June 8.

The third echelon of the Israeli army in the west entered the battle and continued to attack northwards to encircle Damur, but encountered stubborn resistance from the PLO guerrillas in the Saadia area, south of the city, only 19 kilometers away from Beirut, and the advance to the north was blocked.

On the 9th, while attacking Sidon and Damur, the Israeli army in the west separated a battalion of troops to retreat in Harda.

In order to slow down the Israeli army's attack, the guerrillas blew up the bridge.

On the 10th, the Israeli army, with a total of 6 brigades, 35,000 people, and more than 300 tanks, carried out a large siege of Beirut with the cooperation of Christian militias from the north, and bombed the western district of Beirut and the southern suburbs international airport in turn. The Israeli warships blockaded Beirut from the sea.

The Israeli army's central route was the assisting direction. The first echelon of the Israeli army, a brigade, set out from the Shemora area on the morning of the 6th, crossed Haldali, surrounded the Shagif Fort, and attacked Nabatiya with its main force. In the afternoon of the same day, the Israeli army began to attack the Shagif Fort and captured it at dawn on the 7th. An armored brigade of the second echelon entered the battle and besieged Nabatiya with the cooperation of paratroopers. It entered the city at 9 o'clock on the 7th. A small force engaged in street fighting with the PLO guerrillas. The main force continued to advance northward and advanced to the Jezzin area on the same day.

With the cooperation of the Israeli army on the eastern route, after capturing the city of Jezzin, the troops were divided into two routes. One route went west to participate in the siege of Zahrani and Sayida; the other route went north to attack the Syrian armored forces in the Shuf area, where they launched a tank battle with the Syrian army.

In this tank battle, the Syrian army lost 150 tanks and Israel lost 68 tanks.

On the 9th, the Israeli army airdropped near Ain Dara, and the ground forces captured Ain Dara with the cooperation of the airborne troops, and then controlled the Beirut-Damascus highway.

The eastern route is the direction of containment. The first echelon of the Israeli army, an armored brigade, launched an attack on Sheba, and then developed an attack on the Bekaa Valley to contain and monitor this direction, and cut off the connection between the PLO guerrillas and the Syrian army. On the 7th, after the first echelon captured Sheba, the second echelon entered the battle and launched an attack on Hasyaba. After succeeding, it launched an attack on the Syrian defense positions in Rasiya and Kokaba. On the 8th, after capturing the towns of Rasiya and Kokaba, it advanced northward along the west side of the Bekaa Valley, pointing directly to the end of the Beirut-Damascus Highway, attempting to cut off the Syrian army's retreat and block reinforcements.

On June 9, the Bekaa Valley!

The Bekaa Valley is located in the eastern Lebanon border area near Syria. It has fertile land and a mild climate. It is the largest agricultural area in Lebanon.

There are still many historical relics on this land, so the Bekaa Valley is also called the "corridor to civilization".

Here, Syria deployed a SAM-6 missile base, and Syria spent more than one billion US dollars to build this missile base.

Speaking of the SAM-6 air defense missile, one cannot help but think of the Fourth Middle East War that broke out in the 1970s. It was in this war that the SAM-6 made a big splash, and most of the records of being shot down were shot down by SAM-6 missiles, which made it famous all over the world.

Since then, the SAM-6 has become a popular air defense weapon in the world arms market.

Syria highly praises the SAM-6 air defense missile and has spent more than one billion US dollars to build a SAM-6 missile air defense position in the Bekaa Valley.

The Syrians have long had a premonition of eyeing the Bekaa Valley. The Syrian military knows that sooner or later, a fierce battle will break out in the Bekaa Valley.

Therefore, since the outbreak of the fifth Middle East war, the Syrian army deployed in the Bekaa Valley has entered a state of high alert, and all personnel are on high alert at their posts, waiting for the Israeli army to attack.

At noon, the weather in the Bekaa Valley was very good. Tracked vehicles carrying missiles lay quietly, and the SAM-6 missiles shining in the sun stared at the sky, quietly and majestically facing the direction where Israeli aircraft might attack.

A 80-type self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, the on-board radar is running, and the driver is staring at the screen inside the car.

At the same time, at the Etchion Air Force Base in Israel, planes are neatly arranged on the shells, and the pilots are already in place in the cockpit, ready to attack at any time.

Every pilot has great determination and hatred in his eyes!

From the beginning of the war to now, the Israeli Air Force has lost more than 40 helicopters and 28 fighters. This loss makes the Israeli Air Force feel painful.

So much so that now, helicopters no longer appear on the battlefield easily, and fighters dare not fly too low easily.

But this time it was different. They had to carry out a mission to destroy the SAM-6 air defense missile positions deployed by the Syrian army in the Bekaa Valley.

At 2:14 p.m., the battle alarm suddenly sounded throughout the base.

With the command of the headquarters, F-15 and F-16 fighters roared into the sky one after another. Their mission was to provide air cover, so their wings and abdomens were all full of medium-range and short-range air-to-air missiles.

Then, F-4 and A-4 aircraft carrying heavy laser-guided bombs also slowly flew into the sky. Their mission was to carry out low-altitude bombing.

At the same time, over the Mediterranean Sea, E-2 Hawkeye early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft were already hovering in the sky, monitoring the situation of the entire battlefield at any time.

Everything was under their control.

However, what they didn't know was that the wings of a butterfly were already flapping and rewriting history.

"Enemy fighters were found, 15 kilometers away from here!" The vehicle-mounted radar of the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun had already found the target and reported it immediately.

At the same time, the commander here issued orders.

At the same time, a shrill emergency battle alarm sounded in the Bekaa Valley. Syrian commanders and soldiers quickly arrived at their combat posts and watched the sky closely.

The commander issued a combat order to turn on the radar. The radar is the eyes of the SA-6 missile. As long as the target is targeted by it, no matter how powerful it is, it will not escape misfortune.

However, this time the Israeli army was well prepared. What the Syrian army saw was actually a drone released by the Israeli army as a bait to induce Syria to launch missiles.

The Syrians fell into the trap. Sam-6 missiles were launched one after another, and the valley was filled with red light.

Drones were hit and crashed to the ground one after another.

Just when the Syrian officers and soldiers were cheering for their "victory", several Syrian soldiers who collected the "trophies" discovered that the crashed plane was actually made of plastic, and no body of an Israeli pilot was found.

At the same time, the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun also discovered air targets and reported them.

The commander immediately realized that he had fallen into a trick of the Israeli army.

The commander quickly issued a combat order to shut down the radar.

However, as soon as the guidance radar was turned on, it was immediately discovered. After obtaining the information, the F4 Phantom fighter launched the Moxa anti-radiation missile, which accurately destroyed the guidance radar of the Sam-6, causing the Sam-6 to suddenly become a missile. Became a 'blind man'.

This is the Israeli army's plan, to prioritize destroying the guidance radar of the Sam-6, making the Sam-6 "blind." Without the guidance radar, the threat of the Sam-6 will be greatly weakened. At that time, it will be like a little girl taking off her clothes, facing a vicious monster.

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