Just after the National Day.

Liu Tao got good news.

Argentina agreed to his conditions and was willing to use mines, soybeans, corn, wheat, sorghum, beef, mutton, etc. as collateral for the transaction.

There was no way, Liu Tao would not accept credit at all.

If you dare to accept credit from Argentina, Argentina will dare to default on it.

To do business with a country like Argentina, you must make clear accounts.

Argentina is now in an economic crisis and debt crisis, and even because of the failure of the Falklands War, the situation in Argentina is turbulent.

But it does not mean that Argentina has nothing.

On the contrary, Argentina is rich in mineral resources and is one of the major mining countries in Latin America. The main mineral resources are oil, natural gas, copper, gold, uranium, lead, zinc, borates, clay, etc., most of which are located in the Andes Mountains bordering Chile and Bolivia.

It's just that Argentina's mineral development level is low, and more than 75% of the resources have not yet been explored and developed.

Liu Tao was not surprised at all by Argentina's choice.

Now Argentina is in great trouble. If it wants to buy the ‘Eagle Strike’ anti-ship missiles to feel at ease, but can’t afford it, then it has no choice but to agree to his terms.

As for credit, he never accepts credit.

There is no way. Argentina is too far away and out of reach. If Argentina refuses to pay after credit, he really has no good way.

And his terms are actually a win-win situation for both parties. He can get mineral development and mine and sell them continuously. After agricultural products are shipped back to the country, even if they are not sold, they can be digested by themselves.

What’s more, these are actually not worried about selling. The mainland is not worried about selling, and Hong Kong is not worried about selling!

Compared with other countries, they may choose the French ‘Exocet’ missile, but for Argentina, which has used both the ‘Exocet’ missile and the ‘Eagle Strike’ missile, they will choose the ‘Eagle Strike’ anti-ship missile without hesitation.

First of all, the ‘Eagle Strike’ anti-ship missile is more effective, and it is also better than the ‘Exocet’ missile in terms of performance.

Secondly, the Argentines were still upset about France's refusal to sell them the "Exocet" missiles, "Super Etendard" fighter jets, and "Mirage" fighter jets. They didn't want to be unable to buy weapons in the future when a war broke out.

Argentina had also asked him to purchase before, but he did not refuse. Instead, he told them helplessly that it would take at least two months to ship from China to South America, and then from South America to Argentina, and it was impossible to deliver to Argentina in the time period Argentina wanted.

This also won Argentina's trust.

After all, what Liu Tao said was completely true, not like France, which was high-handed and directly refused to sell to Argentina.

"Mr. Martino, my friend, I believe that our cooperation will become more and more pleasant." Liu Tao smiled lightly, "In the future, China and Argentina will have more and more trade. We have a population of 1 billion, which is a supermarket. Think about our cooperation. In the future, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell Argentina's minerals and agricultural products."

"And you can also get the weapons you want, or other industrial products!" Liu Tao is full of confidence in this.

Argentina has a population of about 29 million and a land area of ​​2.78 million square kilometers. It is definitely a country with a vast land and a sparse population. Argentina has rich natural resources and is very suitable as a resource exporter and an agricultural country!

Industry is not suitable for Argentina because Argentina is far away from the center of the world, their wages are not low, and their products are not competitive at all.

Or in other words, Argentina is too far from heaven and too close to the United States.

Cooperation with China is definitely a win-win situation.

Martino's face was not very good. He said: "Liu, if we can't pay now and need your "Eagle Strike" missiles, we will never agree."

An iron mine, a copper mine, a gold and silver mine, and a lithium boron mine, the price is really a bit high.

"Mr. Martino, you must know that these minerals are buried underground. They are only valuable when they are mined. If they are not mined, they are not valuable at all." Liu Tao said without comment: "We will invest in you, but we will bring you investment and jobs, and your agricultural products will have a huge export market."

Now no one in the world is optimistic about Argentina.

First, Argentina was caught in an economic crisis and a debt crisis, and now it lost the Falklands War. Everyone knows that Argentina's economy will definitely decline sharply.

Even if he doesn't use this method, he can still make a difference in Argentina, but it will be a lot of trouble.

After all, Argentina's forces are complicated and there are too many local snakes.

Unfortunately, there are very few Chinese in Argentina, not even 100,000, and they belong to a relatively weak group.

But this method is different, and it can save a lot of trouble.

"I hope so!" Martino said.

After the two separated, Liu Tao was in a very good mood.

Now the whole of Latin America is deeply in economic crisis due to the "dollar tide" caused by the sharp increase in interest rates in the United States, and this is precisely an opportunity for him.

Through the trade of weapons and equipment, some cooperation can be achieved.

Whether it is Argentina or Brazil, they are both rich in resources and major agricultural producers.

They can't sell their food, but China needs it now.

During the drought of several years, many people in many villages went out to beg for a living. This is because the country invested a huge amount of money and materials in disaster relief. Otherwise, the drought would have caused countless people to starve to death.

The current food imports are mainly imported from Thailand, and some are imported from the United States.

As for South America, there are very few economic and trade exchanges now.

"I don't know how many people will be willing to go abroad to take risks this time!" Liu Tao sighed, and was a little worried.

It is difficult to leave the hometown. If it is not forced, few people are willing to leave their hometown, let alone go abroad to make a living.

Even for passionate young people like retired soldiers, the proportion of those who choose to go abroad to make a living is less than one-tenth.

This is for those who choose to go abroad, and the salary is much higher than that in China.

If the salary level is the same, I am afraid that this proportion will drop to one percent or even one thousandth.

From the current point of view, those who are willing to choose to go abroad are mainly from Guangdong Province, Fujian Province or Zhejiang Province. People from these three provinces are most willing to go out to make a living.

Some people even take advantage of the rare opportunity to start a business outside.

But in the final analysis, the number of people willing to go abroad is still much less than the number he needs.

Now the entire security system has barely passed the personnel, and the total number of the largest mercenaries is less than 1,000. Not to mention the world's largest mercenary group, it can't even be ranked in the top 100.

Of course, going abroad to venture, the salary is high, but the risk is also high. It is not uncommon for dozens or hundreds of people to die every year.

Sometimes they are attacked by other mercenary groups, and dozens or even hundreds of people may die at a time.

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