Liu Tao has always believed that the reason why social problems are prominent is related to the return of educated youth and the large number of young people who have no jobs and do nothing all day.

He thinks that in a wealthy town like Panshan Town, as long as you are willing to work, even if it is farming, your life will be much better than before, and there should be no social security problems.

But now it seems that he took it for granted.

Most ordinary people are naturally like this.

But some people show the evil of human nature in them, and such people need to be severely cracked down and need the iron fist of the people to deter them.

What the old man said, that the police can't manage and dare not manage is also true.

Now there are only more than 600,000 public security officers in the country, less than 700,000. In the past, social security was good, and at most there were some thefts or fighting cases, and basically there were no major cases. Police stations were not popularized in various towns. Generally speaking, there were only 1 or 2 security guards in charge of social security in a town.

Like Panshan Town, there are 4 security guards responsible for social security, which is already a high-level configuration.

However, since a few years ago, public security has begun to face challenges. First of all, the total number of unemployed young people in various parts of my country has exceeded 20 million. Most of the unemployed young people can wait for the assignment of jobs with peace of mind, or simply go to the eastern coastal areas to "make a living" and make a fortune.

However, a small number of people make trouble all day long and gradually form various types of criminal gangs.

In this case, the original public security police are short of manpower.

In addition, many things are not clear now, and there is no standard for how to manage and how to punish, which also makes the public security police do things with their hands tied.

For example, now, even if the police come, they can only warn, and then they will be released after being detained for two or three days.

"It seems that it is time to crack down severely." Liu Tao said in his heart, and then ordered his guards: "Send that man to the police station."

There is a police station in Panshan Town, but there are only four people.

After listening to Liu Tao's words, the guards walked over and easily subdued the man who wanted to wave and hit the young woman, and then sent him to the police station.

To be able to serve as Liu Tao's guard, one must be very skilled, otherwise he would not be able to serve as Liu Tao's guard and protect his safety.

Liu Tao's mind was full of thoughts, and he could not help but think of the upcoming crackdown.

There are also those who wear revealing clothes, and they cannot be easily sentenced to felony. They must also be supplemented by investigating the surrounding relationships. If they are indeed hooligans, they will be severely cracked down.

The next day, Liu Tao went to Kun City to attend the provincial party committee meeting.

Liu Tao was often absent from this meeting, but he attended this time.

Some people couldn't help but be surprised to see Liu Tao attending the meeting.

Although Liu Tao is young, his level is there, ranking fifth here.

In the past, Liu Tao was often away from home and missed meetings, but today he appeared here.

However, everyone still greeted Liu Tao. Panshan Group has a special status in Yunnan Province, and Liu Tao's status in Yunnan Province is also very special.

It is no exaggeration to say that Panshan Group is now a development engine in Yunnan Province, and Panshan Group provides a strong driving force for the development of Yunnan Province.

Even the leaders above are very concerned about Panshan Group.

After the meeting started, one topic after another was discussed.

The first was the personnel issue, which was to appoint some important leaders, and this needed to be discussed and approved at the meeting.

The second was to support the front line and support the front-line troops in combat, which was the mission of Yunnan Province.

"Comrades, let me talk about what I have seen and heard during this period." Liu Tao talked about what he had seen and heard: "I established a public security system and launched a severe crackdown on criminal activities, strictly, severely and quickly."

"I have also seen and heard what Comrade Liu Tao said. Just today, the capital issued the "Decision on Severely Cracking Down on Criminal Activities." An Pingsheng said slowly.

Liu Tao was a little surprised. He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

Others also expressed their opinions.

"Let me add that in order to truly crack down on criminals and not cause false and wrongful convictions," Liu Tao added, but he was patching up the crackdown. "After all, criminals are only a minority, and most people are still good."

"This suggestion is very good. There are almost no unemployed young people in our Yunnan Province, and gangster groups are always a minority." An Pingsheng nodded.

With large-scale infrastructure, social development driven by Panshan Group, and support for the frontline operations, there are very few unemployed young people in Yunnan Province.

The next topic is about agriculture.

Yunnan Province has completed the household contract responsibility system across the province, and every household in the countryside has been allocated land.

Breaking the big pot meal, farmers have their own fields, which has burst out with strong enthusiasm, and last year's agricultural harvest was great.

During the busy farming season, they planted crops; during the slack farming season, they went to build reservoirs, hydropower stations, factories, etc.

In terms of agriculture, Yunnan Province's positioning is very clear, that is, self-sufficiency, and then support the frontline operations without the need for other provinces to support Yunnan Province.

In this regard, Yunnan Province has undoubtedly been very outstanding in recent years, and has transferred a large amount of grain to support brother provinces for two consecutive years.

This time, there is a key point in the agricultural topic, which is to encourage rural areas to raise chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, and pigs, increase the production of pigs, cattle, sheep, and poultry, increase milk production and poultry egg production, and improve the living standards of the people in Yunnan Province.

Although reform and opening up started from Guangdong Province and radiated to other provinces along the southeast coast, the four southwestern provinces, especially Yunnan Province, are the most supportive of the reform and opening up policy, and reform and opening up continue to appear in the streets and alleys.

After all, the trend of Yunnan Province's improvement is visible to the naked eye, and its economic development ranks among the top in the country.

Although a lot of materials and funds are invested in the front line to support the construction of the front line, the social development of Yunnan Province is very fast.

Social development is naturally accompanied by higher requirements for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

At this time of material scarcity, the best way to improve people's diet is to encourage every household in the countryside to raise chickens, ducks and pigs. In addition to eating them themselves, they can also be sold, and this part can improve the material level of the city.

Although Liu Tao attended the meeting, he only occasionally made suggestions and did not participate too much.

Developing the economy, developing people's livelihood, and governing a population of more than 30 million, composed of 26 ethnic groups, although the Han nationality occupies 67% of the population, it is not always an easy task to deal with ethnic relations.

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