Time was precious, and the Baochan Chamber of Commerce would be leaving in half an hour, so he quickly returned to the Jiang family.

When he returned to Jiang's house, Jiang Ling was lying on a bamboo chair basking in the sun. Ye Yang told him his intention. Jiang Ling did not refuse, but was quite enthusiastic.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I already understand what you are asking for. Elder Bao Chan has quite a relationship with me, and you are an innocent person. This matter is not difficult, just leave it to me."

After finishing speaking, he stood up shakily from the bamboo chair and took Ye Yang out to Wuyang Town.

Elder Baochan's face was covered with small yellowish pimples, similar to a toad's coat. Although he looked like a toad, his voice was thunderous and loud.

When he saw Ye Yang following Jiang Ling, he spoke with a thunderous voice: "Fellow Daoist Jiang doesn't know who this is..."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "Elder Baochan, this is my guest from the Jiang family - Fellow Daoist Ye. This time he is going to Shanhai City. The journey is the same as yours, but it is difficult to go alone, so he thought of asking Fellow Daoist to take a package with him. take along."

When Elder Baochan heard this, he did not respond immediately. Instead, he thought about it in his mind. The trade route was dangerous. In order to avoid thieves causing trouble, he rarely traveled with outsiders.

However, Jiang Ling had quite a friendship with him and had a cooperative relationship with the Baochan Chamber of Commerce. Elder Baochan laughed, thought for a while and agreed.

After all, businessmen always welcome people from all directions, and since the other party has the Baichanshan Jiang family as a guarantee, he is not a bad person.

He sensed it carefully and said: "Fellow Daoist Ye is also a high-level cultivator in the martial arts realm. If he follows us, we will take advantage."

He has a part of the bloodline of a three-legged golden toad, and he also has the spiritual vision of a toad. He sensed it carefully, but the opponent's aura was as deep as a mountain, and he couldn't sense the specific mana aura. He only felt that it was as stable as a mountain, and the mana was condensed, which was extraordinary.

"This is strange. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary martial arts masters to hide their spiritual skills under my spiritual vision. Why can't this person always see the depth?"

"I don't dare, Elder Baochan is too polite. This trip is a long way, so I would like to thank Elder Baochan for taking me with him."

Several people met and exchanged some pleasantries together. They talked about some cultivation experiences. Facing this practitioner of the three-legged golden toad bloodline, Ye Yang felt that the opportunity was not to be missed and it was the time to ask for advice.

So he raised some confusions in the process of practicing Tian Chan's Eight Changes of Qi.

In order to draw parallels.

After hearing that Ye Yang also practiced toad-like techniques, Elder Baochan's brows suddenly became a little closer.

After some conversation, Ye Yang found out that the elder Baochan was already at the fifth level of martial arts and was about to reach the realm of evil spirits.

Bao Chan was also slightly surprised when he heard that he had reached the second level of warrior realm.

Then he showed a hint of joy. It was always a good thing to have a strong man join the caravan.

After all, Wuyang Town is not a big place and there are not many monks. The Baochan Chamber of Commerce stayed here briefly for an hour and bought some special spiritual products, and then set off on the journey again.

Ye Yang was arranged to sit on the back of the huge red-scaled centipede, not far from Elder Bao Chan.

Elder Bao Chan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw a giant turtle the size of the Eight Immortals' Table being dragged behind him.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, this is..."

Ye Yang opened the package, revealing the huge body of the Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle inside, and then said: "To be honest with the elders, this is my mount. It was just injured by someone and is still unconscious. I have to carry it with me and think about returning." Please ask someone from the sect to treat you."

"Oh? Which sect does Fellow Daoist Ye come from?"

Ye Yang pondered for a moment. Nowadays, the relationship between Feitian Sect and Wudu Sect is not harmonious, and the other party came to help Wudu Sect deliver poisons in order to avoid possible trouble.

He picked up a name casually: "It comes from the Wulian Sect, which is not a big sect. It's normal that Elder Baochan has never heard of it."

"This sect is indeed quite unfamiliar."

Elder Bao Chan did not have any doubts, but instead focused his attention on the unconscious Zhuri Feigui again.

"I'm also proficient in controlling beasts. Why don't you let me see what's going on?"

"Of course this is what it should be. Please take a look at it, Elder Baochan."

Elder Bao Chan walked up to the Sun Flying Turtle and carefully observed the shell of the Sun Flying Turtle. After a long time, he sighed.

Ye Yang frowned slightly when he heard this, and his heart became solemn.

"Elder Baochan, but the situation is not optimistic."

Elder Baochan sighed slightly, carefully touched the sun-chasing turtle's body that was almost cut in half by the sword energy on its back, and shook his head.

"The person who took action is really powerful. This sword energy can not only destroy the physical body, but also destroy the soul. Fortunately, the tortoise's shell is strong, and the Taoist friend used special spiritual skills to hang his life, so he can survive to this day."

"I wonder if there is a way to save it?

"Although this turtle's trauma is serious, it is easy to treat. The most difficult part is that the soul was injured by the sword energy, which is the most difficult to treat."

After a pause, he thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "I really want to treat him, but it's not impossible to do anything."

Ye Yang was overjoyed and quickly gave a gift.

"Please let the elders make it clear."

"Although this method is feasible, it is too difficult."

Elder Bao Chan said: "There is a sect near our destination called Feitianmen. There is a purple electric silver peach tree planted in the sect. This thing is extremely strong and yang, containing the creation of thunder. If you can use this wood to cook Turn it into plasma and soak the tortoise shell for three days, and the danger will be resolved."

After finishing speaking, he sighed leisurely: "It's just that there are many masters in the Feitian Sect, and the Purple Lightning Silver Peach is the treasure of the sect. It is the most important thing. It is extremely difficult to obtain. I heard that the sect is doing this for this reason." Shu just beat a senior who is a real person to death, it’s really terrifying!”

After he finished speaking, he looked frightened for a while, as if he could already feel the earth-shattering impact of that battle.

After all, he came from out of town, and he had only heard about the Feitian Sect, but he didn't know that the person in front of him was the guardian of the Feitian Sect.

Ye Yang didn't want to reveal his identity and sighed: "The Feitian Sect is indeed no small matter. Although it is difficult, there is always a hope at least, which is better than running around like headless flies."

Elder Bao Chan nodded, he had already told him the method, and whether it could succeed was beyond his consideration.

The two of them talked and walked along the way, and it was already several sunrises and sunsets before they knew it.

The Baochan Chamber of Commerce has a fixed route to the Five Poison Sect. Every year, they follow this route from south to north, and then from east to west.

It was quite a hard journey.

There are jagged rocks and deep vegetation on the mountain road. It is already a hot summer day.

It was cold in the mountains, and many wild flowers were just beginning to bloom. It was raining lightly, so everyone put on their raincoats and speeded up the beasts to carry the cart, not daring to slow down their journey.

After crossing several mountains, everyone crossed an old stone bridge and arrived at the vast, endless Tongtian River.

It was raining lightly, and the Tongtian River stretched as far as the eye could see. White mist filled the air, making it difficult to see the true face of the river.

Elder Baochan called on everyone to start cooking in the ground, and soon a fragrant smell came from the place.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark and the heavy rain was coming, Elder Baochan took out a pot of spiritual wine and walked to Ye Yang's side.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, I'm a little shabby when I go out, please forgive me."

Ye Yang shook his head: "Whatever Elder Bao Chan said can bring me to this point. It is already the most benevolent and righteous, so there is no need to complain."

Elder Bao Chan laughed loudly: "I will introduce to you that this is the red mushroom wine of Lilliput. It is shocking to say that it is made from fermented mushrooms. The wine is delicious and mixed with the natural fragrance of the mountains. You might as well try it. ”

Ye Yang was surprised to hear that mushrooms could also be used to make wine.

"Sure enough, there are all kinds of wonders in the world."

Elder Baochan said: "The Tongtian River is turbulent and there are many monsters. We might as well stay here for one night. When early tomorrow morning, there will be people from the Flying Monkey tribe coming to make a living by ferrying people across the vast river."

"After we hand over the spirit stone, we can take a bamboo raft, cross the Tongtian River, and then travel thousands of miles eastward to the boundary of the Five Poison Sect."

Ye Yang nodded: "But it depends on the arrangements of Elder Baochan."

During this period of time, Ye Yang had to use his hands every day in the caravan, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and the air of withering grass and trees, and his injuries had healed to some extent.

In addition, Tianchan Qi likes water to be close to trees. At this moment, the vast Tongtian River is rolling in, and the sound of water rushing along the riverbank in this outline adds a sense of closeness and affection.

Ye Yang sat on the stone cliff by the river, sitting cross-legged and practicing.

The half-demon finally walked through the difficult mountain road and relaxed one by one. Then they set up their tents and had a great time drinking, eating meat, throwing pots, and wrestling in the tents.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the surging river waves moved with the wind. But when he saw the sky and the earth were the same color, with silvery gray everywhere, stars twinkling, and the Milky Way hanging upside down, Ye Yang couldn't help but think of something.

"Send a mayfly to the heaven and earth, a drop in the vast ocean."

He sighed softly. Compared to this vast sky, people are really insignificant, even monks.

Even if a person is as strong as a real person, if he swallows a golden elixir, his life span is only 600, which is really nothing compared to this vast world.

Elder Baochan on the side had not yet rested. Hearing Ye Yang's words, he then said: "What a mayfly sent to the heaven and earth, a drop in the vast ocean."

"Ye Daoyou has a broad mind, has the ambition to swallow up the heaven and the earth, and contains the heart of the universe. Just from this sentence, you can see that his mind is extraordinary."

Ye Yang shook his head: "Elder Baochan is so ridiculous. These are the words of the ancients. I just felt them occasionally."

Elder Bao Chan showed a hint of embarrassment: "Fellow Daoist Ye, I see that the white powder you have been using in the past few days is very effective in rejuvenating bones and tendons and treating trauma. I don't know what it is."

Ye Yang took out a packet of paper and slowly unfolded it. There was a faint blue light among the white powder.

He said: "This is the powder of Blue Moon Spirit Lotus, which is best at treating trauma."

"It turns out that it was made by Blue Moon Spirit Lotus. How can I say that the effect is so good?"

During this period, someone was occasionally injured on the trade route. Ye Yang took out the powder to treat the injury. The effect was surprisingly effective.

His eyes were shining. After all, when traveling on the business road, it was inevitable to encounter various dangers.

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