To date, Panshan Group's business scope has involved civil machinery, electronics industry, weapons industry, shipbuilding industry, aerospace missile industry, and highway bridges.

It can be said that it is no longer limited to the weapons industry system.

The size of Panshan Group is also very shocking.

The amount of tax paid has also reached an exaggerated level.

Even the number of armed personnel in the armed department of Panshan Group exceeds the total of other weapons industry systems by a large margin.

The development of Panshan Group relies on itself, and the China Ordnance Industry Corporation has not invested any funds from the beginning.

It took only five years to develop from a third-line factory "Panshan Machinery Factory" to the current Panshan Group.

If Liu Tao was not still young, only 28 years old this year, I am afraid that the administrative level of Panshan Group would have to be raised.

Liu Tao was able to reach the current level because he has made great contributions and is married with children. In addition, the cadre retirement system was introduced last year, and the state and the party encouraged the promotion of young people, so Liu Tao had this opportunity.

Otherwise, Liu Tao would have to stay at the bureau level for at least ten years.

After the meeting, Liu Tao sighed secretly.

There are so many third-line factories, but the China North Industries Group Corporation can only take out 3 billion yuan to support the reform of the third-line factories in the weapons industry system next year.

The China North Industries Group Corporation will only support the reform of the third-line factories in the entire weapons industry system for another three years.

In other words, after three years, if they are still unable to break even, the China North Industries Group Corporation will no longer care about them, and the trouble will be the business of the local industrial bureau.

And this 3 billion yuan is still earned by the China North Industries Group Corporation.

It is probably difficult for other industrial systems to support the reform of the third-line factories in their own systems.

Military-to-civilian conversion is just the beginning.

There is also the reform from state-owned factories to enterprises, so that the current state-owned factories can adapt to the competition under the market economy system.

At present, a dual-track system is implemented, with the planned economy system and the market economy system running in parallel.

However, this is only a measure taken for the transition from the planned economy system to the market economy system, and it will not exist for a long time. In the final analysis, the market economy system will eventually be implemented.

The current situation is mainly to allow everyone to have an adaptation process.

In the next three or four decades, reforms will continue to be carried out to make the market economy system account for an increasing proportion and eventually become the mainstream.

Liu Tao has noticed that more and more overseas Chinese are returning to China to build factories. It seems that the number of businessmen from Hong Kong and Macao investing in factories in the mainland has increased a lot, and even more European and American investment in factories in China has increased a lot.

In recent years, Europe and the United States have not been so comfortable.

They have not recovered from the first oil crisis. As a result, the Afghan war broke out in 1979, and oil prices soared. The outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in 1980, the Falklands War in 1982 and the Fifth Middle East War successively broke out, all of which further pushed up oil prices.

Even if the Falklands War and the Fifth Middle East War ended, the oil price was still higher than $35 a barrel.

Such high oil prices are a great trauma to the European and American economies.

In recent years, for Europe and the United States, it is definitely the outbreak of the second oil crisis.

After the outbreak of the second oil crisis, it severely hit the US economy, aggravated the US foreign trade deficit, and deepened the trend of stagflation. At the same time, Europe was not doing well, and the number of corporate bankruptcies increased sharply.

Many companies have relocated their factories abroad to reduce production costs.

As the relationship between China and the United States improves, the two sides have more cooperation. China is also improving its relationship with Europe, and the connection between the two sides has become closer. China, which has a large number of high-quality laborers, has become an excellent choice for industrial transfer in Europe and the United States.

The consumption capacity of the domestic market is relatively limited. Now China has taken over the production capacity, which is more for export and export-oriented.

And this is mainly to bring employment opportunities and earn some hard-earned money.

Liu Tao left the Ordnance Industry Corporation and returned home.

At this time, Zhu Lin was listening to a song. This is a walkman, a product that Panshan Group has just tinkered with. You can put in tapes to listen to songs or recordings, and you can also listen to the radio. It is a multifunctional collection.

Such a walkman is sold for 200 yuan in China and 150 US dollars in Europe and the United States.

The one given to Zhu Lin is numbered 000000, which is the real first walkman.

At this time, it is the Cantonese album of Alan Tam from Hong Kong.

As the overall situation in Hong Kong was settled, the connection with the mainland became closer. Hong Kong's tapes and Hong Kong's movie videotapes began to be continuously introduced into the mainland. Of course, only a few people could buy genuine copies, and most of them were pirated.

Some people made some money by pirating, and some companies specialized in pirating.

At this time, there was actually no patent law, and there was no such thing as piracy or non-piracy. People had no copyright awareness at all.

Liu Tao took the child in Zhu Lin's arms and couldn't help but kiss the child on the forehead.

His four children all looked pretty good, the boys were handsome, and the girls were like porcelain dolls.

It can be said that marrying Zhu Lin greatly improved the genes of the old Liu family.

"Our country officially announced that the first billion-times computer in our country, 'Galaxy', was successfully developed." Zhu Lin said.

Liu Tao was slightly stunned and a little surprised.

This is the first computer in China that can perform more than 100 million operations per second, and it is a supercomputer.

He was not surprised by this, because his computer had a computing power far exceeding that of the Galaxy supercomputer.

However, the successful development of the Galaxy supercomputer was of extraordinary significance, representing a breakthrough for my country in supercomputers.

As early as a few years ago at the National Science Conference, it was proposed that my country's super-high-speed supercomputers would be put into use in 1985, and this time it was two years ahead of schedule.

The successful development of the Galaxy supercomputer has enabled my country to enter the industry of countries that develop supercomputers in the world, marking a new stage in the development of Chinese computer technology.

At present, there are only a handful of countries that can build supercomputers in the field of supercomputers, and the United States has the strongest computing power.

The development of supercomputers has now reached the fourth generation. The fourth generation of supercomputers belongs to the hardware of large-scale integrated circuit computers. The logic elements use large-scale and ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, and the software has database management systems, network management systems and object-oriented languages.

As for the first generation of computers, they are vacuum tube digital computers, the second generation of computers are transistor digital computers, and the third generation of computers are integrated circuit digital computers. Since 1970, with the entry into the fourth generation of computers, the development of computers has been very rapid.

As for China, because of the flapping of Liu Tao's wings, a huge chain reaction was triggered and the country developed very rapidly in the computer field. Last year, China became the world's second largest personal computer producer, second only to the United States.

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