June 4, Middle East.


Jet fighters took off and flew to Lebanon and Syria.

The first goal was to bomb Beirut and the PLO bases in southern Lebanon.

In the sky, an Israeli F-16 fighter was ready to launch.

A US-made GBU-17/B bomb, a laser-guided bomb, was dropped under the pilot's aim and thrown at the office building where Arafat was located.

Eliminating Arafat is Israel's unwavering goal.

So when launching the military operation code-named "Peace in Galilee", bombing his office building was the first action target.

Although it is not clear whether Arafat is in the office building.

He did not notice that at this time, on the rooftop next to the office building, a guerrilla member was ready.

On his shoulder, he carried a "Vanguard" air defense missile.

As early as the Israeli Air Force took off, it was captured by the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

In fact, the land area of ​​Israel is very small, and the horizontal width in many places is even less than 15 kilometers.

Although the PLO did not purchase the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun from Panshan Machinery Factory, it still obtained two Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns through other channels.

After all, there are a large number of supporters behind it.

Not only the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, but also hundreds of "Vanguard" air defense missiles, a total of 500 "Vanguard" air defense missiles.

After noticing the movement, these "Vanguard" air defense missiles dispersed and distributed in major cities.

A "beep" sound came from the headset, and he knew that the missile had aimed at the target.

Then, he pressed the button and fired the missile without hesitation.

A "Vanguard" air defense missile flew out of the launch tube on his shoulder with a tongue of fire, rushing straight towards the F-16 fighter in the sky.


A few seconds later, a fireball flashed across the sky. The missile accurately hit the opponent's fuselage, causing the fighter to explode and turn into a ball of fire.

At the same time, the bomb that the plane had just dropped accurately hit the building below.

This is a bomb specially used to destroy solid buildings. After accurately hitting the building, the eight-story building was directly blown up.

However, in the sky, fighter planes were shot down by the "Vanguard" anti-aircraft missiles.

Even though some pilots had pulled up the fighter planes at the first time, five fighter planes were still shot down by the "Vanguard" anti-aircraft missiles.

With the start of the Israeli Air Force's air strike, the shocking Fifth Middle East War finally started.

This news spread all over the world at the first time.

Just now, the world was still shocked by the news that the British Expeditionary Force was defeated and Argentina had achieved an unprecedented glorious victory. Now the Fifth Middle East War broke out at this time.

All of a sudden, this news spread all over the world.

It attracted the attention of the world, and no one paid attention to the Falklands War anymore.

Because the Falklands are just a deserted island in South America, Argentina is not highly concerned in the world.

In addition, the United Kingdom made efforts and deliberately united its allies to cool down the news while repairing the expeditionary force.

The fifth Middle East war was different. It happened in the Middle East. The Middle East is now the world's energy center, and every move is related to the price of oil.

In the Middle East, there was already the Iran-Iraq War, and now the fifth Middle East war has broken out, which has simply turned the Middle East into a mess.

This place can be said to have attracted worldwide attention. It was the previous Middle East war that caused the price of oil to soar, causing Europe and the United States to suffer enough.

Sure enough, when the fifth Middle East war broke out, the first thing to soar was the price of oil.

The outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War caused the price of oil to soar to $40 per barrel. Such a high price was unbearable even for developed countries in Europe and the United States. The United States used all its means to continuously suppress the price of oil, and finally suppressed the price of oil to $35 per barrel. Now that the fifth Middle East war has broken out, the price of oil has once again broken through the $40 per barrel mark and directly reached the historical record high of $44 per barrel.

This is the importance of the Middle East now, the undisputed world energy center.

Any slight movement will immediately cause the price of oil to fluctuate.

The Israeli Air Force suffered great losses, losing more than fifteen fighters.

However, the Israeli army did not stop the "Peace of Galilee" military operation, but carried it out according to plan.

The fifth Middle East war broke out in full swing.

At 11:00 on June 6, at the border between Lebanon and Israel, the Israeli army, which had been ready for action, dispatched 4 brigades of about 20,000 people. After 5 hours of artillery and aviation fire preparation, with the support of armed helicopters and naval, air force and artillery fire, it launched a surprise attack on the PLO guerrillas on a front as wide as 53 kilometers.

In this ground force attack, the west route was the main attack direction of the Israeli army, and more than 5 brigades of troops were successively deployed. The first echelon was two armored brigades with 200 tanks and armored vehicles each, starting from Nahariya and Rushhanikra areas, and passing through the Haddad militia and UN forces in Nakura and Bint Jubail.

Sur was surrounded in the afternoon of the 6th, and a siege battle was launched with the cooperation of airborne troops and landing troops and the cooperation of the Lebanese Haddad militia. Street fighting was carried out that night, and the PLO guerrillas resisted stubbornly.

Two brigades of the second echelon (one armored brigade and one mechanized brigade) entered the battle at 18:00. One brigade moved eastward to cooperate with the central route operation; one brigade moved northward to encircle and suppress the PLO guerrillas south of the Litani River.

The PLO guerrillas were desperately resisting.

The Israeli army found that the battle was completely different from what they had imagined before. It should have been a crushing offensive.

However, when the ground forces launched the attack, helicopters and fighters suffered astonishing losses.

The number of anti-aircraft missiles equipped by the guerrillas was terrifying, and many helicopters and fighters were destroyed.

Even tanks and armored vehicles suffered astonishing damage.

Anti-tank mines, anti-tank guns, and anti-tank missiles

These destroyed Israeli tanks and armored vehicles one by one.

If the Israeli army was not well-trained and had experienced many wars, it would be considered elite. I am afraid that they would not be able to help but stop the action after encountering such a large loss.

The guerrillas' defensive positions and the various firearms they held were blocking the Israeli army.

Some of the weapons here are from World War II or even World War I.

This kind of interception war is often horrible and will soon be crushed by the Israeli army.

Because the Israeli army's firepower advantage is too obvious, a cannon fire coverage often kills a large number of guerrillas.

On the contrary, it is in the street fighting that the Israeli army suffered huge casualties.

Street fighting has always been the most headache for the attacker in the war, because the defender has an absolute geographical advantage, using buildings as cover and constantly launching sneak attacks.

This is also why the Israeli army failed to completely control Sur by the end of the 6th, but suffered huge losses, so much so that the Israeli commanders were pale and their hearts were bleeding.

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