"He is so great!"

Watching the couple leave, they looked like ordinary people, wearing so simple clothes. He donated all the bonuses he received to his alma mater to establish an inspirational scholarship, and the clothes they wore were so old that they had been worn for many years and had patches on them.

He was very ordinary, but also very great.

Liu Tao said leisurely, "Yes, he is so great and noble!"

Compared with these great and noble people, Liu Tao felt ashamed because he had never treated himself badly in life.

He worked when he should work and took a vacation when he should take a vacation.

He did not hide his identity, stay away from his family, and had no contact or meeting for a long time.

Even if he was busy, he took almost eight days off a month.

He received a lot of bonuses, and donated them to his alma mater to establish a scholarship, but that was only a part of it. He kept another part in his family to improve his family life.

He did not live in a simple and small dormitory, but spent a huge amount of money to buy a courtyard house with a huge area and enjoyed life.

In comparison, he seemed insignificant.

"But I believe that our motherland will definitely get better and better, our motherland will definitely become more and more prosperous, and our descendants will definitely live a much better life than us." Liu Tao is full of confidence.

The wave of reform and opening up has been a huge wave of social change in the past forty years, and this society has undergone tremendous changes.

Although a large number of problems have also emerged, it is undoubted that China has made great achievements, its comprehensive national strength has been greatly improved, and its international status has also been greatly improved.

Liu Tao's family played until the evening and then went home.

In a blink of an eye, the eight-day vacation time was over.

Liu Tao returned to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Panshan Machinery Factory has changed a group of people.

A group of people went to various factories, and another group of people came to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Many old faces no longer appear in Panshan Machinery Factory.

Even the quality inspection department has changed a group of people.

A group of excellent quality inspectors have been transferred to other factories to enhance the quality inspection capabilities of other factories, thereby improving production quality.

At this time, the staff are unloading tanks and armored vehicles from the train.

These tanks and armored vehicles are all from Factory 256.

At the current 256th factory, all the employees have already arrived at the brand new production base, while the original old factory is under construction. A factory dedicated to the production of Type 81 light tanks, Type 81 medium tanks and Type 81 infantry fighting vehicles is to be built.

The original production area is still retained and production continues. Other parts of the factory are under construction and then gradually put into use. It is planned to be completed in three years.

Liu Tao first inspected the weapons that he needed to inspect in the inspection room one by one.

The heavy equipment was inspected the next day.

After inspecting the heavy equipment, Liu Tao went to the arsenal for random inspections.

This is an important basis for him to judge whether the production quality of each military factory has declined.

Once the production quality of a military factory has declined significantly, it means that there are problems with the leadership team and quality inspection department of the military factory, which need to be investigated and dealt with.

Liu Tao attaches great importance to production quality, especially military products.

Military products are a matter of life and death, and there is no joke.

Then, it was the Party Group Meeting of Panshan Group. This was the half-year summary meeting, which was to summarize the past six months.

If the time is half over, then the results must be at least half over.

Zhao Guoping, Xue Yunpeng, Li Fuguo and others gathered together.

The presidents of other companies and research institutes attended the meeting. This was an enlarged meeting of the Party Group.

Of course, those who attended the meeting only attended their own meetings.

For example, the factories under the jurisdiction of Southwest Industrial Group Corporation will not attend military issues.

Similarly, the heads of various companies in the military industry will not have civilian issues.

The first issue is the progress of the headquarters construction.

As the headquarters of Panshan Group Corporation, Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation, and Southwest Industrial Group Corporation, the construction of the headquarters is undoubtedly the most important.

After the headquarters is completed, it will gradually move to the headquarters for office work.

At that time, administration and factory production will be separated.

The headquarters will only conduct administrative offices and research in the research institute, and will no longer produce weapons and equipment.

"At present, the three headquarters buildings have completed the capping work, and the decoration will be completed before the Spring Festival. The four research institutes are expected to be capped around the Spring Festival and the decoration will be completed in the middle of next year. The entire project is expected to be completed by the end of next year. After the Spring Festival next year, we can gradually move to the headquarters for work. The year after next, that is, in the middle of 1985, the headquarters office staff and research institute technicians can all be present."

In order to prepare for the construction of the headquarters, the construction period was expected to be 3 years. For this reason, a large number of construction equipment were equipped for the entire project.

So far, the construction has been going on for two years. This progress is not too fast, but not too slow.

At present, the road network in the area where the headquarters is located, as well as the highway and railway leading to Kunming City have been built. The railway is connected to the Chengkun Railway, and one or two railway stations have been set up. It is currently in trial operation.

"At present, the optical cable project is being laid, and it is expected to take more than a year to be laid."

The optical cable is to connect the various factories under the Panshan Group in the four southwestern provinces with the headquarters as the core hub. This will be the Internet in the future.

"In terms of construction safety, we have repeatedly emphasized that safety awareness must be strengthened and we must not take it lightly. I don't want to hear about worker casualties again!" Liu Tao had to emphasize safety work again.

This year, more than ten people died during the entire project

This is definitely a shocking number.

Then, the second topic was the construction of the Shenhai Expressway. This project is currently Panshan Group's largest investment in a single project, with a total investment of more than 30 billion yuan and more than 500,000 construction workers. It is the project of the century.

The biggest problem with this project is the bridges, culverts and tunnels.

If there were no bridges, culverts and tunnels, it would probably only take four to five years to complete.

For this project, Liu Tao directly served as the leader of the working group, which shows that he attaches great importance to this project.

As long as it is completed and enters the 1990s, it can continuously bring cash flow to Panshan Group through the collection of highway tolls. If it enters the new millennium, then the investment in the entire project can definitely be recovered with interest, and it will also You can make a lot of money.

"At present, workers can already use the two shield machines. I believe that by the Spring Festival this year, workers will be familiar with using them."

Hearing this, Liu Tao couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The shield machine, which he invented, is specially used for tunneling.

Currently, two machines are produced, one is a soft rock shield machine and the other is a hard rock shield machine. The diameter reaches 7.5 meters, which means that it can excavate a tunnel equivalent to two lanes at a time.

Currently, Southwest Industrial Group is preparing to establish a Southwest Shield Machine Company and is preparing to invest in building a factory to specialize in the development and production of shield machines.

In terms of shield machines, it has been nearly 140 years since their introduction, but they are mainly concentrated in Japan, the United States, Germany, and Canada. There was a blank in China before. The birth of these two shield machines is to fill the gap in this area.

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