrived outside the sect."


Hearing this, Gu Xuan was shocked.

"Take me there quickly."

At the Feitian Gate, Ye Yang returned to his previous attire, with a sword on his back, and behind him was the huge body of the Sun Flying Turtle.

Gu Xuan was very excited to see Ye Yang intact.

"I personally killed the person who attacked you. Where have you been during this time? Why is there no information coming from you?"

Ye Yang then recounted his experiences, and after a pause, he wanted to tell the story of the collusion between the Five Poison Sect and the Thirteen Beihai Bandits, as well as the transportation of poisons by the Five Poison Sect.

However, the large number of people here might leak the news, so after thinking about it, he still did not say it.

After bidding farewell to the leader Gu Xuan, Ye Yang returned to the courtyard alone.

It was midsummer at this time. When he walked into the courtyard, he suddenly felt something different.

The spiritual energy in the entire courtyard has reached an astonishing level.

Looking up, Ye Yang discovered that the old persimmon tree planted in his courtyard was as vigorous as a dragon, and its leaves were burning like flames.

The branches are already dotted with lantern-like fruits.

The Shouzhuo Pavilion under the old persimmon tree was covered with a layer of fallen leaves, and a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and snow-white complexion was practicing Qi.

Xiu Ya felt Ye Yang's return, opened her eyes, a hint of surprise flashed across her face, and stood up hurriedly: "Master, you are finally back. I heard others said that you died in the battle, which really makes me worried. "

After saying that, she hugged Ye Yang tightly with her full body. Ye Yang gently stroked her back and said, "It's not a problem, it's not a problem."

After finishing speaking, he spoke again.

"I'm not here during this period, but who will come to see me?"

Xiu Ya shook her head: "Uncle Bai came here a few times, but he never came back after going out on a mission. The other protectors, deacons, disciples, etc. also came to pay their respects."

Ye Yang nodded: "Don't spread the news about my return yet."

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