The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 306: The ‘Assassin’ at Sea (asking for monthly votes)

Of course, the Type 022 missile boat is not without weaknesses.

In fact, the problems of the Type 022 missile boat are also obvious.

First of all, the Type 022 missile boat has a short range, with a combat radius of 300 nautical miles, or 555.6 kilometers. This distance is actually nothing for a warship. This combat radius means that this Type 022 missile boat can only be used for near-shore defense and can only fight in the near-shore range. After all, you can't go out to fight and then not have enough fuel to come back.

Secondly, the air self-defense capability is weak. Facing the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier, there are no anti-aircraft missiles. It is difficult to pose a fatal threat to advanced carrier-based aircraft with only high-rate guns, unless the performance of the carrier-based aircraft is average or the pilot is careless. Otherwise, if the carrier-based aircraft flies higher and uses advanced precision-guided missiles, then the Type 022 missile boat can easily become a target.

No matter how fast the Type 022 missile boat is, it is not faster than an airplane. This is the advantage of an airplane.

In the final analysis, it still has to be a large destroyer and frigate. Large destroyers and frigates have the ability to patrol for a long time and can also have strong air defense capabilities.

In addition, the Type 022 missile boat must cooperate with the command aircraft. After all, the range of its own radar is 200 kilometers. The anti-ship missiles of the Eagle Strike-2 and Eagle Strike-5 are okay, after all, the range is 70 kilometers and 100~200 kilometers, which is enough.

But for the Eagle Strike-8 and Eagle Strike-11, it is not enough, because the maximum range of the Eagle Strike-8 can reach 300 kilometers, and the maximum range of the Eagle Strike-11 can even reach 600 kilometers.

If there is no command aircraft in the air to guide, the Type 022 missile boat cannot fully exert the power of the Eagle Strike-8 and Eagle Strike-11 anti-ship missiles.

But there is no way. The positioning of the Type 022 missile boat is the "assassin" of near-shore operations, deterring some jackals and tigers. It is just a small warship and it is impossible to be perfect.

And to be honest, it is not enough for the near-shore forces to rely solely on coastal defense missiles and Type 022 missile boats. There must also be light frigates!

Liu Tao went back to Panshan Machinery Factory, downloaded all the information about the Type 022 missile boat, and then printed out two copies.

As for the original design information, it was recycled and archived.

Liu Tao then arranged the construction plan for the Type 022 missile boat. Even if the navy does not want to order this Type 022 missile boat, it is likely that many countries will be interested.

Once it is built, there is no need to worry about sellers.

Moreover, shipbuilding is the business of the shipyard, but weapon systems, electronic systems, etc. are required to be produced by other factories and finally installed in the shipyard.

Liu Tao estimated that after building a few ships, a Type 022 missile boat would only take more than a month to build.

If the shipyard is expanded and several ships are started at the same time, it would be like making dumplings and mass production.

And all of these must be planned.

Zhanjiang Port, this is the home port of the South China Sea Fleet.

Liu Tao and others are coming to a berth, where the Type 022 missile boat is docked.

When Liu Tao told the leaders of the State Shipbuilding Corporation the good news, they were very excited and contacted the Navy immediately. Then the Type 022 missile boat arrived at Zhanjiang Port.

"Comrade Liu Tao, please introduce this missile boat!" The commander of the South China Sea Fleet couldn't help but say, eager to learn about this beautiful-looking missile boat.

The warships of the current South China Sea Fleet are all crooked.

The Type 07 frigates 'Anshan', 'Fushun', 'Changchun', and 'Taiyuan' were bought back to equip the North Sea Fleet to protect the capital, and the South China Sea Fleet could only drool.

Now the South China Sea Fleet doesn't even have a Type 024 missile boat, but is equipped with the previous Type 021 missile boat.

And this new missile boat looks very powerful at first glance, at least much larger than the Type 024 missile boat.

"I named this missile boat the Type 022 missile boat. It is 43 meters long, 13 meters wide, and has a draft of 1.4 meters. It has a standard displacement of 250 tons and a full load displacement of 300 tons. It is equipped with four diesel engines, two in the front and two in the back. It has a cruising speed of 30 knots, a maximum speed of 55 knots, a cruising range of 900 nautical miles, and a combat radius of 300 nautical miles. It can carry various types of ship-launched 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles." Liu Tao introduced, "'Eagle Strike-2' and 'Eagle Strike-5' anti-ship missiles can carry 12, 'Eagle Strike-8' anti-ship missiles can carry 10, and 'Eagle Strike-11' anti-ship missiles can carry 8."

When the commanders of the navy heard that the Type 022 missile boat was so big, their eyes lit up.

The Type 021 missile boat equipped by the South China Sea Fleet has a maximum displacement of only 40 tons, a cruising range of 600 nautical miles, and a maximum speed of only 35 knots.

Not to mention, the Type 021 missile is equipped with the "Upstream No. 1" anti-ship missile, while the Type 022 missile boat in front of us can be equipped with various types of "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles.

The performance of the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile is far superior to the "Upstream No. 1" anti-ship missile.

Not long ago, the South China Sea Fleet launched an "Eagle Strike-5" anti-ship missile and directly sank a 3,500-ton old and abandoned ship.

"'Eagle Strike-11' anti-ship missile?" The commander of the South China Sea Fleet was stunned and puzzled.

Other types of anti-ship missiles were also allocated to the South China Sea Fleet, and he also knew about them.

This was the first time he heard of the "Eagle Strike-11" anti-ship missile.

"YJ-10, 'YJ-11' and 'YJ-12' are anti-ship missiles we developed before the National Day to target 80,000-ton and 90,000-ton aircraft carriers. The maximum range reaches 600 kilometers and the fastest speed. It can reach Mach 8 and has a combat head weight of 1,200 kilograms. If a large aircraft carrier of 80,000 tons or 90,000 tons is hit by one of these anti-ship missiles, it will definitely be a disaster." Liu Tao smiled and introduced.

When the commander of the South China Sea Fleet and the leaders of the Naval Command heard this, they suddenly took a breath of air.

This is simply more terrifying than the YJ-7, YJ-8, and YJ-9 anti-ship missiles.

The fastest speed is Mach 8. Which air defense system can stop this kind of anti-ship missile?

I am afraid that even the most advanced aircraft carrier fleet in the world cannot intercept it no matter how dense the protective firepower is!

And besides Yingjiang, who else in the world has a large aircraft carrier of over 80,000 tons! ?

"This Type 022 missile boat has a large number of advanced electronic systems and applies many high-tech technologies." Liu Tao said: "Its own radar has a range of 200 kilometers and an altitude of 15 kilometers. Except for a few aircraft, no matter which model it is, Neither aircraft nor missiles can escape radar detection."

Everyone was shocked by the information Liu Tao said.

This is simply a very advanced missile boat. I am afraid that such a missile boat will make jackals, tigers and leopards feel chilled and give them a headache after knowing about it.

"Of course, these are our test data. The navy will have to carry out a series of tests specifically." Liu Tao said with a smile, "After all, our test time was very short and we experienced few sea conditions."

Although he said this, Liu Tao was full of confidence.

Because he spent a lot of time and effort to develop and test it personally, and repaired and improved it one by one.

Although it is only a small toy with a full displacement of 300 tons, it possesses a large amount of advanced technology and its combat effectiveness is definitely not weak.

Anyone who understands it will frown and feel cold in his heart.

If built in large quantities, a dozen or even twenty or thirty Type 022 missile boats can definitely cause trouble for an aircraft carrier fleet. If the battle is launched within the combat range, I am afraid they can severely damage or even destroy the current one. An aircraft carrier formation.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

There are only a little more than 100 monthly passes away from 3,000!

It's the end of the month. Brothers and sisters who have monthly votes in your hands, and parents who live in food and clothing, please help cast your monthly votes!

Thank you!

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