The rise of the sect: I am the most enduring child in the world of immortality

Chapter 124 Northern Xinjiang Monster Breaking the Ring Demon Elephant

Ye Yang looked at the two of them.

The two men were dressed in green robes, with long swords slung around their waists. The swords were shining brightly, with green lotus shapes hollowed out on them.

The sword body is a bit narrower than an ordinary sword, but it is sharper.

"Who are you? Fellow Taoist, we discovered the Zhu Guo here first."

The two felt the aura emanating from Ye Yang's body, and looked at the demon elephant under Ye Yang's crotch in surprise, but did not choose to take action immediately.

Ye Yang just pretended not to hear.

The red fruit is precious and can be used as the main medicine of Jingyun Dan in the warrior realm.

How can you give it away just because of a few words?

"In this case, let's see if your methods are tough enough!"

The two looked at each other and moved forward quickly. White deer roared and sword lights appeared on their bodies.

"Two friends, the treasures inside this immortal barrier are useless. A few red fruits are nothing. There are countless treasures of heaven and earth. If we fight here and fight to the death, won't we be taken advantage of by others? "

"Perhaps other precious treasures have already been collected by others, so why bother doing such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself."

Ye Yang gave some advice and found out that this person seemed to be a descendant of the Qinglian Mo family. Although the two of them were only at the ninth level of Qi, they were extremely accomplished in swordsmanship and their aura was overwhelming.

"What's more, do you two think you've got me?"

Ye Yang waved his hands and exuded a strong pressure of the warrior realm, while sitting down the demon elephant looked up to the sky and roared, the sound of the elephant's cry was as high as the sun.

Both hands touched the ground and smashed towards the ground. The powerful aura made the two people's expressions become solemn.

Sensing Ye Yang's cultivation, the two men faced each other again and put away the Qinglian Sword.

"What the seniors said is true. In that case, we won't bother you anymore. I hope we can all gain something."

The two quickly retreated, not wanting to conflict with Ye Yang.

But the next moment, when the two escaped some distance and looked up again, they suddenly found a figure standing in front of them.

The man was carrying a sword and looked at the two of them with a half-smile.

"You two, why are you running so fast! Let me ask you two some news. If you can answer to my satisfaction, it won't be too late to leave."

The two remained silent.

"How did you get into this immortality barrier?"

The man on the left said: "Under the siege of Master Xuehe and the Great Demon Yitian, the immortality barrier has been damaged, but the ingenuity was unstable and the internal formation was automatically triggered, killing all practitioners under the age of fifty present. Breathed into it.”

"So that's it."

Ye Yang couldn't help but think of the pair of terrifying giant hands he saw when he looked up outside the Immortal Barrier.

After all, these two people are descendants of the Qinglian Mo family. There is a Daxiu in the real-person realm in the family, so they know a lot more information than themselves.

"This is a good thing for me. After all, practitioners under the age of fifty are remarkable for their early martial arts training, and there will definitely be no terrifying old demons."

After the two of them finished talking, Ye Yang finally understood the situation at the moment and waved his hand to let the two of them leave.

Riding on the scaled demon elephant, he searched for the red fruit in this land again.

I didn't find Zhu Guo, but I found a piece of jade cold iron by the river that would last for a thousand years.

The whole body is as white as snow and jade, which is the best material for casting magical instruments.

Evergreen Barrier, no one has come in for hundreds of years.

Therefore, there are many treasures inside, which cannot be compared with the outside world.

Sensing that the Sun Flying Turtle was getting closer, Ye Yang controlled the scaled demon elephant to a raised rock by the river and looked at it closely.

After a while, green waves appeared in the deep river, and a turtle the size of a table and chair surged out of the water.

But behind the Sun Flying Turtle, there was also a one-horned dragon snake chasing after him.

This dragon snake is quite unusual. It is covered with green light and covered with rhombus-shaped scales. Its pupils are upright and there are hundreds of thousands of colorful lights flashing inside. It seems to have the blood of a dragon.

At this moment, the dragon snake is circling, entwined on the shell of the sun-chasing tortoise.

The flying turtle rushed out of the water, paddled its limbs, and swam in mid-air, heading towards Ye Yang.

Ye Yang used the sword light in his left hand to catalyze it, and the eight red sword lights carried the sky-high sword light and slashed directly at the dragon snake.

The scales of the dragon snake were so hard that the eight sword rays did not pierce it, but only knocked off the scales.

The next moment, the Elephant Demon stretched out his hands the size of a small house, tore the dragon snake off the sun-chasing tortoise's shell, and then tore it into two halves with both hands.

Half of it was swallowed into the mouth, while the other half was swallowed by the Sun Flying Turtle.

This dragon snake is a great tonic. After the two beasts swallow it, their bodies will emit silver light that lasts for a long time.

Especially since the Sky Flying Turtle is at a lower level, the effect is even more pronounced, and the turtle's shell has grown even larger.

Riding on the demon elephant again, the sun-chasing turtle paddled its limbs and followed him on the left side.

A man, a turtle, and an elephant walked toward the distance in the vast snow, leaving a set of footprints on the ground.

Along the way, Ye Yang searched for many spiritual objects that were rarely seen in the outside world.

Although I met many monks, many people looked at him eagerly.

However, seeing the huge and ferocious demonic elephant under his crotch, most people just watched from afar and did not dare to take action.

Think of him as a strong man.

There were also private discussions

"This man is so terrifying that he actually uses a demon elephant who has mastered Xiang Demon Fist as his mount."

Some people also cursed secretly.

"I think he deliberately tempted the ruthless Elephant Demon to break his precepts. I'm afraid that his strength is superior to that of the Elephant Demon. Once the Elephant Demon is gone, his strength will be mediocre."

"This man seems to be Ye Yang from the Feitian Sect. Hearing that a descendant of the Elephant Demon Fist and the Dog Demon jointly wanted to kill him, he actually dared to walk around so arrogantly."

Ye Yang just pretended not to hear what these people said.

Along the way, he didn't take anyone seriously as long as they didn't interfere with his ability to pick the elixir.

Therefore, there are no more battles along the way.

But along the way, Ye Yang's frown became deeper and deeper.

I don’t know how wide the Immortal Barrier is inside. It seems to be vast and endless. After walking for several days and nights, there is still ice and snow ahead.

The reason why he came to Wangyue Mountain was to find the general outline of the inheritance of the Thirteen Swordsmen of Time.

According to the information he has, the general outline of the inheritance of the Thirteen Swordsmen of Time is in a forbidden cave under Wangyue Mountain.

He didn't know where he was at this moment. The general outline of the inheritance of the Thirteen Swords of Time was greatly reduced in sensitivity to his own body at this moment, and even if he tried to look for it, there was no trace of it.

After climbing over a snowy mountain, Ye Yang saw a large group of people walking slowly alone in the snow in front of him.

Seven or eight people surrounded a huge carriage. The carriage was shining with red brilliance and the yellow curtain hung down. It was extraordinary at first glance.

At the top of the carriage, squatting was a man wearing a yellow robe and holding a bloody knife.

He was sitting on the roof of the carriage, with countless red puppet threads in his hands, and his fingers were flying. Under his control, those people were like fluttering butterflies fighting each other, besieging two women in moon-white dresses.

"Rama, you are too slow! You haven't practiced the spells I usually teach you properly!"

He stood up from the top of the carriage, extremely arrogant, and shouted loudly. The people he scolded quickly gave up fighting and knelt on one knee in front of the snow.

"What the young master taught me is that we are all idiots who are rare to see in a century. It is because we cannot understand the secret method of the young master's practice that we let these little girls stick to it until now."

"Yes, you and the others are indeed stupid slaves. I am the only cultivation genius that is rare to see in a hundred years."

He put the bloody knife on his neck, laughed strangely, and the red threads flew in his hands.

At this moment, he seemed to have discovered something. He turned back to look at Ye Yang, who was riding on the back of the scaled demon elephant, and frowned slightly.

Ye Yang was standing on a mound at the moment and couldn't help but smile bitterly. This demonic elephant was good at everything, but it was just too big to cover itself easily.

In this vast expanse of snow, it is a very conspicuous target.

The other party seems to be a disciple of Beihai Shenni, one of the Thirteen Giant Bandits of the North Sea, and is known as the "Little Monster of Northern Xinjiang".

Ye Yang once met the other party outside Wangyue Shanfang City.

At this moment, not only the strange young man holding a bloody knife noticed him, but the female cultivator who was surrounded by people in front also saw him.

"It's Senior Brother Ye!"

"No, it's Protector Ye."

"What? It's that senior brother Ye Yang who is full of loyal men. He claims that he can't see Ye Yang's face and knows all the heroes, but it's in vain."

"It's him. His scaly demon elephant has an obvious target. There is a flying turtle next to the elephant demon. It is undoubtedly him."

The two female cultivators were chattering and chatting, and when they saw Ye Yang, they waved quickly.

"Guardian Ye, we are disciples of Fengyu Tower, please save us."

"Protector Ye, Senior Sister Lingshuang discovered the purple-fleshed wild sage in the wild sage wood. She is now being attacked by demons. Please save her."

Ye Yang originally didn't want to get involved in this matter, but he didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a female cultivator from Fengyu Tower.

When Feitianmen was in danger, Fengyulou once came to the rescue.

Moreover, the two sides are currently in an alliance, and it would be inappropriate to leave just like that.

It's just that he has no fundamental interest relationship with the "Northern Xinjiang mob", the yellow-robed blood-sword man who is obviously not easy to mess with.

It would not be in line with his nature to start a grudge over this.

Ye Yang opened his mouth and wanted to persuade both sides to put down their weapons.

But the man with the yellow robe and blood knife who had never thought of controlling the red puppet thread shouted with interest: "I heard that these days, there is often a man riding an elephant demon, picking spiritual grass and spiritual flowers. I think it must be you!"

This person was not very polite, but Ye Yang didn't take it to heart, and still said: "This Taoist friend is polite. As the saying goes, it is easy to break up enemies but not easy to make knots. I wonder if I can let these two girls go!"

"Then it depends on your strength. I heard that you used evil methods to lure this elephant demon to break the precepts, so you can run around at will. Most of your skills are superior to this elephant demon. Today I want to learn from you."

This man was very conceited, and he valued Ye Yang's gains these days and wanted to snatch them away.

As for everything else, it's nothing more than an excuse.

Ye Yang's expression darkened, this person had originally planned this.

"You go up and meet this friend who rides an elephant demon! Remember to show some real skills. If not, don't blame me, the little monster from Northern Xinjiang, for punishing you. As we all know, I am cruel to my enemies, but even more cruel to my own people. "

When those people heard this, they quickly clasped their fists and said, "Master, don't worry, I, the Arctic Five Insect, will definitely not let you down."

These five crisp mixed male and female voices were answered immediately.

In the snow, five figures flashed, leaping up like lightning.

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