The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 331 Thirty years later, people still remember your contribution to the motherland

Liu Tao felt that the Galaxy supercomputer was nothing. The computer he used far outperformed the Galaxy supercomputer.

But for Zhu Lin, who had never been exposed to confidential information, he was excited about it.

In this era, reform and opening up, the country's doors were opened again, and everyone opened their eyes to the world and found the huge gap with Europe, America and the Soviet Union. The sense of gap was very huge, and people were generally not confident, always looking forward to being honored and affirmed.

The national women's volleyball team overcame many difficulties and won the world championship. This was the first time that China won the world championship in a major ball project, so it greatly excited the hearts of the Chinese people.

The national women's volleyball team even became a hero!

Every time there is any military equipment or scientific and technological achievement that reaches the world's first-class level or the world's leading level, it can always inspire everyone's national pride and patriotism.

The Galaxy supercomputer is no exception.

Liu Tao did not tell Zhu Lin the truth, because those were confidential.

For him, those were not confidential, but for Zhu Lin, they were confidential.

Zhu Lin was just an ordinary person with such confidential information. The less he understood, the more protection it was for Zhu Lin.

That day, they took their children and the family left the courtyard and went to People's Square.

Many people come here because it is a sacred place.

Many people will take a look at Tiananmen Square and the bright five-star red flag fluttering in the wind.

Liu Tao and Zhu Lin each pushed a baby carriage, while Liu Hongying and others watched the children to prevent them from getting lost.

There were quite a few people in People's Square at this time. It was around six o'clock and the weather was not so hot.

"Huaxia is really prosperous now. I don't recognize Huaxia now. Lu Xi, you said that Huaxia is developing so rapidly. Will anyone remember me in thirty years?" A man sighed.

As he spoke, intermittent crying appeared. The woman next to him kept sobbing and said, "Yes, it will, Jiaxian, your contribution to the motherland will not be forgotten by the motherland."

Liu Tao only heard this voice and understood their identities.

Looking over, he saw the couple. The man looked very weak and was obviously terminally ill.

"Let alone thirty years, even if it's a hundred or three hundred years, the motherland will not forget your contribution!" Liu Tao walked over and said loudly.

Liu Tao was full of affirmation, very firm, and had no doubt.

Because facts have proved that forty years later, the motherland still remembers his contribution, and the people still remember his contribution to the motherland.

Deng Jiaxian, one of the founders of China's nuclear weapons theoretical research work, is the main organizer and leader of China's nuclear weapons research and development. When Liu Tao was with the leaders this year, Liu Tao suggested to the leaders that medals should be awarded to scientists who made outstanding contributions in the "two bombs and one satellite".

Not long ago, these people won the National "May 1st" Labor Medal, the "August 1st Medal", and the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Medal of Merit.

The National "May 1st" Labor Medal is an honorary award awarded by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions to reward employees who have made outstanding contributions in various socialist construction undertakings. It is the highest award for the Chinese working class. This year is the first time!

The "August 1st" Medal was awarded to the PLA personnel who made outstanding contributions during the Agrarian Revolutionary War in 1955 according to the resolution of the National Senior Officials Conference. Since it was awarded in 1955, it has not been awarded again. This year, it was restored and has become the highest honor medal of the army.

The "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Medal of Merit is also a medal specially established by the state to commend scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the "Two Bombs and One Satellite". It can be said to be the highest honor in science, with a prize of up to 5 million.

This year, all three major honors were awarded to these 23 people!

Many of their names were highly confidential before. With the honors, their names have spread across the country and the world, and are known to countless Chinese people and descendants of Yan and Huang.

The reason why Liu Tao suggested to the leaders was because he felt that they should be awarded while they are still alive as much as possible, rather than waiting to be awarded posthumously in the future, which would be a great regret.

But even so, Zhao Jiuzhang, Yao Tongbin, and Guo Yonghuai, three scientists who made outstanding contributions, still failed to enjoy this supreme honor during their lifetime. They all died in 1968, and now they can only be honored posthumously.

And Deng Jiaxian in front of us is one of them.

In the research of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, Deng Jiaxian led the basic theoretical research on explosion physics, fluid mechanics, state equations, neutron transport, etc., completed the theoretical plan of atomic bombs, and participated in the guidance of explosion simulation tests for nuclear tests.

His current condition is because his body was affected by radiation in an experiment in 1980.

But even so, he still insisted on working.

Liu Tao maintained respect for this scientific master.

Back then, Deng Jiaxian was also a top talent and obtained a doctorate degree at the age of 26. Such talents can get a good life in the United States and it is easy to get American citizenship. But when the news of the establishment of the Republic spread across the ocean, Deng Jiaxian chose to give up the better scientific research conditions and better living conditions in the United States, and returned to China, which was poor and completely in ruins, to participate in national construction.

Deng Jiaxian looked in the direction of the voice and saw Liu Tao. He smiled and said, "Commissioner Liu Tao, what a coincidence."

"Commissioner Deng Jiaxian, take care of yourself!" Liu Tao held Deng Jiaxian's hand tightly.

The two met at the National Science and Technology Conference in 1980.

Thinking of the scene when they first met three years ago, and looking at the present, Deng Jiaxian's health has deteriorated a lot in just three years.

I am afraid that with the current situation, he may not be able to hold on for another three years!

"Commissioner Liu Tao, do you think our motherland can prosper like Europe and the United States and stand at the top of the world's nations again!?" Deng Jiaxian asked softly.

Liu Tao nodded heavily: "Yes, it will! We will definitely stand at the top of the world's nations again, and our motherland will definitely prosper!"

China in thirty or forty years will definitely be truly prosperous for Deng Jiaxian and others.

And Liu Tao believes that China in this life will definitely go more smoothly, develop faster, and become stronger.

Deng Jiaxian showed a bright smile on his face: "Then I think, even if I die, I will have no regrets."

For their generation, China is on the edge of national extinction. If they are not careful, China will be extinct.

Saving the nation from extinction is what each of them is doing.

So even though they could have a good life in the United States, Deng Jiaxian and others gave up their good life abroad and chose to return to China to participate in the construction of New China.

Deng Jiaxian and his group of experts and scholars, there are more than 200 people.

When the Republic was founded, there were about 5,000 scientists living abroad, but by the end of 1956, 2,000 scientists had returned to the mainland of the motherland.

After that, a large number of scientists returned to China to participate in the construction of New China.

It is precisely because of the return of these overseas scientists that the scientific cause of New China is so bright.

Even now, this group of returned scientists is still the mainstay of China's scientific cause.

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