The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 289 Purchase the ‘Eagle Strike’ anti-ship missile?


Liu Tao met a few old friends.

"Liu, my friend, we need to purchase 'Vanguard' air defense missiles and 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles!" Haller said.

This time they took the initiative to contact Liu Tao in order to purchase 'Vanguard' air defense missiles and 'Eagle Strike' missiles.

Other guns, bullets, shells, etc. are still sufficient. Even if they are not enough, just contact Liu Zhenbang.

But 'Vanguard' air defense missiles and 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles are different. They must be purchased from Liu Tao.

Haller said, "You know, the Israelis provoked the fifth Middle East war. They must be punished and they must pay the price for their actions."

Haller and others had hatred in their eyes.

Liu Tao sighed in his heart.

This is a war between Arabs and Israelis. In order to expand the land for survival and to firmly take root in this area, the Israelis want to constantly expand their territory and their power, waving sharp swords in their hands to kill anyone who is not good for them.

The Arabs, who have been born and raised here for two thousand years, will naturally not be willing to have their land occupied. They will resist and take back the land they deserve.

War is inevitable.

However, how to conduct war is a science.

Modern war is not just a military contest. Any war is for the purpose of obtaining tangible benefits. This is true for everyone. Military is for politics and economy.

War is not just military, but also penetrates into politics and economy.

For example, under the Arabs' alliance, although they did not directly send troops to participate in this war as in previous times, they did not stop young people from helping and joining the guerrillas. Moreover, they played a huge supporting role in the rear.

The oil-producing countries in the Middle East united together to express strong opposition to those countries that support Israel by reducing oil production.

The world's oil prices have been rising since then.

The rise in oil prices will lead to economic depression. After this incident, it is likely that the economy will take several years to recover.

Since the outbreak of the fifth Middle East war, OPEC members announced a 50% reduction in oil production, and the price of international oil has never been lower than 50 US dollars per barrel. During this period, the international oil price has remained in the range of 50 to 52 US dollars per barrel.

And this price is a considerable blow to industrial countries such as Europe and the United States.

After all, they have a large number of cars and are oil importers. The rise in oil prices means that they have to spend more money on refueling, which also means an increase in production costs.

"Didn't we just give you a batch of 'Vanguard' air defense missiles two months ago? And why did you buy 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles?" Liu Tao was very surprised.

Haller said: "Air defense missiles consume a lot of energy, and we can't use them all to support them. The purchase of this batch now is for the guerrillas."

"With the navy's warships showing off their power, the old Americans have announced that they will send aircraft carriers to the Gulf." Haller was very angry.

Liu Tao suddenly realized why they wanted to purchase 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles.

But this is quite in line with the style of the old Americans. When there is something, they first ask where the aircraft carrier is.

"No problem!" Liu Tao said readily, "It just so happens that these two weapons are in stock. When you pay, you can get the goods."

"By the way, do you choose sea transportation or land transportation?" Liu Tao asked.

"Land transportation, sea transportation takes too long!" Haller said, "The money is easy to talk about. We have deposited 10 billion US dollars in your bank and can be transferred at any time!"

Liu Tao secretly exclaimed, this is really rich and powerful, directly depositing 10 billion US dollars in the bank of China.

These white-robed local tyrants are really inhumane.

But this is the best, saving trouble.

"The 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile costs 1 million US dollars, and our technicians will go to your place to train you, and the training fee will cost 1 million US dollars." Liu Tao said: "The 'Vanguard' air defense missile costs 100,000 US dollars. You also know how much the US dollar has depreciated now."

Haller and others have no problem with the price.

180 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles, 10,000 anti-aircraft missiles, plus launchers, technicians, etc., a total of 1.3 billion US dollars.

After the deal was done, the other party transferred all the 1.3 billion US dollars to the account just after signing the contract agreement.

Liu Tao was not vague either. He immediately arranged for people to transport the goods and transport the weapons to the Western Region Province and handed them over to them at the border. As for how to transport them to the Middle East, that was their business.

Liu Tao sent a team of technicians to the Middle East to teach them how to use them.

"The Iran-Iraq War, the Falklands War, and now the Fifth Middle East War, the world is in chaos!" Liu Tao couldn't help sighing in his heart when he thought about the current situation.

The Fifth Middle East War was launched because the Israelis saw that the Iran-Iraq War and the Falklands War attracted everyone's attention and felt that the opportunity was rare, so they launched it brazenly.

But no one expected that the Israeli army dispatched more than 100,000 troops, but suffered heavy losses and has not been able to achieve its strategic goals until now.

Of course, Israel's attack on Lebanon was not a temporary impulse, but a premeditated one.

Since the Fourth Middle East War in October 1973, Israel has actually been considering eliminating the threat posed by the Syrian army and guerrillas stationed in Lebanon to the north.

From April to July 1981, after the Syrian-Israeli missile crisis, Israel planned to launch a war against Lebanon. Israel formulated a three-year "overall combat plan" to annihilate the guerrillas and their headquarters in Lebanon, weaken the Syrian army stationed in Lebanon, and support a pro-Israel regime.

This time, Israel thought the time was ripe, so it launched a lightning attack on Lebanon under the pretext of the assassination of the British ambassador.

Unexpectedly, the war was not as smooth as Israel imagined, and the losses were far beyond Israel's imagination.

The guerrillas and the Syrian army had sufficient weapons and ammunition, and had various anti-tank mines, anti-tank guns, anti-tank missiles, and anti-aircraft missiles. Even the Syrian army and the guerrillas got the 80-type self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

However, no matter how great the losses were, Israel had to grit its teeth and persevere, because it could not afford the failure of this war.

Israel can always win, but it cannot fail.

Once it fails, it will no longer be the little bully in the Middle East.

If it is no longer the little bully in the Middle East, it will face the danger of life and death.

Therefore, no matter how big the loss is, Israel must persist, at least to end in a draw.

With its own son, the possibility of failure is very small, so naturally the son will come forward, at least there will be a draw to cover the bottom line.

Of course, it has long been an open secret that Israel has nuclear weapons, but it refuses to admit it.

As for whether this nuclear weapon is researched by itself or taken from its own son as a life-saving measure, it is unknown.

After all, this is a secret, and perhaps it will be declassified in a few decades, and then we will know the truth.

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