There are many comprehensive considerations for choosing Tin Shui Wai and Tung Chun Wai.

First, it is very close to Pengcheng. Tin Shui Wai is less than 5 kilometers away, and Tung Chun Wai is only 200 meters away.

Second, he has a large piece of land here, which is very cheap and suitable for factory construction and development.

As companies announced to build factories in Tin Shui Wai and Tung Tin Town, and the Hong Kong government announced the construction of two roads leading to Tin Shui Wai and Tung Tin Town, these two places suddenly became hot spots.

Liu Tao arranged an office building for each of the companies, and then let them run their own operations, recruiting troops and finding companies to build factories.

This measure is very effective. The number of people recruited by just a few companies in Hong Kong to work in the headquarters building exceeds 5,000. In addition to the workers needed to build factories, there are tens of thousands of jobs provided.

The construction of trunk roads, etc., also provides more than 20,000 jobs.

It stabilized Hong Kong a lot.

During the construction period, the total number of jobs provided by engineering construction alone exceeded 50,000.

Liu Tao left Hong Kong at the end of September and returned to Panshan Machinery Factory.

After a month away, Liu Tao was left with a mountain of weapons, ammunition, shells, tanks, self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and infantry fighting vehicles!

Liu Tao sighed, and he had to be busy for more than a day.

Liu Tao first tested firearms, and his eyes lit up: "The pass rate exceeded 95%? It seems that I don't need to come for firearms testing in the future!"

After years of hard work and continuous efforts in production quality, we finally achieved today's results.

To be honest, it is not easy to get to this point this year.

A quality department was specially set up to control quality, and special production rules and regulations were formulated to regulate the production of workers, so that workers can produce according to the rules and regulations, focusing on quality and constantly correcting them. It has been four years since 1978.

What is behind this is the improvement of the technical level of the quality inspection department and the strong training of the quality inspection team.

As well as the production department, the workers' craftsmanship in producing firearms has matured, the technical level has been greatly improved, and the corresponding supporting factories can provide military factories with parts that can almost reach a 100% qualified rate.

"Sure enough, without involving the true essence of technology, the saying that practice makes perfect is still very applicable." Liu Tao said secretly. When checking bullets and shells, Liu Tao found that in addition to special bullets and shells, the qualified rate of other bullets and shells also reached 95%.

For example, the qualified rate of ordinary bullets of heavy sniper rifles is more than 95%.

Liu Tao asked people to move all the boxes containing firearms to the warehouse.

He signed some relevant documents and then said: "In the future, these firearms and ordinary bullets will no longer need to be tested by me. After your quality inspection department finally passes, they can enter the warehouse."

"But don't be too happy too soon. I will go to the warehouse for random inspections from time to time. If the quality is found to have dropped significantly, then your quality inspection department will be punished." Liu Tao reminded them.

The quality inspection department is a very special department, which is directly led by Liu Tao and then extended to various companies. Their responsibility is to control product quality.

This product is not a military product or a civilian product.

Without the inspection of the quality inspection department, the product will never leave the factory.

Moreover, the quality inspection department not only checks its own production quality, but also controls the quality of the spare parts and materials provided to them.

"Please rest assured, Director, we will continue to work hard to increase the qualified rate to 100% as much as possible, and strive to increase the excellent rate to more than 80%!" The people in the quality inspection department hurriedly assured.

As the porters carried the guns and bullets to the warehouse, Liu Tao was also testing the shells.

Many of these shells were not produced by Panshan Machinery Factory, but by other military factories.

After these shells were produced, they would be transported to Panshan Machinery Factory for Liu Tao's final inspection.

These shells, different models of shells, have different weights.

Even tank shells have different diameter specifications, and even the same caliber shells have different functions.

There is even a difference between training shells and live shells!

Each different shell has slightly different logos and colors.

The most expensive shells are special 120mm tank main gun shells, which have extremely amazing lethality and extremely terrifying armor-piercing ability.

The shells without problems are moved to the warehouse by the porters, and the shells with problems are picked out and analyzed one by one.

Once there is a problem with the shells, the consequences are disastrous.

It is relatively easy to accept that the shells did not explode after being fired, anyway, there is no problem with them. If the shells explode directly because of problems, then the problem is a problem.

The shells exploded, at the least, the barrels were severely damaged, and a barrel was directly scrapped, which means that the tank lost its combat effectiveness and had to replace the barrels, which would take a lot of time. In severe cases, the entire tank was destroyed, or even the ammunition was detonated, which was absolutely catastrophic. In this case, the loss could be millions or even tens of millions of dollars.

If there happened to be a commander nearby, the commander would be killed directly, or even the failure of a war would be caused, and the loss would be even greater.

It's not just tank shells, other shells are the same.

In this regard, Liu Tao is never careless.

Of course, these problematic shells will not be destroyed directly after being picked out, which is too wasteful. Liu Tao will take them to his own production workshop and then fix the problems of these shells one by one.

Several quality inspectors looked at these problematic shells, each with a bitter look on their faces.

No one questioned Liu Tao's judgment, because countless experiences have shown that if Liu Tao said there is a problem, then there is really a problem.

Everyone trusts Liu Tao unconditionally, because Liu Tao has used experience again and again to show that he is right and his judgment will not be wrong.

Although it is incredible, this is so metaphysical.

What they fear most is to pick out the problematic ones, once these are related to their bonuses, as well as evaluation and promotion.

When they finished all this, the sky had begun to brighten, and Liu Tao couldn't help stretching and yawning.

Even if he is very strong, it is a bit overwhelming to do so many things at once.

The driver sent Liu Tao home. Liu Tao took a shower and fell asleep on the bed.

As soon as he returned to Panshan Machinery Factory, he started to be busy until now, which really exhausted him.

This is because guns and bullets do not take too much time, otherwise he would not be able to complete the work in the quality inspection room.

Just lying down, it was estimated that it was only three seconds, and Liu Tao fell asleep and snored.

If someone was here, they would find it incredible, how could someone fall asleep so quickly! The snoring would be deafening.

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