Liu Tao had just returned to Beijing for vacation when he received a call from an old friend.

100 Type 80 main battle tanks, 20 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and corresponding shells, 100 'Vanguard' air defense missile launchers, 500 'Vanguard' air defense missiles, 25,000 Type 78 automatic rifles, 1,000 Type 78 pistols, 200 Type 78 machine guns, 50 Type 78 heavy machine guns, 50 Type 78 heavy sniper rifles, 6 sets of 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles, two sets of Aegis-0 and Aegis-2, plus technical service fees, the total contract is 1.3 billion US dollars!

Liu Tao secretly exclaimed.

He had contacted Kuwait many times before, and the two sides had forged a deep friendship.

However, Kuwait basically bought weapons for its poor Arab brothers.

This time, Kuwait bought them for itself, obviously for its own use.

He even heard a piece of news, that is, Kuwait was going to visit China.

At the same time, he also learned that Rashid had won a great victory on the battlefield, and in less than a month, he had annihilated the recovery record of two tank armored divisions of the Persians.

After Liu Tao received this news, he was thoughtful.

He naturally would not believe that the Arab world was united, Iraq was ambitious, and Saddam was a tough guy sent from heaven. He was eyeing Kuwait, a small country with a small but oil-rich land.

It is estimated that Rashid's victory must have mixed feelings for Kuwait.

That's why they can't wait to come and purchase weapons and equipment.

But it's good that way, otherwise, where would they get such a large order.

Tanks, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, anti-ship missiles, and anti-aircraft missiles will be delivered in two years, and other firearms can be delivered this year.

After signing the contract agreement, Liu Tao also went to the China National Ordnance Industry Corporation.

Now the country has officially started the "military-to-civilian" reform of the third-line factories, and many of the original third-line military factories have been assigned to local industrial bureaus.

The China National Ordnance Industry Corporation allocated a large sum of money to help the third-line factories of the weapons industry system complete the "military-to-civilian" reform.

As Panshan Group took on the reform and development of the third-line factories of the weapons industry system in the four southwestern provinces, the weapons industry production capacity of Panshan Group has now surpassed the total production capacity of the weapons industry system in the four southwestern provinces, and the advancement and quality of weapons are not comparable to before.

In addition, the China National Ordnance Industry Corporation has made a lot of money in recent years, and has the money to support the third-line factories of the weapons industry system to carry out the "military-to-civilian" reform.

Except for some large or super-large arsenals, the third-line factories of the weapons industry system outside the four southwestern provinces have all been assigned to the local industrial bureaus, and the China National Ordnance Industry Corporation will write off their accounts, so that these third-line factories can go into battle lightly, and also help them get out of the mountains and move into counties or cities.

A large part of the money earned by the China National Ordnance Industry Corporation every year is invested in the "military-to-civilian" aspect of the third-line factories.

The reform and development of the weapons industry system is in full swing.

Among the third-line factories of various systems, the reform and development of the weapons industry system is the smoothest, and the least things have been caused.

As for the third-line factories of other systems, the "military-to-civilian" transformation is not so smooth.

Because they can't invest as much money as the Ordnance Industry Corporation, and some of them can't even afford to help the third-line factories of the system to carry out "military-to-civilian" transformation, making the road of "military-to-civilian" difficult to follow.

Ordnance Industry Corporation, conference room.

Liu Tao and others are in a meeting.

"Comrade Liu Tao, how is the digestion of the third-line factories of your Panshan Group? How long will it take to digest it?" Zou Jiahua looked at Liu Tao.

Today's meeting is about the "military-to-civilian" reform of the third-line factories of the weapons industry system.

Zou Jiahua is an old cadre who joined the New Fourth Army back then. After the founding of the Republic, he went to the Mechanical Manufacturing Department of the Moscow Bauman Higher Industrial College to study. After returning to China, he served as a process engineer at the Shenyang Second Machine Tool Factory (China-Czech People's Friendship Factory), and then served as deputy chief engineer, deputy chief engineer, deputy chief engineer, deputy director and chief engineer, acting director, and director.

Later, he was transferred to the First Ministry of Machine Tool Research Institute as the director and a senior party official, and then to the First Ministry of Machine Tool Research Institute as the deputy secretary of the party committee, and then to the National Defense Industry Office as the deputy director.

After the retirement system for veteran cadres was introduced last year, Zou Jiahua came to the Fifth Ministry of Machine Tool at the age of 56 and presided over the work of the Fifth Ministry of Machine Tool.

Zou Jiahua was naturally familiar with Liu Tao, the famous "God of Wealth" of the Fifth Ministry of Machine Tool.

Panshan Group is now not only a weapons industry system, but also develops across multiple systems.

But there is no doubt that Panshan Group is the largest company in the entire weapons industry system, and it can even be said to be the largest company in China now.

Panshan Group is responsible for the reform and development of the third-line factories of the weapons industry system in the four southwestern provinces. All the third-line factories of the weapons industry system in the four southwestern provinces have been assigned to Panshan Group.

The Southwest Ordnance Industry Corporation under Panshan Group has a weapons industry capacity that exceeds the sum of all military factories in the weapons industry system outside the four southwestern provinces, and it is not a little bit more.

The various factories of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Corporation were also the first to get out of the predicament and the impact of that decade, representing the reform and opening-up route.

At the same time, Panshan Group is also a national reform pilot unit, shouldering the heavy responsibility of national reform and exploring a feasible path for the reform of state-owned factories.

"Comrades, now we have basically absorbed most of the workers and put them on the right track. It is expected that in another two years, all the employees of the weapons industry system in the four southwestern provinces will be integrated into the Southwest Ordnance Industry Corporation." Liu Tao introduced the current construction situation in the four southwestern provinces.

The situation of Panshan Group in the four southwestern provinces is different. Yunnan Province is relatively scattered, with multiple factories scattered in various directions. The jurisdiction is large and small. The large jurisdiction is 100 square kilometers, equivalent to the area of ​​a town, and the small one has three or four thousand acres. In the three provinces of Guizhou, Guangxi, and Sichuan, it is highly concentrated and exists in the form of bases.

Whether it is a military production base or an industrial production base in the civilian field, they are all super-large production bases.

It will even form a situation where a production base is a city.

When the real production bases are completed, there will be no third-line factories in the weapons industry system in the four southwestern provinces.

The original other third-line factories will basically belong to the local area.

And these original third-line factories will be sealed for ten years. If they are not used again in ten years, they will basically never be used.

If it is activated, it basically means that the S3 season will officially start.

Zou Jiahua secretly marveled in his heart. Panshan Group is indeed rich and powerful. Money makes things easier.

Everyone is worried about the reform and development of the third-line factories, but Panshan Group seems to be at ease, constantly integrating through spending money and its own reforms.

You should know that there are quite a few third-line factories in the four southwestern provinces.

However, it is precisely because of this that the pressure on the Ordnance Industry Corporation has been greatly reduced, allowing the Ordnance Industry Corporation to invest more funds and energy in the reform and development of the third-line factories in the weapons industry system in other provinces, rather than simply throwing them as a burden to the local industrial bureaus.

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