Ye Yang stood on the mound. Although the mound was not big, it was extremely steep.

These people were still a short distance away from Ye Yangshang. They crossed the cliff directly, walked on the snow, and came towards Ye Yang.

Ye Yang originally did not want to conflict with these people, but the five Arctic insects were very fast and were around him in an instant.

"Friends, we have neither interests nor grudges. There are many treasures in this immortal barrier. How about we let each other go? One more friend is always better than one more enemy."

Ye Yang spoke to the little monster from Northern Xinjiang. Before the little monster from Northern Xinjiang could be seen, the five people were anxious to protect their master and hurriedly spoke.

"What qualifications do you have to be friends with my master?"

"My master is extremely beautiful and powerful. He doesn't need friends."

"That is, you are only worthy of being my master's slave."

The five people answered in unison, giggling wildly, and then their figures moved and criss-crossed, like butterflies piercing flowers, attacking Ye Yang on the back of the demon elephant.

Ye Yang shook his head, but before he could make any move, the demonic elephant under his crotch raised its head to the sky and roared, and a loud roar came out, like thunder, shaking for ten miles.

The next moment, accompanied by the roar of thunder and thunder, there was also a huge body.

The demon elephant opened its mouth and sucked it in, then chewed up the person on the left and swallowed it in his mouth.

The hands, which were as thick as houses, quickly waved out, pinched the two people tightly, and tore them apart. The two people were immediately divided into two halves, turning into a bloody mist.

The demonic elephant was like a Vajra warrior holding up the sky. He hit the ground with his arms, and snow waves flew around him. A storm suddenly arose, and the remaining two people were immediately swept away.

After a while, they were all scooped into the hands of the demon elephant, stuffed into his mouth and slurped up like beans.

Five people! There is almost no power to fight back, and it is destroyed in an instant.

Ye Yang shook his head.

"It's hard to persuade a ghost who is seeking death!"

Seeing this scene, the little monster from Northern Xinjiang couldn't help but tremble with his left hand holding the blood knife, his face was greatly shaken, and his pupils shrank.

The Five Arctic Insects were personally trained by him. Although they are not very strong, all five of them have the realm of ventilation above the eighth level. They are connected with each other and have combined attack formations.

But at this moment, facing the object demon, he had no power to fight back.

No wonder everyone spreads the rumor that this foreigner is almost as powerful as this Elephant Demon.

There was a trace of solemnity on his face.

It was really unwise to fight life and death with such strong men for the sake of the few girls in front of them, so he shouted loudly, cupping his fists.

"Brother Dao, the cultivation level of this demon elephant is really extraordinary. But without the demon elephant, I can see how rampant you will be. Say goodbye to today and see you tomorrow!"

This man was a smart man, and his original intention was to use the Five Arctic Insects to test Ye Yang. If the other party was weak, he would take away his harvest.

Seeing that Ye Yang had no choice but to see that the opponent's strength was not trivial, he refused to fight.

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang gave a weird laugh and waved to the remaining people.

Those people glared at Ye Yang, then used people as horses to pull the Northern Xinjiang monster's carriage and slowly moved forward.

After seeing this group of people leaving, Ye Yang just drove the demon elephant to run to the two female cultivators from Fengyu Tower.

The condition of the two female cultivators was not very good. Both of them had pale faces and pale faces.

Although all of them have snow-white skin, slender figures, and are dressed in palace attire, they all have injuries on their bodies and have difficulty moving.

In particular, there was a short-haired woman with a sassy and heroic appearance and huge and plump breasts. Her chest was injured by a sword energy and was stained with blood. The snow-white lining inside is exposed,

She has snow-white skin and is full of heroic spirit. She has short brown hair and bangs that are above her eyebrows. She is handsome and neat.

Ye Yang looked at this woman a little stunned.

For some reason, he always felt that he had seen this woman before, but he just couldn't remember it.

The short-haired woman was stared at by Ye Yang, feeling a little embarrassed and her face turned red.

At this moment, when he saw Ye Yang riding a demon elephant, he said weakly and softly: "Thank you...Senior Brother Ye, no, Protector Ye for the rescue."

Ye Yang nodded: "Do you know me?"

The woman bit her lip and said, "I am Bai Zhi, a descendant of the Bai family. It's just that Bai Guyue's animal heart admires the evil god, so she sacrificed all her family members to the evil god and practiced magic. When the accident happened, I happened to be worshiping in the Fengyu Tower. , was able to escape."

The Bai family is a taboo in Feitianmen. Ye Yang didn't want to say more and said to a few people: "You guys are seriously injured. Come up to the demon elephant. I will heal your injuries."

After hearing what Ye Yang said, the two people quickly climbed onto the elephant's back and sat on the demon elephant. They were quite curious and kept looking around.

They had heard the name of this elephant demon countless times, but this was the first time they sat on it. They kept stroking it with their hands. The Sun Flying Turtle opened its mouth and spit out a ball of clear light, which enveloped the two of them.

The two of them felt tired and exhausted, and were amazed. They did not expect that the turtle flying in the air could have such a wonderful method.

The two took out some elixirs to bribe it, and the Sun Flying Turtle was very useful. He swallowed the elixirs in one gulp, with a look of enjoyment on his face, and the aura he swallowed became even more powerful.

Both of these two female cultivators are graceful and graceful, with cold and gorgeous faces. Sitting on the demon elephant, there is a pleasant feminine fragrance coming from them.

Ye Yang distributed the lotus root powder of Blue Moon Spirit Lotus to everyone, and the external injuries on their bodies gradually stopped.

"Protector Ye, not far ahead is Yezhiwu, where the purple sage appears."

"It's actually Purple Savage Shiba?"

Ye Yang was astonished that the purple sage had extremely strong vitality and could provide decades of life to dying people.

It is a rare life-extending treasure of heaven and earth. If it were born in the outside world, even the powerful in the realm of real people would be moved.

Bai Zhi looked at Ye Yang's side face and saw that although he was not handsome, he was extremely tough, had a resolute face, had practiced hard for many years, and had a masculine look.

She couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart. Only then did she remember that she and her friend Li Ziyan had been hiking on Feitianmen Moli Mountain before.

There was a wicked man who was destroying flowers and branches along the way, which was quite similar to the leaf protector in front of him.

She shook her head and quickly dismissed the idea from her mind.

"What a heroic figure Protector Ye is, how could he do such evil things!"

Ye Yang pulled the chain on the demon elephant's back, and the elephant demon immediately started galloping in the snow, stirring up a burst of snowflakes.

The demon elephant ran farther and farther away. After running for a while, the snow on the ground gradually decreased, revealing half of the weeds that had emerged from the snow.

Ye Yang looked up and saw that this place was located on a plain. The grass could cover the horses' hooves, and the howls of wild wolves could be heard from time to time.

Walking through the weeds, the sky turned from dark to bright at this moment. The sun set in the west and hung on the horizon, full of fiery red sunset glow.

At first, the road was deserted, but as the speed of the few people became faster and faster, a barren slope of a towering mountain appeared in front of them.

Although it is majestic and huge, there is no grass growing on it. The terrain is like a phoenix, spreading its wings and ready to fly.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of people had been waiting for a long time.

Some people were full of energy, their hair was loose, and their demonic aura was soaring to the sky.

There are also people who are calm and peaceful, waiting quietly with a piano and a sword behind them.

Especially the few people standing in front looked like gods and demons, exuding a powerful aura that made the people around them stay away.

There was a graceful woman in front of her, with fat hips and a slim waist, a snow-white complexion, smeared with rouge and lipstick, her limbs were naked, with golden necklaces tied on them, and colorful ribbons flying all over her body.

She sits on a white lotus-shaped chariot, surrounded by two teams of vajra warriors and goddesses, holding conchs, small drums, trumpets and other musical instruments, playing and beating.

Ye Yang couldn't help but think of the Bodhisattva of Great Joy and Bodhisattva, but there was still a big gap between this woman's cultivation and the Bodhisattva of Great Joy and Bodhisattva of Bodhisattva.

In addition, Ye Yang also saw the white-bones Hua Dan sitting in the sedan chair and being carried by everyone. She was wearing a Hua Dan red dress and had a folding fan, babbling, as if she was singing softly.

It's just that the old man with a war spear is not accompanying the white-bone Hua Dan.

Although the number of people was small, they were still in high spirits. Sitting in the sedan chair, there was an astonishing and strange aura coming from them.

Ye Yang and others rode the demon elephant, running at very fast speeds. The ground shook, attracting the attention of many people. Everyone looked back and was surprised.

"It seems to be the famous demon elephant!"

"The monk riding on him seems to be called Yang. He is a master of the martial arts realm."

"Yes, that's him. Although he is not famous, this demonic elephant under his crotch is really too famous."

"I heard that the relationship between Feitianmen and Fengyulou is good. Maybe he wants to rescue the female cultivator named Lingshuang."

"I heard that he collected a lot of elixirs during this period, so he must have a lot of good things in his hands. It is said that his strength is superior to that of the Elephant Demon.

"Confused! He can subdue the elephant demon, which shows that his cultivation is definitely not weak."

Others objected.

Only a few young people were very excited and wiped the sweat from their foreheads when they saw the demon elephant coming.

Facing this group of majestic demons, they felt physically and mentally exhausted.

"Senior Brother Ye, it's me here! Wang Huan."

"And me, Yan Qingying."

Hearing the familiar voice reaching his ears, Ye Yang looked up and found two familiar people, Yan Qingying and Wang Huan.

He had worried about everyone's safety before, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them were unharmed.

However, their faces were pale, and they had obviously suffered many battles. Now that they saw him coming, their faces finally relaxed.

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang on one side looked at Ye Yang slowly approaching, his expression a little ugly.

Just now he sat down on the Arctic Five Worms and attacked Ye Yang, but he was eaten alive by the elephant demon who sat down without even touching his clothes.

So at this moment, without knowing Ye Yang's depth.

He backed away slightly, not wanting to think of a head-on conflict. Instead, he instigated the people on the side to test Ye Yang's depth.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you are really brave. I heard that a powerful descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist wanted to kill you and save the demon elephant. I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in front of everyone."

Ye Yang cupped his fist at the monster from Northern Xinjiang and spoke slowly.

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