The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 288: Changes in History (asking for monthly votes)



The Hong Kong stock market just opened, and the Hang Seng Index fell all the way, without any signs of rebounding. In addition, more people applied for immigration to Hong Kong, and the number of second-hand houses listed continued to increase.

Suddenly, so many houses appeared for sale, but there was no purchase, and the real estate market suddenly came to a severe winter.

Jardine Matheson was the first to make a choice and took the money and left.

The most coveted assets of Jardine Matheson are the three core assets of real estate, shipping, and banking.

For example, Hong Kong Land, which owns a large amount of land and buildings, in addition to a large number of high-quality assets such as Hong Kong Telephone Company and Hong Kong Electric Company.

As for the shipping part, there are Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminal, Jardine Airport Services, and Hong Kong Container Terminals.

Then it was Swire Pacific, which sold Cathay Pacific. On the Cathay Pacific side, with the Hong Kong stock market plummeting and the property market collapsing, the shareholders of Cathay Pacific Airways could no longer hold on and intended to sell their shares.

Swire holds a portion of Cathay Pacific's shares, while Liu Tao and his team took 89% of Cathay Pacific's shares.

This time, with a tenfold leverage of 4 billion Hong Kong dollars and a total of 40 billion funds, they made a profit of just 20 billion.

This money, plus the principal, has exceeded 24 billion Hong Kong dollars.

In addition, the Hong Kong dollar fell to 1 US dollar to 9.6 Hong Kong dollars, and 3 billion US dollars is 28.8 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Many people chose to take the money and leave, stopping losses in time.

Soon, Standard Chartered Bank also made a choice, Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) was sold, and they took the money and left.

Of course, these Liu Taos are no longer in Hong Kong, but are led by Ho Ying-tung.

Of course, there are also people on their side who follow and learn, for example, the influence of Xinhua News Agency in Hong Kong has increased significantly.

Liu Tao only stayed in Hong Kong for three days and left with his guards.

Middle East.


Israeli helicopters led the way in front, followed by Merkava tanks, advancing steadily.

The battle was fierce.

The fifth Middle East war has been going on for half a month.

The Israeli army suffered heavy losses, both the ground forces and the air force suffered great losses, only the navy has not suffered any losses yet.

But the current situation is very unfavorable to the Israeli army, because the fighters of the Arab world are joining this battlefield, the guerrillas are fighting more and more, and what's worse, several other neighboring countries are ready to move.

This Israeli army is now in great trouble, because they have encountered the most elite T-72 tanks of the Syrian armored forces.

"Attention, helicopter!" A guerrilla member shouted, and at the same time, he carried the "Vanguard" air defense missile on his shoulder and aimed at a helicopter.

"Chi!" The "Vanguard" air defense missile emitted white smoke and rushed towards the helicopter in the sky.

"Boom!" The helicopter turned into a fireball and fell down.

The guerrillas' "Vanguard" air defense missiles caused great trouble to the helicopter.

These air defense missiles are simply impossible to defend against, and the number seems to be endless.

The guerrilla fighter had just launched a Vanguard anti-aircraft missile, and before he could load another missile, another armed helicopter in the sky pressed down without hesitation, and mercilessly shot the guerrilla fighter into a sieve with the machine gun under the nose.

A missile, dragging a tongue of fire, flew to the top of a tank.

No matter what tank, the top is a weak point, and being attacked by an armed helicopter will have tragic consequences.

A tank hidden behind a building aimed at an Israeli Merkava tank with its tank gun.

"Boom!" With a roar, a 125mm armor-piercing shell was fired at the targeted tank.

The armor-piercing shell accurately hit the opponent's front armor, and tore a big hole.

The high-temperature heat flow poured in, and this heat flow could cause serious damage to the members inside.

What's worse is that the terrible ammunition exploded, the turret was overturned, and the people inside were immediately killed.

Facing this guerrilla war, the Israeli army encountered great trouble.

Even though the Israeli army has deployed 180,000 troops this time, it still failed to achieve the goal and strategic goal.

Now the total strength of the Israeli army has reached 400,000, but these 400,000 people cannot be deployed on the battlefield. They must guard against other countries to prevent those countries from directly sending troops in.

In the sky, fighter jets, those are F-16 fighter jets.

The Israeli army lost a large number of fighter jets, but soon these fighter jets were all replenished, and they were still active US military pilots driving active F-15, F16 and other advanced fighter jets, directly incorporated into the Israeli Air Force.

The flight altitude of these aircraft is not lower than 5,000 meters. This is also a summary of the battlefield. 5,000 meters high will be safer. As long as they do not encounter "Sam-6" air defense missiles, the guerrillas' individual air defense missiles will not threaten the fighter jets.

In the past less than ten days, the Israeli Air Force has obtained 100 advanced fighter jets and 100 armed helicopters. It can be said that the strength of the Air Force has not decreased but increased, and the Israeli Air Force still firmly controls the sky.

This also caused great casualties to the guerrillas and the Syrian armored forces.

"Damn it! Damn the guerrillas, damn the Syrian army!" The commander got off the command vehicle and roared as he listened to his men reporting the losses.

In this battle, they lost two armed helicopters and eight tanks.

This loss was not small.

"Damn it! Where did they get so many individual anti-aircraft weapons, tanks and weapons!" The commander was very depressed.

The weapons of the guerrillas, the Syrian army, the Lebanese army, etc. seemed endless.

They have destroyed more than 500 tanks so far, but what makes them speechless is that the guerrillas, the Syrian army, and the Lebanese army actually have tank armored units.

What's more troublesome is that they have anti-tank mines, anti-tank guns, anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles.

This caused great trouble to the Israeli army.

"It's a T54 tank, and it must be the Soviets behind it!" His partner looked at the tank with anger: "T-54, T-60, T62 and even T-72 tanks, who is behind it if not the Soviets!"

Other tanks are easy to say, but the T-72 main battle tank has brought great trouble to the Israeli army.

Their tanks are in direct combat, without air force support, and they can't beat the T-72 at all!

In fact, they didn't identify them carefully. If they did, and if they knew about Chinese tanks, they would recognize those T-54 tanks, which are actually mostly Type 59 tanks.

If you don't know it carefully, you will often think that the Type 59 tank is a T54 tank.

But it's normal, after all, the Type 59 tank itself is a copy of the Soviet T-54 tank, and the two are almost identical.

The Israeli military uses American equipment, or modified and manufactured on American equipment. I have never seen the Type 59 tank, so how can I tell the difference?

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