

Early in the morning, Liu Tao got up, hugged his daughter, and took his son to play in the yard.

His son 'Liu Jingming' is now very good at running. He is very naughty and needs to be watched at all times, otherwise he will not know where he is running without even blinking.

Zhu Lin unconsciously touched her belly. Although her belly was not bulging yet, she knew that there was a little life pregnant there.

Just a few months after giving birth, she became pregnant again.

This left Zhu Lin speechless. She had been planning to open a flower shop or bookstore to avoid having to take care of her children all the time.

As a result, this plan fell through before it was even started.

Zhu Lin sometimes finds it incredible that she got married not long after they met, and became pregnant and gave birth to a child not long after they got married.

Just after giving birth to the second child, the third child came again.

But looking at her husband and children, she felt that having another child would be a good choice.

Just then, the phone rang.

Liu Hongying shouted and asked Liu Tao to answer the phone.

Liu Tao went over to answer the phone, then showed a solemn look. After handing the child to Zhu Lin, he hurriedly led the guards out.

After a quick inspection, Liu Tao was finally taken to a conference room.

After looking around the conference room for a while, Liu Tao was startled.

"Okay, the rightful owner is here!" the old man said with a smile, "Comrade Liu Tao, you gave us a huge surprise this time."

Liu Tao was a little confused, "Leader, what are you talking about?"

"Come here, introduce Comrade Liu Tao to us and what he did." The leader said to a middle-aged man with a smile.

"According to the intelligence collected, when the British Expeditionary Force was about to launch a landing operation, Argentina launched a counterattack and launched the 'Shangstream No. 1' anti-ship missile, the 'Haiying-1' anti-ship missile, and a new type of anti-ship missile. "The middle-aged man introduced, "In this battle, one British Royal Navy destroyer was sunk, two destroyers were severely damaged, three new frigates were sunk, two frigates were severely damaged, and two landing ships were sunk. A landing ship was severely damaged, the aircraft carrier 'Invincible' was sunk, a large number of aircraft were lost, and 6,823 people of the British Expeditionary Force were killed and 3,691 injured."

Liu Tao's eyes widened.

Such a big loss?

I just wanted to teach the British a lesson and vent their anger.

Now the British have suffered such huge losses!

At this moment, I am afraid that the British will be heartbroken.

"You little monkey, you purchased some 'Shangyou No. 1' and 'Haiying-1' anti-ship missiles, and you actually developed a new type of anti-ship missile, which made such a big deal happen." The old man said with a smile. This is going to break the sky.”

"It can't be broken, it can't be broken. How can this little monkey like me have such great ability." Liu Tao said sheepishly: "It's not easy to make some money. Who would have thought that the Argentinian could win such a recovery."

"Tell me, how much is this business?" The old man looked as usual.

"The total is equivalent to 1 billion U.S. dollars. The Argentinians paid 500 million U.S. dollars and another 5 tons of gold. Now the 500 million U.S. dollars have been received, and the 5 tons of gold have arrived in Xiangjiang." Liu Tao did not dare to hide anything.

"500 million US dollars, plus 5 tons of gold, not bad, not bad. These 5 tons of gold exceed one hundredth of our gold reserves!" The old man nodded and smiled lightly.

China's gold reserves at this time were less than 400 tons.

Most of it was accumulated through hard work over the past thirty years of gold mining.

As for the original country's gold and silver, they were all taken to Treasure Island by Chiang Kai-shek. The total amount of gold and US dollars in that batch was almost eight million taels of gold, which is 400 tons of gold.

After the founding of the Republic, they could only work hard to mine gold ore, smelt gold, and then use gold as foreign exchange to import goods when necessary.

Over the past thirty years, the gold accumulated through hard work was less than 400 tons.

If we hadn't earned a lot of foreign exchange from exporting weapons and equipment, given the situation in the past two or three years, we would have had to use gold to buy goods or pay off debts.

"Boss, this won't be a big deal, right? I won't really break the bank, right?" Liu Tao asked cautiously.

He was planning to return to Kunming today, but something big happened.

"Of course something big happened, and the sky was almost broken." The old man joked, "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Liu Tao nodded repeatedly, "I know, I know!"

"How are the new anti-ship missiles you have developed now? Let me tell you first. How many do you have in hand now?" the old man asked.

"I named the new anti-ship missile we developed the 'Eagle Strike-1' anti-ship missile. The one delivered to Argentina is an air-launched type with a total length of 4.7 meters, a diameter of 0.35 meters, a wingspan of 1.1 meters, and a total missile launch length of 1.1 meters. "It weighs 652 kilograms," Liu Tao said. "In addition, the ship-launched YJ-2 and the submarine-launched YJ-3 have been developed, and their performance is similar."

"Currently, there are 60 anti-ship missiles of each of these three types." Liu Tao said honestly without hiding anything.

"That's a total of 180 'Eagle Strike' anti-ship missiles. Your production is quite large." The old man said with emotion, but he still remembered China's initial anti-ship missile production.

"You sold it to Argentina for US$1 million. Is this price too high?" the old man asked.

Liu Tao shook his head repeatedly and said, "Not high, not high at all, this price is very favorable! In a few years, maybe one will be 1.5 million US dollars, and maybe in less than 10 years, one will be 2 million US dollars."

"No one will think it's expensive for good things. Everyone only cares about whether it's good to use." Liu Tao said, "If it's too cheap, maybe people will dislike it."

"Of course, the US dollar is depreciating sharply now, and the price changes every year." Liu Tao said helplessly.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

But they also knew that what Liu Tao said was the truth.

"Mrs. Thatcher is about to visit China. Don't sell it to Argentina during this period. Maybe Mrs. Thatcher will purchase this "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile." The old man said.

Liu Tao was stunned, "Thatcher is coming to us? Just to buy the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile?"

The old man laughed, "Some things always have to be discussed. The things are there, and we can't not talk about them."

"Talk about Hong Kong?" Liu Tao's eyes lit up.

"Boss, it seems that our comrade Liu Tao is very conscious. He thought of it so quickly!" Another old man laughed.

"If they want to stop your Panshan Machinery Factory from selling arms, they have to pay a price. They can't just get something for nothing. It's time to talk about the Hong Kong issue. So many years have passed. We are all old. Maybe we don't have many years left to live. We can't leave this to the next generation to solve." The old man smiled faintly, "And some cooperation issues can also be discussed. We Chinese have always talked about win-win cooperation."

Liu Tao's heart was pounding. At this moment, he was quite excited to witness history.

He forgot when Mrs. Thatcher visited China. Maybe it was a certain month this year, maybe next year, but definitely not now.

Because at this time, the Falklands War was still in its tail stage, and Mrs. Thatcher could not visit China.

But now, Mrs. Thatcher chose to visit China at this time!

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