The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 126 White Lotus Concubine Marrow Cleansing Spirit Fruit

"Then it's nothing for you to worry about."

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang stared at him for a few times, snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

"Hey! Isn't this the little lover from the Feitian Sect? How long has it been since I last saw you, and yet he used the magic elephant to hook up with a group of little sluts?"

"Why, our great physical goddess dually cultivates the secret method, isn't it to your liking?"

The graceful woman sitting in the white lotus chariot spoke of tigers and wolves as soon as she opened her mouth, which made the surrounding people laugh obscenely.

This is the third disciple of the Bodhisattva Great Joy, White Lotus Concubine.

She is bent over, her curves are alluring, and her training is terrifying. She wants to give birth to a white lotus from lust, and she has reached the realm of martial arts very early.

Hearing this, Ye Yang did not take her seriously. She had seen the banshee who sat down with the Great Joyful Bodhisattva, and she had already understood their habits.

But the women behind him had never heard of these tiger and wolf words, and their faces turned rosy for a moment.

It's not a refutation, it's not a refutation, it's not a word.

Ye Yang acted as if there was no one around, stepped forward, and poured a ball of life essence into Yan Qingying and Wang Huan, making them feel much better immediately.

After guiding the two of them to the Elephant Demon, Ye Yang said, "Everyone, have you ever met fellow Daoist Ling Shuang from Fengyu Tower?"

No one said anything, but some people ridiculed: "What a Feng Yu Tower, a third-rate sect from nowhere, I've never heard of it."

There are also people who see Ye Yang as extraordinary and want to make friends.

"But that female cultivator, who was covered in cold air, held a long frost sword and chased the purple savage into the mountains. She has not been seen for a long time."

"Senior Brother Ye, please leave quickly. I heard that a powerful successor of the Elephant Demon Fist wants to cause trouble for you."

On the back of the demon elephant.

Yan Qingying spoke with great concern.

Ye Yang shook his head. He didn't expect that this matter would spread so quickly. The goat demon really deserved to die.

Now everyone knows that there is a descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist who is going to cause trouble for him.

But the problem is, how can he cause trouble for himself.

In the vast grassland, the mountain range in front of us is majestic and abrupt.

There was no grass growing on it. The strong wind blew, but something rustled. No one knew what was hidden inside.

This is the reason why everyone stopped outside the mountain gate and was unwilling to go in.

Everyone kept looking inside, wanting to take action, but they didn't dare.

"Hey! Fellow Taoists, let me tell you the truth. In addition to the purple sage, there are also traces of the marrow-washing fruit inside."

The white-bone Hua Dan at the front comes from the demon kingdom on earth. She is well-informed. She sings, chants, and beats. Her voice is quite dramatic and she speaks out reminders.

"Yes, some people did see a towering ancient tree in the mountains, with three marrow-washing spiritual fruits hanging on the ancient tree."

Concubine Bai Lian spoke.

After hearing the words "Marrow Cleansing Spirit Fruit", everyone's breathing became a little heavier.

Even Ye Yang is no exception. As we all know, qualifications are determined by fate and are difficult to change the day after tomorrow.

Why are the supreme sect Jiutian Sect’s peerless disciples emerging one after another and being talked about by everyone.

It is because its Zongzong-Suppressing Technique - the Supreme Embryo Transformation Technique can enhance a person's basic qualifications, and can be said to be the greatest treasure among treasures.

In addition to this secret of the sect that is not passed down, there are a few heavenly materials and earthly treasures that also have this magical effect, and the Marrow Cleansing Spirit Fruit is one of them.

"Everyone, please listen to me. It's okay to pay back the purple sage. I think you are not young enough to enter the realm of immortality, but the marrow-washing fruit is the foundation of enlightenment. You must not let it go."

"There is more than one Marrow Cleansing Spirit Fruit. We might as well work together to pick this fruit."

She walked out of the chariot, dressed in red, with a skull on top of her head and a folding fan, which was quite extraordinary.

Everyone nodded hastily.

However, Ye Yang's expression changed. He was riding a scaly demon elephant, which was extremely outstanding. If he were in front, he would be the best among them all.

Therefore, he controlled the demon elephant to take a few steps back, not wanting to step forward to interfere.

But he was thinking about what method to use to seize this spiritual fruit.

"There is a forbidden area ahead. We might as well take action together."

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang waved the puppet red string in his right hand, glanced at the demon elephant that Ye Yang was sitting on, and made a suggestion.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, this demonic elephant is majestic and majestic, with unparalleled power and extremely strong defensive power. It is better to let the elephant demon lead the way, and I will wait for you at the back. The marrow-washing fruit will be selected by Friend Daoist Ye first."

Ye Yang shook his head: "This is absolutely impossible."

There were many dangers ahead, and he didn't want the demon to fall into danger.

When reminded by the monster from Northern Xinjiang, everyone was greatly moved and looked at the demon elephant with burning eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you originally lured this demonic elephant into breaking the precepts, why do you cherish it so much! All the heroes are here, and everyone will be grateful for your help. Besides, when the successor of the Elephant Demonic Fist comes to find it, maybe this demonic elephant will bite back. "

This sentence was intended to provoke conflict between everyone and Ye Yang. Ye Yang sneered and then said.

"Whether I am a demonic elephant, good or bad, alive or dead, what does it have to do with you? Don't say that I didn't lure him to break the precepts. Even if I did the temptation, what does it have to do with you, an ugly monster, a bastard, and a little pervert? ”

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang has a distinguished status, and Ye Yang scolded him face to face. He was speechless after being contradicted, and couldn't help but look ugly, but he still said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, to tell you the truth, I have a close relationship with the successor of Demon Elephant Fist, so you really Aren't you afraid that the descendant of the Demon Elephant will cause trouble for you?"

"A ghost can never be against you."

Ye Yang cursed secretly and still shook his head.

The scene came to a standstill for a moment. The little monster from Northern Xinjiang wanted to take the lead and let everyone force Ye Yang to submit, but no one who could stand here was a fool.

Therefore, no one is willing to step forward and take the lead.

After everyone paused for a while, someone finally couldn't resist the temptation of the marrow-washing fruit inside and slowly walked into the mountain.

Perhaps this man stirred something, the mountains in front of him trembled, and then a huge tree showed its true appearance in the clouds and mist.

Hundreds of feet high, the tree bark bursts out, and its scales rise like a blue dragon. The sacred light is densely covered, the auspicious energy is transpiring, and there are colorful rays of light flashing, and even the entire sky becomes crystal clear.

But the most eye-catching thing is not this old tree, but a fist-thick, withered tree that is as tall as a person growing in front of the old tree.

Three fist-sized wild fruits, similar to pineapples, hung from the trunk. They absorbed the auspicious glow of the old tree and shone brightly.

The fruit tree of this marrow-washing spirit fruit has withered. I am afraid that these three will be picked for the last time. Once this time is over, the sacred object will disappear and completely dissipate in the human world.

More and more people are pouring into it.

Ye Yang said to the people on his back.

"You have not yet broken through to the realm of warriors. There will be a heated battle right now. Don't get involved and leave quickly."

The people on the back nodded, jumped off the demon elephant, and headed in the opposite direction.

Ye Yang hesitated for a while, then rode the demon elephant, followed everyone, and walked in slowly.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound in the sky and the earth, which made people's hair stand on end. They didn't know what it was.

Ye Yang raised his head and suddenly saw six huge bloody lanterns in front of him.

The next moment, he saw clearly that these were not lanterns, but the eyes of some unknown creature.

It is extremely huge, with barbs all over its body and a shape like feathers. Its head is similar to a three-headed giant bird, but its body is like a snake.

He has a strong body and extremely violent aura. As soon as he appears, he exhales a demonic wind and swallows a group of people directly into his mouth.

This seems to be a naturally raised monster that only exists in the Immortality Barrier and has never been seen by the outside world.

It roared and flew towards the crowd. Three heads were sprayed out, and six beams of light quickly splashed up a cloud of smoke, as if flames were burning.

In the blink of an eye, a martial artist monk was burned to ashes, and a sinister aura filled the air.

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang and the Boneless Hua Dan snorted coldly. One person swung out countless puppet red threads and turned them into a giant net, restricting the giant monster's figure.

Another person took out a folding fan and performed ghostly movements while chanting and beating.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

However, the attacks of the two were extremely limited against the giant monster. The three heads shook, and then they began to move freely again.

"What is this?"

"Why are you so strong?"

Someone spoke, but no one knew the strange name.

"Everyone take action together!"

The monster from Beijiang roared in front, but the people behind him did not respond.

Killing the demons is naturally the top priority, but their most important goal is the marrow-washing fruit in front of them.

The battlefield ahead is in full swing.

Ye Yang took a deep breath. The sword behind him was sharp, but he did not attack immediately.

In front of him, the giant monster, the northern monster, and the White-bone Huadan were fighting each other. It was his best idea to pick the marrow-washing spirit fruit.

However, the two of them also wanted to divert trouble to the east, and soon led the three monsters to Ye Yang's side.

The stench filled the air and flooded Ye Yang's body.

Ye Yang was shocked, and a huge Heavenly Toad appeared behind him. When the Heavenly Toad screamed, all his mana surged out, dispersing the bloody and vicious aura.

The elephant demon groaned to the sky and stretched out its big hand like a small house to touch the monster.

But the next moment, he was knocked away. At the moment of being knocked away, Ye Yang looked like a ghost and looked like a white ape. He quickly jumped to the side of the Marrow Washing Spirit Fruit and stretched out his hand to pick off one.

"What a thief, he actually wants to get there first."

Ye Yang used his tactics to attack the east and attack the west, but no one understood what he meant.

A group of people were furious and attacked him one after another.

In an emergency, Ye Yang carried a sword on his back and used his left hand to kill hundreds of people with one strike. He swung out an infinite sword light that spread out one after another, forming a vacuum barrier.

But dozens of people in front of them took action together, and soon the sword light was blown away.

There were so many people in front of him, everyone was staring at him eagerly. Ye Yang knew that he had lost his chance.

"Since you want this thing, then I will give up."

After saying that, Ye Yang quickly called back the demon elephant and rode the demon elephant out of the valley without looking back.

"Is he really gone?"

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang and the Boneless Hua Dan looked at each other, still feeling uneasy in their hearts.

He dodged one attack from three giant monsters.

"Hehe, but it's also simple."

He waved the red silk thread of the puppet in his hand, and a cultivator emerged from the crowd.

The man knelt down and said, "Liu Bao has met the young master."

The little monster from Northern Xinjiang said: "Follow this person and see if he is really leaving or pretending to leave! I don't believe he will give up this hard-won opportunity."

The man nodded quickly, turned into a light smoke, and followed Ye Yang.

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