The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 305 Type 022 Missile Boat (ask for monthly pass at the end of the month)

Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Factory.

The working group has been in the factory for more than a month.

Now the entire shipyard is brand new, even the sanitation is cleaned up.

The leaders of the shipyard are waiting at the door.

Finally, they saw a jeep coming here.

Everyone was shocked and quickly cheered up.

The jeep stopped and Liu Tao got out of the car.

"Hello, leader!" Everyone took the initiative to greet.

Liu Tao nodded slightly: "Hello, comrades, have the things been delivered?"

"All to the factory!" Lu Bin said hurriedly.

Lu Bin was promoted by Liu Tao and took over the Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Factory as the leader of the working group.

After arriving at the Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Factory, Lu Bin began to rectify the shipyard, and then according to the company's regulations, the Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Factory was restructured into the Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Company, and then a complete set of organizational structures was established.

"That's good, let the technical core backbone of the shipyard come to the conference room later." Liu Tao nodded.

Before departure, Liu Tao shipped four diesel engines, high-rate gun barrels, rocket launchers, missile launchers, etc. two days in advance.

Even the required steel and composite materials were delivered to the shipyard at least a week in advance.

When he arrived at the conference room, the core technical personnel of the shipyard were all here.

These people had all been politically reviewed in advance, and there was no problem at all.

After all, the new missile boat is a military secret. Once it is leaked and known by other countries, they will take targeted measures, and the deterrent power of the new missile boat will be greatly weakened.

The stealth design of the new missile boat is very strong, but it is not really stealth. As long as people know the substantive secrets and develop radars in a targeted manner, it can still be easily searched.

Liu Tao conducted technical briefings with the core technical personnel. The standard displacement of the new missile boat is 250 tons and the full load displacement is 300 tons, which is much larger than the Type 024 missile boat.

After the core technical personnel understood it, they began to build the new missile boat.

This new type of missile boat was named "022" by Liu Tao, who participated in the construction of the first 022 missile boat.

The construction site was the dry dock of the shipyard.

One and a half months later.

The 022 missile boat had been completed at the berth.

During this month and a half, Liu Tao only went back to Panshan Machinery Factory once, and spent most of his time in the shipyard.

The sea breeze kept blowing, making Liu Tao look a lot darker than before.

But at this time, he was only excited.

Now that the 022 missile boat has been built, the next step is to test it.

After all, before, it was all based on the same scale enlargement based on the ship model, and it was all tested in the reservoir.

However, the battlefield of the 022 missile boat is on the sea, where the sea wind is strong, the waves are also big, and all kinds of environments are not comparable to the reservoir.

In addition, it is not certain whether it is feasible to enlarge it at the same scale.

Therefore, he personally spent so much time participating in the construction of this 022 missile boat, just to upgrade or repair it if there is a problem.

Liu Tao conducted the next test himself.

Looking at the virtual panel in the corner of his eye:

[Item: Type 022 Missile Boat]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item Level: LV1 (0/10)]

[Upgrade Points: 1000]

[Item Status: Intact, Resolvable]

Looking at the perspective in the virtual panel again, there is no red dot. Obviously, this is a qualified ship. At least it will not sink and can be driven.

Liu Tao asked someone to fill up the Type 022 missile boat with oil, and then drove the Type 022 missile boat himself.

The missile boat slowly left the berth, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Then, a series of tests were carried out.

Normally, after the equipment construction of a new type of missile boat is completed, it will first be launched into the water, and then it will take three or four months to conduct a dock mooring test, and then it will take half a year to conduct a factory sea trial, and then a national sea trial. This national sea trial will last for about a year.

After completing the national sea trial, the first missile model launch test will be carried out at the test base, and then missile practice missiles will be launched in different situations for about two months.

The test was successful. After each missile launch, the structure of the boat was intact. This is the completion of a series of tests, and then it will join the navy's combat sequence.

Now, this 022 missile boat was developed by Liu Tao himself, and the money was also paid by Panshan Group itself, not from the research and development funds allocated by the State Shipbuilding Corporation or the Navy, so he can do it by himself.

Liu Tao continued to repair and upgrade while testing.

The test lasted for three days, and the entire 022 missile boat finally completed the final shape.

The 022 missile boat is 43 meters long, 13 meters wide, and has a draft of 1.4 meters. The standard displacement is 250 tons and the full load displacement is 300 tons. The main engine has four diesel engines, with two configurations in the front and rear, a cruising speed of 30 knots, a maximum speed of 55 knots, a cruising range of 900 nautical miles, and a combat radius of 300 nautical miles.

After further upgrades and repairs, the radar launch area of ​​the 022 missile boat is almost equivalent to that of a 10-ton ship, and it can be said that the stealth performance is quite strong.

The ability to resist wind and waves is also much stronger than that of the Type 024 missile boat. It can sail normally even in sea conditions with winds of 7 to 8 and waves of 2.6 meters high. Smooth sailing is undoubtedly crucial for such a missile boat, because it can help the crew maintain physical fitness and clear combat thinking ability.

In terms of electronic systems, a series of advanced electronic equipment is also used.

The entire Type 022 missile boat is equipped with a sea-to-air multi-purpose radar with multiple functions of search, target locking, anti-ship guidance, and ship-to-air missile attack. The radar has a range of 200 kilometers and an altitude of 15 kilometers. It is also equipped with electronic equipment that can receive early warning aircraft information. In addition, it is also equipped with an optoelectronic tracker, which has TV tracking, infrared tracking and laser ranging functions, aiming line closed-loop stabilization and infrared thermal imaging tracking. The system response time is 3s, the turning radius is 315mm, and the weight is only 115kg. In good sea conditions on a sunny day, the detection distance of sea-skimming anti-ship missiles can reach 30 kilometers, and the maximum visual distance is 50 kilometers.

In terms of missiles, the missile cabin of the Type 022 missile boat can accommodate different missile boxes/missiles as needed. It can carry 12 'Eagle Strike-2' or 'Eagle Strike-5' anti-ship missiles, or can carry 10 'Eagle Strike-8' anti-ship missiles, or carry 8 'Eagle Strike-12' anti-ship missiles.

In terms of artillery, it is equipped with a 30mm 6-barrel high-rate gun with a maximum range of 9.5 kilometers and an interception distance of 3.6 kilometers for anti-ship missiles. It is mainly used for short-range anti-missile air defense, with a maximum firing rate of 5000~5500 rounds/minute, and has anti-missile capabilities.

"System, analysis!" Liu Tao muttered.

Suddenly, a picture of the drawings formed on the virtual panel, and Liu Tao saw all these drawings in his mind at a glance.

It can be said that he knows this new type of missile boat very well.

"This 022-type missile boat is most suitable for the current naval offshore defense and can have a great deterrent effect." Liu Tao is very satisfied with this. "I think fighting guerrilla warfare in the offshore will definitely give those maritime powers a headache."

Guerrilla warfare is a magic weapon for the weak to defeat the strong.

Guerrilla warfare can be fought on land, and naturally guerrilla warfare can also be fought on the sea.

One advantage of this 022-type missile boat is that it is fast and has strong firepower. It can attack the target and run away after the attack.

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