The entire enlarged meeting of the Party Group lasted for two days.

After the meeting, Liu Tao kept Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping for a while.

The secretary brought a glass of water to each of them.

Liu Tao said: "Regarding your going to the battlefield in battalions and companies, the higher-ups have agreed. Next, you will coordinate with the participating troops. You will communicate with the participating troops on the specific training content and execution tasks."

The participating troops will be trained in Tianzhu Mountain for two months, and the weapons and ammunition will be supplied by Panshan Machinery Factory.

Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping are familiar with Tianzhu Mountain, and the administrative level of the two is enough, so they can communicate and coordinate.

Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping both showed joy.

They didn't expect that this matter would be settled so quickly.

"One thing I want to emphasize is that the logistics support work must be done well. How much consumption is on the battlefield, you who have been on the battlefield know." Liu Tao said solemnly: "How much supplies and ammunition are needed, you must plan in advance."

"Understood!" Li Fuguo nodded.

The current conditions are much better than before. In order to support the battlefield, a railway was urgently built so that personnel and supplies can be delivered to the front line.

Through the railway, they set out in the morning and can reach the front battlefield in the evening.

However, as Liu Tao reminded, supplies and ammunition must be prepared in sufficient quantities.

After all, even if it is just a combined battalion, the ammunition consumption is probably not much less than that of a division.

"The ideological work of the soldiers must also be done. Death and injury on the battlefield are inevitable. The sacrificed soldiers must be well compensated, and the disabled soldiers must also be well resettled. Soldiers should not be allowed to bleed and cry." Liu Tao said slowly: "The disabled can continue to contribute to the construction of the motherland, instead of being a useless person."

Liu Tao has no control over other troops.

But the three combined brigades will naturally be generous in this regard, which is within his ability.

Zhao Guoping nodded and said: "We will do a good job in this regard."

Liu Tao explained again that since they are going to the battlefield, all the things that should be done in advance must be done and arranged in advance so that they can be carried out in an orderly manner.

The rotation of combat has continued to this day, and in fact, the battlefield has been running very orderly.

Fortifications, field hospitals, material warehouses, arsenals, etc. are all well prepared.

The advantage now lies with them. The large areas of fortifications are simply a millstone that devours the enemy.

However, this is not without problems. That is, the railway station is only built to the town, and there is still a distance from the town to the battlefield.

Some distances are relatively close, but some distances are already thirty or forty kilometers as the front line advances, and the transportation of this part is more troublesome.

Liu Tao does not understand military command and operations.

But he knows that the battle is all about logistics.

Especially for combat units like synthetic battalions, the requirements for logistics support are much higher than other combat units. Without weapons and ammunition, no matter how good the equipment is, it is useless.

This is also why the above has always had some doubts about synthetic troops.

In the view of some military experts, synthetic troops are too precious, and they are simply young masters.

With the logistics support in place, the weapons and equipment are naturally advanced and the firepower is fierce.

But what if the logistics support is not in place, then the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Can such a precious unit fight against the wind?

After repeated instructions, Liu Tao let Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping leave.

The rest of the work can only be left to the two of them. They are the military and political leaders of the three combined brigades, and their understanding of the three combined brigades and their operations are much better than his half-baked one.

Panshan Town.

This is a town very close to Panshan Machinery Factory, located between Panshan Machinery Factory and Kunshi.

At the beginning, the entire jurisdiction of Panshan Machinery Factory expanded to 100 square kilometers, and more than one-third belonged to the jurisdiction of Panshan Town. The residents in the 100 square kilometers of jurisdiction were all resettled in Panshan Town.

Because it is very close to Panshan Machinery Factory, many daily necessities of Panshan Machinery Factory are purchased in Panshan Town, which also makes Panshan Town develop very fast.

In terms of contracting to households across the country, Panshan Town is relatively early, and the grain and vegetables grown are not worried about selling, and the chickens and ducks raised can be easily sold.

This makes every household in Panshan Town relatively wealthy, and more than ten million yuan households have already been born.

The towns and villages around Panshan Machinery Factory have benefited from Panshan Machinery Factory in this regard.

But the best developed one is Panshan Town.

Liu Tao brought people to Panshan Town for a walk and research.

In a way, this is also a work of military-civilian integration.

"What happened before? Why did they quarrel?" Liu Tao asked an old man next to him curiously.

"Oh, don't mention it. Yang Bin is lazy and doesn't have a proper job. He is more than 30 years old and wanders around the town all day long. He always makes trouble. Now he sees a girl and touches her face." The old man sighed.

Liu Tao frowned slightly.

Has the current social situation become so bad?

"Old man, is everyone watching and no one stepped forward to stop it?" Liu Tao looked around and saw that the people around him were just spectators, watching the fun, and many people criticized.

But no one stepped forward to stop it.

"Is it useful to stop it? Yang Bin is young and strong, and he is a gangster. What if he retaliates?" The old man said unhappily.

"Where are the police?" Liu Tao said, "Let the police come."

"Our Panshan Town Police Station was built not long ago, and there are only four policemen. How can we handle it?" The old man sighed, "The world is going downhill, the world is going downhill. The social atmosphere was so good before, but it has only been a few years."

"Now female workers or female students dare not go home alone after get off work at night, and they have to be picked up by their families." The old man said: "In the past, everyone could walk home safely at night, but now it's not possible."

Liu Tao frowned.

This Panshan Town is closest to the Panshan Machinery Factory, and the situation is so serious, so what about other places?

Are there more gangsters?

These gangsters need to be properly rectified. We can't let a rat's shit spoil the whole pot of porridge.

Liu Tao believes that most ordinary people are good people and abide by the law. After all, the law is just the minimum moral requirement, and the Chinese people are definitely among the best in the world in terms of morality.

But as the saying goes, there are all kinds of people in a big forest.

There will always be some bad people who stir up trouble.

These bad guys, like rat shit, will spoil the whole pot of porridge.

The best way is to strike these bad guys hard, deter them, and make them dare not cross the line. If you do bad things, you will inevitably suffer a heavy blow and pay a heavy price.

This can deter people's hearts and make everyone remember that you can't do anything reckless, and you will pay a heavy price for doing so.

And this year is destined to be remembered in history in the year of 1983!

In history, the year of 1983 left a strong mark, which makes people talk about it with relish.

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