The heat in Beijing in July is unbearable.

Especially at noon, the heat from the road is unbearable.

Liu Tao is holding his "daughter" and teasing her.

It is very hot outside, but the courtyard is different, warm in winter and cool in summer.

The winter in the courtyard is not as cold as outside, and similarly, the summer in the courtyard is not as hot as outside.

It is said that this is because the architectural design of the courtyard in Beijing complements the climatic conditions.

In summer, there is no need to install air conditioners, at most you can turn on the fan.

In the pavilion, Liu Ziyu is reading a book.

Liu Ziyu is already on summer vacation. When the new semester starts, Liu Ziyu will be a senior high school student and will face the baptism of the college entrance examination.

In order to get a good score in the college entrance examination next year and go to a good university, Liu Ziyu studies very hard.

Every time Liu Tao returns to Beijing, Liu Ziyu always asks him for knowledge that he does not know.

Especially chemistry and physics.

Perhaps because of Liu Tao's influence, Liu Ziyu studied science in high school.

The current liberal arts and science subjects are 120 points each for Chinese and mathematics, 100 points each for English, history, and geography, and the total score for liberal arts is 640 points; while the science subjects are 100 points each for Chinese and mathematics, 100 points each for English, physics, chemistry, and politics, and 70 points for biology, and the total score for science is 710 points.

Liu Tao is very pleased with Liu Ziyu's diligence.

Liu Ziyu did not stop studying because his family conditions improved. On the contrary, he studied more seriously.

When he was in school, Liu Ziyu was a top student.

And during the summer or winter vacation, Liu Ziyu moved to the courtyard to accompany Zhu Lin or help take care of the children.

"I saw on the news that the fighting in the Middle East is very fierce?" Zhu Lin said while giving his son meat porridge.

Liu Tao nodded and said, "Well, the Iran-Iraq War has not ended yet, and the Fifth Middle East War has already broken out. The two sides are fighting fiercely, and no one can take a step back. We are calling for peaceful dialogue and political consultation to resolve differences, hoping to resolve the war on the basis of the 'two-state solution'."

"Why do I feel like there are wars going on abroad? The Afghan War, the Iran-Iraq War, the Falklands War, and now the Fifth Middle East War." Zhu Lin said with some worry, "Isn't a new world-class war going to break out?"

Liu Tao smiled, "No, don't worry, now the major powers all have nuclear weapons, which are big killers, not a joke, and no one will fight a war between major powers."

"The Iran-Iraq War may last a little longer, and the Falklands War and the Fifth Middle East War should end soon." Liu Tao said.

"Really?" Zhu Lin's eyes lit up.

Liu Tao nodded slightly.

Now the Israeli army is in a stalemate, the military operations are not going well, and the losses are quite heavy. Now it is only hard talk, but the intensity of the war is much lower than before. According to Liu Tao's estimation, the Fifth Middle East War should not last long, and both sides will cease fire.

The result is probably something that both sides can barely accept.

As for the Falklands War, it is different. Britain cannot afford to lose the Falklands War and has an extremely tough attitude. Mrs. Thatcher's attitude is very tough. After two months of rest, the British Expeditionary Force will launch an attack again.

However, according to the inside information Liu Tao learned, Britain will control this war to a local scale. After taking back the Falklands, it will teach Gary Tierre a lesson and then end the war.

Gary Tierre will definitely not be in office for long.

The Argentine Air Force can be said to have lost everything, and the navy and army are very weak, and they can't stop the British Expeditionary Force at all.

Speaking of which, when Liu Tao learned more, he felt speechless.

When the Argentine Air Force hit the British Royal Navy in a way of mutual destruction, the Argentine Navy actually shrank in the military port and did not dare to pursue the victory. It watched the British Royal Navy clean up the battlefield and leave calmly, missing the opportunity.

If the Argentine Navy can expand the results of the war and hit the British Royal Navy as hard as possible, I am afraid that Britain will no longer be able to organize a new round of battles this year, and even no longer be able to start a war later.

To be honest, it is the polar bears now, because Brezhnev is seriously ill, and there is a power struggle going on inside the polar bears. Otherwise, the days of Europe and the United States will be even more difficult.

Brezhnev was in office for 18 years. It can be said that this was a very strong period for the Soviet Union, especially since the 1970s, the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the first oil economic crisis, the Vietnam War, the Soviet Union's comprehensive national strength and military strength have surpassed the United States, and it is truly the world's number one power.

Especially last year, an 81 military exercise fully demonstrated the Soviet Union's strong military strength, leaving Europe and the United States still shrouded in shadow until now.

Now another oil crisis has broken out, which is really very beneficial to the Soviet Union and it is easy to make a breakthrough.

Unfortunately, the Soviet Union is now in a power struggle and has no time to look outside.

In this regard, it can only be said that God favors Europe and the United States too much.

Liu Zhenbang came over, and he was obviously in a good mood.

Just recently, the China Ordnance Industry Corporation made some adjustments. The foreign trade working group, which was originally a deputy department-level unit, was promoted to a department-level unit because of its outstanding work and obvious performance.

Liu Zhenbang was promoted from deputy director-level to director-level cadre, the same administrative level as Liu Tao.

"This time, leader Zhang retired, leader Wang also retired, and a large number of leaders retired!" Liu Zhenbang said with emotion.

"They are all old, it's time to retire, they can't work until they die." Liu Tao smiled.

On February 20 this year, just after the Spring Festival, the decision was made to "establish a retirement system for veteran cadres."

In the past, cadres naturally worked for their entire lives until they died.

But starting from February 20, that changed.

However, in Liu Tao's view, this retirement system must also be implemented.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were still 2.5 million veteran cadres who participated in the four periods of the New Democratic Revolution, namely the Great Revolution, the Agrarian Revolution, the Anti-Japanese War, and the Liberation War. Among them, only a small number of people have retired, and most of them are still working.

The problem now is that many of these veteran cadres are now old, and many of them are about to enter old age. They still bear the heavy work in various leadership positions, which has made the aging of leadership teams at all levels reach a very serious level.

It can be said that properly arranging the orderly and step-by-step implementation of appropriate alternations between new and old cadres has become a major issue facing the whole party.

In fact, as early as the late 1950s and early 1960s, the great man had raised the issue of appropriate replacement of old and new cadres, but due to various reasons, it was not resolved.

The establishment of a cadre retirement system now is just doing what should have been done before.

The previous leader Zhang is 73 years old this year, and Wang Baoguo is also over 70 years old. According to the spirit of the document, they both chose to retire to the second line and served as consultants to the National Defense Science and Technology Commission and the Ministry of Ordnance Industry.

Similarly, Wang Tiezhu of the Yunnan Provincial Defense Management Office also officially resigned from his leadership position this month and retired to the second line as a consultant.

Many people Liu Tao knows have retired to the second line, and some have even chosen to retire directly and no longer hold any position.

Liu Zhenbang's promotion this time is actually related to the replacement of old and new cadres. Otherwise, he would have to endure at least two or three more years.

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