Liu Tao looked thoughtful.

I will definitely help.

Although we are not in the same system, we belong to the field of Chinese mechanical industry and belong to China!

He developed the self-use version of the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile to enhance China's anti-ship capability and deter some jackals and tigers.

Now that the State Shipbuilding Corporation has come to us, we should help anyway.

"Leader, I don't have any ideas for a while. How about this? I will think about it after I go back. How about it?" Liu Tao pondered for a while and said, "If possible, I would like to check the information of the Type 024 missile boat and the Type 051 missile destroyer."

"If the State Shipbuilding Corporation is willing, it will be beneficial for me to conduct research by allocating a shipyard in Guangdong Province to our Panshan Group." Liu Tao said hesitantly.

The Type 024 missile boat is the largest tonnage gliding boat designed by China in the 1960s and 1970s. It has good wave resistance and rapid maneuverability. It is equipped with the 'Upstream-1' anti-ship missile and is currently the most advanced missile boat in China.

Speaking of which, the two sides have cooperated on the Type 024 missile boat. The 30mm gun installed on the Type 024 missile boat was developed by him and is now provided by Panshan Machinery Factory.

The Type 051 missile destroyer is the first missile destroyer designed and built by China. It is 132 meters long, 12.8 meters wide, 4.6 meters deep, with a standard displacement of 3,250 tons and a full load displacement of 3,670 tons. It is equipped with two triple-mounted "Sea Eagle-1" anti-ship missile launchers.

The leader thought about it and agreed.

Although these are all confidential, Liu Tao has so many secrets.

Several weapons that can be called "heavy weapons of a great power" were developed by Liu Tao.

"Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Manufacturing Plant can be assigned to you, but you must obey our leaders to a certain extent and execute orders unconditionally when necessary." The leader said.

Liu Tao agreed, which was a matter of course.

As soon as the National Day holiday was over, Liu Tao immediately returned to Panshan Machinery Factory, and then he arranged a working group to take over the Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Factory.

Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Factory, located in Yangcheng Port, is a state-owned factory that manufactures ships, but it is not large and manufactures some small ships.

Liu Tao is also very interested in the shipbuilding industry, because it is a huge profit, whether it is a civilian ship or a warship, the profit is not small.

He asked the working group to take over the Yangcheng Shipbuilding Industry Factory and reorganize the employees, and he devoted himself to the research of missile boats.

The 024 missile boat is 27 meters long, 6.2 meters wide, 1.32 meters draft, with a maximum displacement of only 73 tons and a speed of 38 knots. Obviously, this most advanced missile boat in China did not interest Liu Tao. He did not want to install the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile on the 024 missile boat.

Because the carrying space and weight are very limited, even if it is equipped with the "Eagle Strike-5" missile, only a few missiles can be installed, and the performance of the radar electronic equipment is also very backward, and the engine is not good.

So he wanted to develop a new type of missile boat.

Of course, the conditions are limited now, and Liu Tao can't build a real missile boat all at once.

But he has a way, that is to make a missile boat model first.

Liu Tao made a missile boat model that was 30 times smaller in proportion, and then took the boat model to the reservoir.

There are people on duty here all year round. This reservoir is not only the water source of Panshan Machinery Factory, but also used for power generation.

Liu Tao came to the reservoir and put the boat model on the reservoir.

"Fortunately! Fortunately! The boat didn't sink!" Liu Tao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The boat didn't sink, which was a good sign.

Then he took the remote control panel and pressed the switch, and the engine started.

Then the boat model started to move, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

What he has to solve now is the problem of ship type. The missile boat needs to highlight stealth, high speed, wave resistance, and strong firepower!

The 024 missile boat is far behind in this regard. For example, in terms of high speed, the fastest speed of the 024 missile boat is 38 knots, and as for stealth, it is out of the question.

In terms of wind and wave resistance, it is estimated that there is a level 5 wind and wave, and the Type 024 missile boat is estimated to be unable to operate normally.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

On this day, Liu Tao came to the reservoir again.

"Be careful, this thing is very heavy!" Liu Tao directed the guards to carry the model.

At this time, the ship model has undergone tremendous changes. It can be said that in terms of the ship type, it has undergone tremendous changes.

At least in terms of appearance, it has improved by more than ten times.

Now this ship model adopts the form of a wave-piercing catamaran, which can greatly increase the speed of the ship.

Moreover, there are various superstructures on the ship model at this time. These buildings have multiple large inclination angles, which can disperse the radar reflection waves of the superstructures, so that the search radar echoes at all angles are severely weakened. Even the mast is made into a windward polyhedron, the hull opening is covered with rolling doors and blinds, and even the edges of the observation windows in the bridge are designed with stealth serrations.

In addition, four water jet propulsion devices are used. Water jet propulsion avoids the violent cavitation caused by conventional propeller propulsion, and the propeller noise is shielded and concentrated through the duct before being transmitted to the rear, which greatly improves the stealth effect of the ship.

In addition, the engine exhaust port at the rear of the boat is also infrared prefabricated.

Even the optoelectronic tracker, anchor, antenna, etc. have been treated with stealth, greatly reducing the radar reflection area.

And unlike before, the ship model is now equipped with a weapon model, which is the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile weapon model.

The guards worked together to carefully guide the ship model into the reservoir.

Liu Tao was conducting tests.

In this month, he made six ship models.

This time it is very close to the new missile boat in Liu Tao's mind.

The speed was tested and reached 50 knots, which is a very terrifying speed. The fastest speed of the 024 missile boat is only 38 knots.

Then, Liu Tao pressed a button, and then the weapon model opened and a bright light was emitted.

At the same time, the relevant data was displayed on the display board.

Liu Tao conducted a series of tests, which were unavoidable. Only when he was sure that there were no problems, he would build a prototype ship.

Otherwise, the construction of a missile boat would cost a lot. Once there was a major problem, the entire missile boat would be useless, and the loss would be quite huge.

That's why he spent so much time on the model, striving for perfection.

He didn't even take a vacation to return to Beijing.

To some extent, Liu Tao spent the most time on this missile boat.

Either don't do it, or do it well.

Once it's done, it will become an "assassin" on the sea, ready to kill people at any time!

Any warship that wants to approach will have to think twice, and any commander of a warship will feel cold in his heart and sweat on his back when he sees it.

It's not that Liu Tao can't modify the "Eagle Strike" missiles on the Type 024 and Type 021 missile boats, but it's not necessary, because these two missile boats are outdated!

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