On the plane.

Liu Tao was still in shock.

He didn't expect that the flapping of his butterfly's wings would cause such a big chain reaction.

On the plane, this huge news was being broadcast. The British Expeditionary Force suffered a major defeat and Argentina achieved a brilliant victory.

But compared to the chain reaction behind this news, this news is not shocking.

Because no matter how you say it, Argentina is a third world country, and its presence is not strong. Argentina is even in a mess and the situation is turbulent.

And Britain is no longer the world's hegemon's 'empire on which the sun never sets'. It is now an era in which the Soviet Union and the United States compete for hegemony.

The Soviet Union and the United States were the protagonists of the world.

The Soviet Union and the United States determined the world structure.

Even China is a peripheral country, and its presence in this era is not strong. It leaves people with the impression that it is a poor and backward country, and it is a beggar. The leader of the beggar gang is still a beggar.

"When Thatcher visits China, we want to see what earth-shattering events will happen." Liu Tao secretly said with expectation in his heart.

But this is half a month from now, not now.

Now he has to go back and solve the problems left during this time.

In the past few months, he once again delivered a batch of Type 80 main battle tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Libya.

Of course, it does not only deliver main battle tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, but also other weapons and ammunition.

As for the Persian Type 80 main battle tank and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, they are scheduled for July.

There is no way, who told the Persians to place the order too late.

"'Eagle Strike-1', 'Eagle Strike-2', and 'Eagle Strike-3' are foreign trade versions, and the self-use versions naturally have better performance. We need to develop them carefully when we go back to improve the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile." Liu Tao secretly said, "The production capacity of the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles also needs to be increased. There is no need to worry about selling this thing. There are many countries around the world that want to buy the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles."

Liu Tao had a hand in the Falklands War, so it was naturally impossible for him to benefit the French in vain.

As the Argentines used the Exocet anti-ship missile to sink the destroyer HMS Sheffield, the Super Etendard fighter aircraft and Exocet anti-ship missiles became famous.

The prices of both have skyrocketed.

Previously, Argentina purchased Exocet anti-ship missiles, and the price of one Exocet anti-ship missile was US$250,000.

But when the 'Exocet' anti-ship missile sank the destroyer 'Sheffield', the French had already raised the price of the 'Exocet' anti-ship missile to US$1 million each.

Moreover, Argentinians came to buy them, but the French still refused to sell them.

It can be said that this battle directly quadrupled the price of the 'Flying Fish' anti-ship missile.

As for the ‘Super Etendard’ fighter, the price has also risen a bit.

Liu Tao didn't even have to think about it. This time Argentina used anti-ship missiles to severely damage the British Royal Navy. The French would definitely take the opportunity to promote the "Flying Fish" anti-ship missiles, and even the price of the "Flying Fish" anti-ship missiles would increase.

Liu Tao didn't want to see this, and he worked hard to make wedding clothes for the French.

This time in the capital, he contacted a few friends and basically concluded the business.

As long as they inquire clearly, the contract agreement will be formally signed.

The profit of the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile is much greater than that of firearms. The cost of an 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile is almost 100,000 yuan and the export price is US$1 million. This profit is almost 50 times.

This profit margin far exceeds that of firearms, and even the profit margins of Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and Type 80 main battle tanks are not so large.

"The personal version of the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile has improved speed, range, anti-jamming, and guidance capabilities." Liu Tao secretly said.

The self-use version is naturally more advanced in performance than the export version.

The export version of the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile has a maximum range of 70 kilometers, so the maximum range of the personal version must be at least 100 kilometers.

Even taking into account China's actual situation, we should also consider increasing the range.

After all, increasing the range is a routine operation for China.

The said range is 100 kilometers, but often through simple operations, the range is 300 kilometers or even 400 kilometers.

For example, it may be a short-range missile, but as soon as something is added, it immediately becomes a medium-range missile.

There is also speed. The 'Eagle Strike' missile speed is Mach 0.9. This speed is very fast, but if it is discovered in advance, it can actually be intercepted. However, if the speed reaches Mach 1.5, Mach 2 or even Mach 3 or Mach 5, if you want to Interception is extremely difficult.

As for the 'guidance capability', the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile uses radar guidance, but its accuracy is actually not that high.

If active + microwave thermal guidance air radar is used for the final stage of guidance, the guidance capability can naturally be improved.

"It's a pity that there is no navigation system now. Otherwise, if we consider intelligent satellite guidance, it will be a real killer and definitely a nightmare for all warships!" Liu Tao said with some regret, "Then there is the combat head. We can build another one. Anti-ship missiles specifically targeted at aircraft carriers can destroy 90,000-ton large aircraft carriers, lest some people become too arrogant in the future.”

Liu Tao muttered to himself.

The warhead of the 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missile is 165 kilograms. It is no problem to destroy a 20,000-ton warship. As for a several-thousand-ton warship, as long as one is hit, it will basically be either seriously damaged or sunk.

If it is to sink a 30,000-ton aircraft carrier, the effect is estimated that one missile can only cause heavy damage, and it should not be able to sink it.

And if it is a 90,000-ton aircraft carrier, it is estimated that it will only bring some damage.

But if it is a 1,200-kilogram warhead, one such missile is definitely enough to make a 90,000-ton aircraft carrier suffer a devastating disaster.

As for who this anti-ship missile is specially tailored for, those who understand it will understand!

"Yes, let's do it this way. You can make more self-use versions. Anyway, there are many styles, no worries about choosing, and there are many weapons, there is always one that can be used!" Liu Tao was a little excited in his heart.

He didn't know if there was a chance to destroy a large aircraft carrier by making such a big killer, but if it really happened one day, it would definitely be an exciting thing.

The British's "Invincible" aircraft carrier is, after all, just a light aircraft carrier, with a standard displacement of only 16,000 tons and a full load displacement of 20,600 tons, which is really too small.

Although it is also very gratifying that the "Eagle Strike" missile sank the "Invincible" aircraft carrier, it is not satisfying after all.

When Liu Tao's thoughts were spreading, the plane was not far from Kun City. The plane was constantly descending, and this feeling was very obvious.

Liu Tao calmed down and began to prepare for getting off the plane.

Finally, the plane landed on the runway, and then slowly slowed down and stopped on the apron.

Liu Tao took his luggage and got off the plane with the guards.

Now he has guards accompanying him when he travels to ensure his safety.

After all, no one knows whether a spy will appear and take his life.

Speaking of it, he has offended many people so far, and it is estimated that some people want to kill him in their dreams.

Sorry for forgetting to update last night!

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