The situation was critical, and he survived the danger. Ye Yang actually gained some insights under the pressure, and he realized a new level in the art of swordsmanship.

At this moment, there was a roar of sword light all around him, attracting side glances from the people around him. He secretly suppressed his magic power and waited for the opportunity.

There are all old monsters here, and he currently only has the first level of martial arts, so it is difficult to participate. Only by seizing the opportunity and taking things by surprise can they play their due role.

On the other side, the Great Joyful Bodhisattva of Bodhisattva was fighting with the old corpse demon. The old corpse demon was hidden in the black mist, and his figure could not be seen clearly.

Holding a huge blood-red demon flag, it made a hunting sound.

This corpse demon old monster was specially invited by the Blood and Bone Cult to protect the formation at this demon meeting, but they did not expect that he would betray him on the spot.

Not only did he leave the formation position without permission, but he also secretly attacked the Great Joyful Bodhisattva incarnate to give away the cultivators of the Feitian Sect.

Ge Canhong saw that the opportunity was too good to miss, and he quickly sent out a signal to Hall Master Helian.

The flying silver-spotted ray suddenly accelerated its speed and exploded with vitality, preparing to escape from the gap in the protective formation of the Great Joyful Bodhisattva.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened again.

The elder of the Blood and Bone Cult, waving the main flag of the life-and-death sacrifice formation, seemed to have noticed the chaotic situation here.

He was small and thin, only about the size of a seven or eight-year-old child. He was holding a huge blood-red battle flag that looked like a sail and came with his feet on fire.

Joined together with the Great Joyful Bodhisattva, they flew out endless bloody halo and attacked the old corpse demon in the magic mist.

The great elder of the Blood and Bone Cult was extremely powerful. As soon as he made a move, with the help of the power of the formation, he aroused the power of heaven and earth.

At the critical moment of life and death, Ye Yang carefully sensed the location of the leopard demon and felt that it was not far from him.

Immediately use the secret method to transmit the message.

"Quickly change position, attack the boy elder of the Blood and Bone Cult, and let these people out."

Ye Yang transmitted the sound into the secret. Hearing this familiar voice, the Leopard Demon looked around.

"Who is it? Who is talking to me, Old Leopard? If you have the ability, come out and stop being sneaky."

As soon as he shouted, he didn't see who was coming. He saw that the blood was boiling here and the demons were fighting. The blood in his heart was full of passion. He felt that it was wonderful to beat the drowned dog.

Suddenly hearing this voice, a figure in black robes appeared in his eyes. He remembered his mission here, so he had no choice but to wave down the formation flag and join the siege.

But when he saw that the people in front of him were all people with soaring demonic energy, he knew that he was still far behind.

In addition, the serious injury was not healed, so he relied on his extremely fast speed to call out a leopard tail piercing painted halberd. He did not attack, but only interfered with the great elder of the Blood and Bone Cult.

He was surrounded and killed thousands of miles by the Immortal Hunters of the Universiade Dynasty, and was seriously injured. However, he was treated as a pet by the female ghost in red who claimed to be the goddess of Yin and Yang, and was tied up with a dog chain all day long.

He also tried to communicate with the female ghost, but she was so stupid that she could only murmur the six characters "Yin Yang Zi Mu Goddess" all day long.

Unable to fight again and again, unable to escape, the Leopard Demon had no choice but to accept his fate.

But he never expected to discover by accident that the mummified baby in the female ghost's arms could exhale the wild air all the time.

He was originally half human and half demon. There was once a capable man in his clan who was known as the King of Nanshan. The so-called Nanshan Leopard Hidden and Junzi Baobian refer to this clan.

It's just that time has passed, and the bloodline inheritance of the first ancestor has become thinner, the inheritance has gradually disappeared, and now it is getting more and more dilapidated.

The wild energy exhaled from the mummified baby could actually accelerate the transformation of its bloodline.

During this period of time, he felt that the attacks on his hands had become much more powerful.

"There is a weak spot in the formation over there, let's rush out."

Ge Canhong suddenly saw another old demon betraying him and revealing a gap in the formation. Without thinking about it, he quickly accelerated the speed of the pack ray and moved sideways to the east.

"How brave! Where to escape?"

When the great elder of the Blood and Bone Cult saw that everyone in the Feitian Sect was about to run away, he moved his body and leaped up, like a flying golden roc, towards the people of the Feitian Sect.

Ge Canhong was controlling the pack ray in front, always alert to possible attacks ahead. It was already too late to come back for help.

Everyone couldn't help but be horrified. This demon was extremely bloody. If he got on the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray, it would probably be a massacre with no chance of survival.

"This is the time!"

Ye Yang screamed inwardly, and hundreds of sword lights behind him suddenly swung forward, but he saw the sword lights in front of him were like dragons, flashing with infinite cold light, and they slashed directly at the old demon.

But that's it.

This old demon was powerful and had already reached the peak of the martial arts realm. The hundreds of swords swung by Ye Yang were easily broken by the blood demon banner in his hand without causing any damage.

However, his forward speed was stopped by the light of the sword, and he could not help but slow down. At this time, the Flying Silver-spotted Pack Ray had escaped from the range of the formation.

Seeing a slight fluctuation in the magic circle, the crowd in the center quickly fled towards the periphery, but they did not expect to be discovered by Master Xuehe immediately.

A river of blood waved in his hand, washing up and down, scattering the crowds and turning them into blood spirits to nourish themselves.

Seeing everyone in the Feitian Sect walking further and further through the gaps in the formation, the corpse demon old monster quickly jumped out of the battlefield, and with the help of the huge blood wheel in the magic formation, began to absorb the life force of the corpses on the ground.

The demonic aura around him is getting stronger day by day, his figure seems to be taller, and the aura around him is rising and falling, which seems to be of great benefit.

The leopard demon who was guerrilla on one side was furious, feeling that a lot of the essence, blood and vitality around his body had been sucked away by the demon flag in his hand.

There is something strange about this formation of flags. They actually want to use those who hold the flags as sacrifices and turn them into sacrificial tonics for the Blood and Bone Cult.

The Leopard Demon broke free, threw away the flag, and ran away.

But he never thought that he would encounter an old goat just after escaping from the formation.

This old goat had a wisp of beard hanging down from his forehead, but there were four canine teeth in his mouth. When he saw the leopard demon, his eyes flashed and he came forward.

"May I ask if Brother Bao practices Leopard Demon Fist?"

The goat demon didn't wait for the leopard demon to speak, and then said: "I am practicing with the dog demon. I have always heard that the leopard demon's fist has extreme speed. Today, I saw that it is indeed well-deserved."

He clasped his fists and was about to say some flattery, but he never thought that the leopard demon in front of him suddenly opened his mouth and bit his neck, swallowed his head directly, and burped.

"You really think I don't know what you are thinking? You want to take advantage of my weakness to swallow me and refine my demon leopard blood to practice. What a beautiful idea you have!"

The goat's head was swallowed in one gulp, and the Leopard Demon licked his lips: "The taste is really good. It is almost the same as the goats I raised in Xiangyangpo of the Universiade Dynasty. It is just too old and the meat is a bit dull."

"Forget it, let's hang his thigh on the tree and lick it a few times every day when he misses the little lamb at home. It can comfort my Lao Bao's homesickness thousands of miles away!"

"so close!"

Seeing that the old demon was stopped by the sword light that could kill hundreds of people and slowed down, Ye Yang couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the group of people from the Feitian Sect had the speed of the Feitian Silver-spotted Pack Ray, so they quickly passed through the formation screen of the demons.

However, at the next moment, infinite terror struck.

Ye Yang raised his head and discovered that four huge arms covering the sky suddenly appeared in the huge evergreen pine and the void barrier. He picked up a handful of people and stuffed them into the immortal barrier.

Soon, the giant hand covered the flying silver-spotted pack ray, and the group of people had no way to hide or avoid it.

Ye Yang stood on the back of the pack ray, tightly grabbing the huge chain around the neck of the scaly demon elephant, and hiding himself under the elephant's body.

When Ye Yang opened his eyes, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised. In front of him was a mountain cliff covered with ice and snow.

The cold wind blows, the ground is covered with snow, and the withered grass is falling. In the early morning, the floral fragrance of some unknown weeds lingers in the air, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"here it is?"

Ye Yang frowned slightly and looked around.

Green mountains spread all around, with independent cliffs and rugged rocks. Not far from him was a huge demonic elephant covered in scales.

There was a huge chain tied behind the neck of the demon elephant. When he saw Ye Yang waking up, the demon elephant swung its nose and arched him.

Ye Yang turned over, mounted the demon elephant, and finally felt a touch of warmth.

He looked up at the sky. The sky was azure, with a path to the sky appearing, and ancient pine trees reaching five thousand feet into the sky.

"This seems to be the inside of the Immortality Barrier?"

Ye Yang was curious.

The Feitian Sect escaped from the blood and bone sacrifice life and death formation before, and everyone was on top of the Feitian Silver-spotted Pack Ray.

Why now, they are all gone, only him and the Scaled Demon Elephant are left, and even his Sun-Chasing Flying Turtle is gone.

Ye Yang hurriedly sensed, but fortunately, he finally felt the figure of Flying Turtle.

He drove the demon elephant to run through the mountain path and headed down the mountain.

Walking down the green cliff, there are huge waves ahead.

In the vast expanse of white, countless rivers flowed toward the mighty east, surging like thousands of troops galloping.

There was a piece of ice floating on it.

Ye Yang was riding on the demon elephant, hesitating whether to cross the river.

The river is bottomless and no one knows what is in it.

To be on the safe side, he sensed the figure of Sun Flying Turtle and pulled the demon elephant along the shore towards the upper reaches of the river.

After walking for a while, Ye Yang saw three old vines shining with light on the shore ahead. The vines were entangled and spreading, and there were three vermilion fruits the size of pebbles at the top.

It absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, and the cold air actually emits a hot light, which is quite extraordinary.

"It's actually Zhu Guo!"

Ye Yang exclaimed.

This item has a great reputation and contains extremely rich spiritual energy. It can be used as medicine for people who are over a hundred years old.

When he awakened his life, the pulse-protecting pill he took was made from this substance as the main medicine.

Those that are more than three hundred years old are bright red in color, like vermilion, and have extraordinary effects.

It can be used as the main ingredient of the elixir "Jingyun Dan" for improving martial arts.

These red fruits have been growing in the immortality barrier for an unknown number of years. Their aura is rich and their red light is as clear as the most transparent rubies.

Ye Yang drove the demon elephant to walk to the red fruit and carefully picked the top red fruit. When he looked up, he saw three or four more red fruits in the distance.

The whole body was like blood diamonds and the color was eye-catching. After a while, Ye Yangyang found seven or eight of them.

This place really seemed to be a paradise in heaven, which convinced Ye Yang that this was the inside of the Immortality Barrier, because most of these elixirs were carefully cultivated in the sect's medicine garden in the outside world and were rare to see.

But for some reason, he was teleported in.

Carefully pick a red fruit and put it in a storage bag.

Suddenly looking back, Ye Yang found two figures standing on the boulders by the river, looking down at him, with a hint of ruthlessness in their eyebrows.

"Who are you?"

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