The development of weapons is closely related to physics, chemistry and mathematics.

One of the important reasons for the rapid development of science in modern Europe is that it is focused on developing weapons.

For example, artillery, the artillery shoots out a parabola-like trajectory. Physics masters such as Newton and Galileo all participated in the development of artillery, which involves mathematics and physics.

When it comes to rockets and airplanes, aerodynamics must be mentioned here!

Rockets and airplanes flying in the air will be affected by the air, and the impact is different in different situations.

So don’t think that Liu Tao just increased the diameter of the missile and lengthened the missile, but it has changed the impact of the air on the missile.

Liu Tao continued to assemble the missile, and then repaired the missile through the upgrade point.

After a few days of hard work, a slightly changed ‘Eagle Strike’ missile was finally born.

The length of the missile is still 9 meters, and the diameter is still 1.2 meters, but the tail has changed a little, and the front of the warhead has also changed slightly.

It is the solid rocket engine, and the parameters have also changed.

Later, Liu Tao developed a ship-launched version and a submarine-launched version based on this ‘Eagle Strike’ missile.

‘Eagle Strike-10’, ‘Eagle Strike-11’ and ‘Eagle Strike-12’ are respectively air-launched, ship-launched and submarine-launched.

The combat heads of these three models are all 1,200 kg, the missile weighs 3.2~4 tons, the range is 400~600 kilometers, and the speed is 1.5~8 Mach.

Once the missile is fired, the speed quickly reaches 1.5 Mach, and the height is 12~15 meters. When it is 50 nautical miles away from the target, the missile separates an active + microwave thermal guidance air radar for the final stage of guidance. At the same time, the missile’s four booster missiles are ignited. The missile hits the target at a speed of 6~8 Mach. The warhead is separated in the final stage of the attack. Even if the enemy’s dense array or missile interception, it can only sigh at the missile at such a high speed.

It can’t be intercepted at all!

The existing missile defense system or artillery interception can’t intercept this anti-ship missile at all.

Moreover, like before, this anti-ship missile also has a strong fake warhead deception tactic. When the enemy finds the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile 150 kilometers away, the enemy intercepts it with a missile. The "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile will launch two of its booster rockets to interfere, but in the final attack phase, the attack distance is shortened to 25 nautical miles, and the terminal attack speed of the missile is reduced to 3-4 Mach.

Although the speed is reduced to 3-4 Mach, it is not something that can be intercepted by current defensive missiles.

"Kitty Hawk, Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, you are all unsafe!" Liu Tao's mouth curled slightly, and the "aircraft carrier killer" he specially built for large aircraft carriers was born!

The Kitty Hawk class is the main aircraft carrier of the current US Navy. There are four ships, "Kitty Hawk", "Constellation", "America", and "Kennedy", all of which were commissioned in the 1960s. The latest one is the "Kennedy" aircraft carrier, which was commissioned in 1968. The standard displacement of the Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier is 61,000 tons, and the full load displacement is 8.2 tons.

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is the most advanced aircraft carrier of the US Navy. There are three aircraft carriers, namely the Nimitz, Eisenhower and Carl Vinson. The earliest Nimitz was commissioned in 1975, and the Carl Vinson was commissioned in 1981. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which is completely different from the previous US aircraft carriers. The standard displacement is 73,000 tons and the full load displacement is 91,500 tons. As early as 1968, the estimated cost of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was as high as 1.88 billion US dollars, and the cost of the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was as high as 4 billion US dollars.

With such a high cost, it only needs to be hit by an Eagle Strike-10, Eagle Strike-11 or Eagle Strike-12, which is a catastrophe.

The cost of this missile is 150,000 to 250,000 RMB, which means that at the current exchange rate, even if 40,000 of these 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles hit one target, it would be a huge profit.

After all, the 'Nimitz-class' aircraft carrier is not just an aircraft carrier, it also has various carrier-based aircraft and officers and soldiers!

The National Day is approaching.

The five-star red flag can be seen everywhere in the entire Panshan Machinery Factory, and the festive atmosphere is already very strong.

The art troupe and other units have started celebrating programs since a few days ago, celebrating the 33rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

For example, singing red songs, such as red dramas.

Even schools organize students to perform.

This is a mark of an era, and it is also the brilliance of this era.

Since Liu Tao became the factory director, he has been carrying forward this excellent tradition. He hopes that the entire Panshan system has faith, because he has a deep understanding of how powerful the power of faith is.

Patriotism education has always been the top priority of work.

In addition to performing in the factory, the art troupe will also perform at the synthetic brigade.

Each factory has an art troupe, but the one at the headquarters is the highest.

When Liu Tao was in the auditorium, he saw Zhao Guoping and his wife. Zhao Guoping was holding the child, and his wife's belly was bulging. It was obvious that she was pregnant with her second child, and it was estimated that she had been pregnant for several months.

That is, she is already pregnant now. If it is next year, it will be troublesome.

Because just a few days ago, family planning was set as China's basic national policy.

This represents a signal, a signal to strengthen family planning.

Although family planning has been in place since 1971, it was more of an initiative and suggestion than a mandatory one.

Liu Tao greeted the two people and sat down in the first row in front.

Today was the National Day Gala, and he, as a leader, had to speak.

The host came on stage, gave an opening speech, warmed up the audience, and then invited Liu Tao to speak.

Amid warm applause, Liu Tao stepped onto the stage.

"Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, hundreds of millions of people have worked hard and tried to explore the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the process of reform and opening up and modernization, they have created one miracle after another and realized the century-old dream of a prosperous country and a strong people and national rejuvenation. Today's China is full of vitality, and various undertakings are thriving. The cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics shows strong vitality."

"Today, we gather here to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the Republic. With the great belief of "military industry saving the country" and "military industry strengthening the country", we are rooted in the mountains and forests, forging swords for the motherland, so that our soldiers have swords to defend their homes and the country, and deter the wolves."

After speaking for about ten minutes, Liu Tao left the stage and the evening party began.

The evening party has singing, dancing, and poetry recitation.

In terms of songs, two of them are with the characteristics of Yunnan Province, such as folk song duets.

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