On the Mediterranean Sea.

The US aircraft carriers came in with the wind and waves, showing off their power.

As the world's first maritime power, the United States has a large number of naval bases and the most aircraft carriers in the world.

The number of aircraft carriers in other countries in the world combined is not as many as that of the United States, and their performance is not as advanced as his.

The Lexington, Coral Sea, Forrestal, Saratoga, Ranger, Independence, Kitty Hawk, Constellation, Enterprise, America, Kennedy, Nimitz, Eisenhower, and Carl Vinson, a total of fourteen aircraft carriers, are proof of the United States' position at sea.

In order to support their father this time, the United States sent a total of two aircraft carrier formations, one in the Mediterranean and the other in the Arabian Sea.

At this time, the aircraft carrier formation with the Kitty Hawk as the core was in the Mediterranean.

The Kitty Hawk is a conventional-powered aircraft carrier under the U.S. Navy. It is the first ship of the Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier of the U.S. Navy. The Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier was developed on the basis of the Forrestal-class aircraft carrier. Its main task is to use carrier-based aircraft to attack surface, air and land targets. Construction began in 1956, it was launched in 1960, and it was commissioned in 1961. It has been in service for 21 years so far.

This steel giant ship is 323.6 meters long, 39.6 meters wide, with a standard displacement of 61,000 tons and a full load displacement of 81,700 tons. The speed can reach 30-32 knots, the endurance can reach 4,000 nautical miles, the crew is 5,480 people, and there are 82 carrier-based aircraft.

At this time, on the deck of the aircraft carrier, an F-14 ‘Panda’ fighter had stopped on the angled deck, the front wheel was hooked on the slide of the catapult, and the pilot turned on the engine.

A ground crew member next to him looked at the color of the tail flame familiarly and made a gesture.

Another ground crew member in different clothes made another gesture with body language.

Suddenly, the pilot turned on the afterburner, adjusted the engine power to the maximum, and released the brake.

A puff of white smoke came out, and the steam catapult below had begun to work at full speed. Under the combined effect of the steam catapult and the fighter engine, the aircraft accelerated and took off from the runway on the angled deck of about 100 meters.

At the moment when the main landing gear left the deck, the aircraft sank a bit, but the lift was enough to completely lift the fighter. Two flames kept coming out of the tail. The pride of the US Navy, the F-14 Tomcat fighter, took off from the aircraft carrier and began this mission: show off its power!

Hundreds of miles away, there are several warships here, which are the warships of the Israeli Navy.

The Israeli Navy is not strong, with a staff of about 9,000 people. The role of the navy this time is deterrence. In addition, only the 13th Commando is responsible for clearing obstacles for several tanks, jeeps and other equipment for landing operations.

Today, the Israeli navy mainly has 3 submarines, 3 small frigates, 8 missile attack speedboats, 14 patrol ships, and 3 landing ships.

At this time, an "Eilat" class frigate and two missile attack speedboats are cruising on the sea, deterring potential opponents.

Very close to the coastline.

This "Eilat" class frigate is 85.64 meters long, 10.36 meters wide, with a standard displacement of 1,227 tons, a maximum speed of 33 knots, a cruising range of 4,000 nautical miles, and a total of 61 crew members.

The two warships are showing off their power, but they did not find that in a hidden place on land, the guerrillas are installing "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles under the guidance of technicians with black hair, yellow skin and black eyes next to them.

This is a ship-launched missile, which can of course also be launched on the shore.

In order to ensure that the target is hit, each of the three launchers will launch two "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles.

Each aims, then presses the button, and the three missiles are launched and headed towards the target.

The speed reached 0.9 Mach, which was very fast!

The frigate and the two missile attack speedboats had never thought that someone would attack them.

You know, according to intelligence, this place is very safe, and the hostile forces have no means of attack at all.

The only thing that can threaten them is the fighter.

But once the opponent's fighter takes off, it will be discovered immediately, and their own aircraft will take off to support them as soon as possible.




The three warships were not fast, and they were not prepared.

With the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile radar locked, it crashed directly.

In an instant, the three warships were sunk.

In fact, the maximum tonnage of the three warships was only over a thousand tons, and the two missile attack speedboats were only 500 tons, which could not withstand the attack of the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles.

As long as they were hit, only one "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile was needed to sink them.

On land, the guerrillas were watching with binoculars, and when they saw the three warships being sunk directly, they were stunned.

He had not expected that the anti-ship missiles were so powerful.

Originally, each launcher was supposed to launch two anti-ship missiles, but now the second one was not needed.

The guerrilla commander quickly ordered the launchers to leave quickly to avoid retaliation from the Israeli Air Force.

At the same time, an F-14 ‘Panda’ fighter was stunned when it saw the three warships being sunk.

After waking up, the pilot quickly reported the situation back.

"What? The other side actually has anti-ship missiles?" After receiving the report, the commander of the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier battle group was shocked and exclaimed.

At the first time, the commander issued an order: "All warships retreat, 200 nautical miles away from the coastline!"

At 200 nautical miles, there are already very few anti-ship missiles that can threaten warships.

And this distance has enough time to react and intercept anti-ship missiles.

At the same time, the commander reported the situation.

Not long after, the "Enterprise" aircraft carrier formation cruising in the Arabian Sea also retreated at the first time, 200 nautical miles away from the coastline.

None of them dared to take risks, who knew if the other side would go crazy and attack them with anti-ship missiles.

The loss of three warships by the Israeli Navy made the Israeli Navy feel distressed. After all, they did not have many warships, and now they lost a frigate and two missile attack speedboats at once.

The Israeli Navy Command quickly ordered other warships not to get too close to the coastline, and at the same time asked the Air Force to strengthen reconnaissance.

The first battle, with such a great result, made several countries excited. They were a little worried, but now they are finally at ease and can sleep well.

Especially Saudi Arabia, Iraq and other countries near the sea. You know, since the news of the transfer of the US aircraft carrier formation, they have been under great pressure.

Now, with the powerful weapon "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile, hostile warships dare not easily enter the Red Sea or the Persian Gulf.

After all, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf are not wide.

Although the shore attack cannot hit, the problem is that there are still air-launched "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles.

At that time, they will fight to die together and launch dozens of "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles. Not to mention more, as long as three or four warships are sunk, it will make the maritime hegemon feel distressed.

Not to mention that warships are so expensive, often sinking one costs tens of millions of dollars, or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

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