The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 299 9-meter-long 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile

Sleep until you wake up naturally.

When Liu Tao woke up, he looked at his watch and saw that it was already noon.

After washing up, Liu Tao went to the cafeteria to eat.

Holding lunch boxes, queue up to get rice and vegetables.

In the cafeteria, there is an aunt wearing a red armband, patrolling around.

If someone is wasting food and is caught by these aunts, he will definitely be criticized and criticized. If it is a little more serious, the leaders will be invited to come over. If the situation is serious, the entire factory will be notified of the criticism, and in the most serious case, the employee will be fired directly.

These aunts are definitely the existence that many people fear the most.

This also prevents anyone from wasting food in the canteen.

Everyone eats the appropriate amount of food according to their own appetite.

These aunts all experienced the famine in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and they are all too aware of the preciousness of food.

Even though most of their food is now traded from Nanyang, they are still not allowed to waste food.

Liu Tao found a seat, sat down, and chatted with the workers while eating.

This is also one of his ways of taking the mass line.

It is said that the eyes of the masses are sharp, and Liu Tao firmly believes this.

He has also been emphasizing that whether a leader is good or not depends on the evaluation of ordinary workers. A gold cup or a silver cup is not as good as the reputation of the workers.

The camp is made of iron and the soldiers are flowing water.

Now many of the workers at Panshan Machinery Factory have changed a lot.

But Liu Tao has always insisted on doing this, listening more to what the workers care about and what they do, and listening to which leaders they praise and criticize.

If a leader is praised by everyone, then there is a high probability that he is a good leader. After the inspection and there are no problems, Liu Tao is willing to promote him. If there is a problem during the inspection, it means it is well hidden, so you have to be cautious.

There is a high probability that a leader who is scolded is a bad leader. Liu Tao will also investigate. If it is a leader who is scolded because of his seriousness and strict requirements, Liu Tao will be very pleased and will cultivate such a leader. If there is a problem with the work style or corruption, then it will be investigated by the relevant departments and the bad apples will be weeded out.

All the cadres who have been dealt with over the years have solid evidence, and not one of them was wrongly accused.

After finishing his meal and leaving the canteen, Liu Tao came to the place where the tanks and armored vehicles were kept.

Type 80 main battle tanks, Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, Type 81 light tanks, Type 81 medium tanks, Type 81 amphibious tanks, Type 81 infantry fighting vehicles, etc. are arranged neatly.

Liu Tao didn't even need to think about it, he also knew that none of them could meet his qualification standards, and every piece of equipment would have many problems.

But in order to deliver the task, this is the only way to do it. If there is a problem, he will solve it.

Problems with these equipment were solved one by one. When all were solved, it was already evening.

After his inspection, the Type 81 light tank, Type 81 medium tank, Type 81 amphibious tank, and Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle will be shipped out soon.

The others are first transported to the Malone training base and delivered to the combined brigade.

When delivery is approaching, these foreign trade editions will either be shipped to the Western Region Port or to Yangcheng Port.

Those heading towards the Western Regions take the land route, mainly with Pakistan, Persia and other countries. The volume is relatively small. The really large volume on this side is the foreign trade working group of the Ordnance Industry Corporation and daily necessities.

For the southwest arms industry, the real volume is Yangcheng Port, which exports to the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.

With the Falklands War, the 'Feiyu' anti-ship missile and the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile became famous in the first battle and became best-sellers in the world arms market.

There is no need to worry about selling these two anti-ship missiles at all.

The 'Flying Fish' anti-ship missile is a legal weapon and often contains many conditions, such as being bundled with the 'Super Etendard' or 'Phantom' fighter jets, and having additional political and economic conditions.

But the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile is different. As long as the deal is negotiated, there will be no additional conditions, which is naturally more popular.

Europe has West Germany purchasing, Africa has purchased from Libya, Egypt, and South Africa, the Middle East has purchased from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, and Persia. In the South Asian subcontinent, Pakistan has purchased a batch, and Latin America has purchased a batch. Purchase from Mexico, Brazil and Peru.

Argentina has also taken the initiative to contact them, but now Argentina has no money and is heavily in debt. They want to take credit, but Liu Tao directly refused.

As for Liu Tao's proposal to trade mines, agricultural products, gold, etc., Argentina was still hesitant and did not give him a clear answer.

Although the total order for the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles is only 1,500 pieces, the total contract is only 2 billion US dollars, which is not as large as the orders in the Middle East.

But this opened the door to firearms, bullets, cannons, and artillery shells on his side.

Even Liu Tao felt that the foreign trade working group had to treat him to a meal.

Because most of the other orders here are for the foreign trade working group.

In the production workshop, Liu Tao is assembling the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile with parts.

Based on his understanding of the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile, he redeveloped a larger 'Eagle Strike' missile.

However, many parts are the same and shared.

It's just that the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile he wants to assemble is larger in diameter and longer.

For such a big guy, Liu Tao had to use tools, such as a crane!

During Liu Tao's assembly, a 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile gradually took shape.

However, unlike the previous 'Eagle Strike-7' anti-ship missile, the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile in front of Liu Tao was 9 meters long and 1.2 meters in diameter, which was much larger than the previous one and also two meters longer.

The combat head weighed 1,200 kilograms, and the weight of the entire missile exceeded 3 tons.

"So many problems?" Liu Tao frowned slightly.

The virtual panel at the corner of his eye showed the entire model of the missile, and the red ones all represented problems.

It was not that there was a problem with the parts, but that there was a problem with the aviation power.

In other words, this missile might not be able to be launched.

He was a little speechless about this.

He originally thought that his attainments in anti-ship missiles were very deep, and he was probably the best in the world. Now it was nothing more than increasing the diameter, lengthening the single body, and increasing the solid rocket engine on the basis of the original 'Eagle Strike' missile, and it should be done.

I didn't expect this to happen.

This reminded him of when he first started working on the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile. It was similar to now, or even more outrageous.

And it was impossible to test-fire this thing, so he had to make more to earn upgrade points, and then upgrade it again and again to finally reach the desired performance requirements.

"It seems that I have to upgrade again to solve these problems." Liu Tao muttered to himself.

Fortunately, he has a golden finger, otherwise an anti-ship missile often requires a professional technical team to spend several years or even more than ten years to develop, and then it will take decades to improve step by step to improve performance.

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