The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 303 What does it have to do with me if the ‘Eagle Strike’ missile cannot be put on the ship?

When Liu Tao was still in Beijing, a big event happened.

The three parties in Cambodia formed a coalition government and formally signed the "Declaration of the Establishment of the Cambodian Coalition Government". According to this declaration, the main purpose of the coalition government is: "Mobilize all forces, fight together, liberate Cambodia from the hands of the Annan invaders, so as to restore the motherland as a sovereign and independent country."

It is incredible to say that Annan, with the support of the polar bear, basically controlled Laos and Cambodia in just a few years.

The area of ​​Annan is only about 330,000 square kilometers, but if Laos and Cambodia are included, it is nearly 750,000 square kilometers.

If it hadn't been for its own death, I'm afraid it would have digested these two territories and become a dominant presence in the Indochina Peninsula if it hadn't been given time to digest.

In just a few years, it was first driven out of Laos, and now it is about to be driven out of Cambodia.

Liu Tao has put a lot of effort in the management of these years, and has cooperated with many large Chinese families.

Even the special forces of the combined brigade will often perform tasks there and conduct actual combat on the battlefield.

No matter how well the soldiers are trained, they will eventually see blood and experience the baptism of the battlefield.

In fact, as early as the beginning of the year, Annan controlled only one-third of the Laotian area.

Even if the three parties did not join forces, it is estimated that Annan would not be able to hold out in Laos for long.

Although the current population of Laos is less than 3.5 million, the current army is only about 100,000 people, while the population of Cambodia is 4 million, and the guerrillas are only 100,000 people, but they cannot withstand the constant sneak attacks of the guerrillas who can fight guerrilla warfare.

Both Laos and Cambodia are particularly suitable for guerrilla warfare.

Shoot and run, facing the deep forests and mountains, Annan’s troops are simply not enough.

At that time, the Vietnamese army suddenly dispatched more than 200,000 troops to attack Cambodia. Even if the "Red Dragon's Roar" suffered a disastrous defeat, it did not immediately transfer troops from Cambodia.

But in the past few years, Annan's troops in Cambodia and Laos have suffered heavy losses after repeated attacks by guerrillas. Last year, Annan's troops had to be forced to withdraw, and Laos established a "Democratic Republic". Of course, the forces here are complicated, and several major forces are barely united, but their respective territories are clearly divided.

As for Cambodia, Annan could not stand it as early as the beginning of the year, so he began to want to withdraw his troops.

It can only be said that the Annanese are unpopular in Cambodia, and they are facing huge pressure in the north, suffering heavy losses, and can no longer support their ambition to dominate the Southeast Asian Peninsula.

Liu Tao looked at the news, and his mouth curled up slightly: "I want to see how long the Annanese can hold on."

According to Liu Tao's estimate, there are still about 130,000 or 140,000 Annanese troops in Cambodia, mainly entrenched in major cities.

He does not need to completely control Laos and Cambodia, he just needs to have a piece of land and maintain an influence, and the rest is to trade between the two sides and cooperate for win-win results.

China National Ordnance Industry Corporation.

In the conference room, Liu Tao stared with an incredible look on his face.

"Your ships cannot use the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles, what does it have to do with our Panshan Group?" Liu Tao couldn't figure out what was going on.

The Navy has already purchased a batch of 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles, including air-launched, ship-launched and submarine-launched types.

But now he is told that the ship-launched and submarine-launched types cannot be used.

"Comrade Liu Tao, isn't this the case that those who are capable should do more work? Your Panshan Group developed the 'Eagle Ship' anti-ship missile, which you are most familiar with. We can only ask you for help now." The head of the State Shipbuilding Corporation twitched his mouth and said with a blushing face.

Because this is really too embarrassing.

But the Navy has already slammed the table and cursed. It has been so long since they have come up with a plan, and the Navy is very dissatisfied.

The Republic's Navy is so weak.

It has been a very sad journey.

When the Republic was just established, the Navy had more than 350 ships of various types, with a total displacement of 125,000 tons. These ships are not only small in number, small in tonnage, backward in performance, but also uneven in combat readiness.

Later, a three-year (1953-1955) ordering agreement was signed with the Soviet Union. Under the agreement, the Navy welcomed its first batch of ships, including the so-called 'Four King Kongs' - the Type 07 destroyer and many other torpedo boats and frigates.

In 1956, the Navy proposed the "three obediences" policy, with "air, submarine, and fast" as the core, and implemented near-shore defense.

Under the guidance of this idea, multiple models of missile boats, torpedo boats, and submarine hunters were developed one after another.

For example, the Type 021 missile boat, the Type 024 missile boat, the Type 02 torpedo boat, the Type 026 torpedo boat, the Type 037 battleship, the Type 051 destroyer, the Type 053 frigate, the Type 091 nuclear submarine, etc.

Liu Tao came up with the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile, and the Navy was ecstatic. It gritted its teeth and used the funds originally intended to purchase warships to purchase the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile.

But when the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile was obtained, the Navy was dumbfounded.

The air-launched type, with advanced fighters purchased from the United States, can be used; the ship-launched type, there is no problem for the coastal defense forces to use, after all, there are "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile launchers.

But when the "Eagle Strike" missile was to be used on warships and submarines, they were dumbfounded.

It can't be used!

Each anti-ship missile has a dedicated launch device.

The current warships cannot be used to launch the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles, because the current warships are either used to launch the "Upstream No. 1" anti-ship missiles or the "Sea Eagle-1" anti-ship missiles.

The research institute has been slow to come up with a plan, and the navy is very dissatisfied and slams the table and curses.

There is no way, the State Shipbuilding Corporation has to find Liu Tao.

The grievance has its perpetrators, and the debt has its creditors. The "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile was developed by Liu Tao, and Liu Tao is most familiar with it, so it should be possible to help solve the problem.

Liu Tao did not expect that such an embarrassing thing would happen.

Seeing the leader of the State Shipbuilding Corporation like this, Liu Tao was embarrassed to say more, so he asked about the situation.

After that, he gradually understood the current situation of the navy.

It can only be said that the current strength of the navy is terrible. Although the total tonnage of 141,000 tons can rank fifth in the world, the real naval strength is probably not even in the top 20.

Not to mention the US Navy with a total tonnage of 3.7785 million tons and the Soviet Navy with a total tonnage of 3.2068 million tons, whose tonnage far exceeds that of other countries, and whose warships also perform better than other countries.

Let's take the British Royal Navy for example. Even though it suffered heavy losses in the Falklands War, its total tonnage still exceeds 300,000 tons, and the performance of other warships is also good, ranking third in the world.

The French Navy has a total tonnage of 261,400 tons and has a large number of advanced warships.

Many other countries, even if they cannot build advanced warships, can buy warships from other countries, and there are always a few advanced warships to support the scene.

However, China's most advanced warship is still the "Four King Kong" Type 07 frigate, which is already a very old and backward warship.

Because the Type 07 frigate is actually a Soviet imitation of the Italian torpedo ship before World War II, with torpedoes as its main weapon, with a length of 112.8 meters, a width of 10.20 meters, a standard displacement of 1,657 tons, and a full load displacement of 2,451 tons. Even if missile launchers were installed in recent years, it still cannot change the fact that this is an old and backward warship.

Warships are notoriously expensive. When China bought the Type 07 frigate from the Soviet Union, one ship was equivalent to 17 tons of gold. Even so, the Soviet Union was not very willing to sell it at that time. China spent a lot of time and energy to finally get the Soviets to agree.

And getting the Type 07 frigate made the Chinese Navy at that time ecstatic.

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