Realize that what you are doing is dangerous.

Liu Tao did not publish any more articles, but kept a low profile as before, huddled in the factory.

Even if someone named him in the newspaper and criticized him in large numbers, Liu Tao did not say a word and allowed them to scold him, but he remained unmoved.

At first, he thought that maybe because of this incident, someone from above would remove him from his position and parachute a cadre as the general manager of Huaxia Panshan Group Corporation.

But so far, nothing of this kind has happened.

He is still as stable as the head of the company, and no one inside has jumped out to oppose him at this time.

Even in some internal debates, more people agreed with his views.

After all, no one really wants to be poor. A prosperous country and a strong people are what everyone pursues.

Unknowingly, the last day of 1981 passed and time entered 1982.

At one o'clock in the morning, Zhu Lin felt some stomach pain.

Liu Tao was shocked and got up quickly, and soon they arrived at the nearby hospital.

At three o'clock in the morning, Zhu Lin finally gave birth.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa."

Liu Tao heard loud cries coming from the delivery room.

"Congratulations, mother and daughter are safe!" the nurse announced with a smile.

This time a daughter was born.

At this time, Liu Tao can be regarded as having two children, one son and one daughter.

Liu Tao was very happy. He did not have the concept of favoring boys over girls like the older generation.

In his opinion, boys and girls are the same, they are all his own children.

Liu Tao's mother took out wedding candies and invited the medical staff to eat them.

Liu Tao cautiously walked inside and saw another nurse holding a newborn baby in her hands.

A newborn baby is not good-looking, it is wrinkled and ugly, like an ugly little mouse.

But Liu Tao couldn't take his eyes away from that smelly thing. There seemed to be an intangible bond connecting them.

That mysterious feeling, Liu Tao called it blood connection.

With a dry throat, Liu Tao carefully took the freshly washed and clothed baby from the nurse's hands.

He held the baby in his arms and walked quietly to the hospital bed. He saw that Zhu Lin was very weak and his whole body was soaked with sweat, as if he had been fished out of the water.

At this time, Zhu Lin opened his eyes and looked weakly at Liu Tao and the child in his hands, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a daughter!" Liu Tao carefully held his daughter with one hand, and then held Zhu Lin's hand with the other.

Liu Tao showed the child to Zhu Lin, "Our daughter looks very much like you. She will definitely be a great beauty in the future."

Zhu Lin took the child with a maternal smile on her face. She touched the child's face and said, "It doesn't matter whether it is beautiful or not. I just hope that our child will grow up healthily and happily."

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something: "Does the previous agreement still count?"

Then Zhu Lin looked nervous.

Liu Tao smiled and said: "It counts!"

He knew what Zhu Lin's agreement was.

Zhu Lin had agreed with him that if a boy was born, Liu Tao would name him, and if a girl was born, she would name him.

"Yingqing, Liu Yingqing, our daughter's name will be 'Liu Yingqing'!" Zhu Lin looked at the child weakly with some beads of sweat on his face.

She had been thinking about this name for a long time.

When she looked through several names, she fell in love with this one.

Liu Tao held his newborn daughter in his arms and said, "The name Yingqing sounds very nice, so I'll give it that name."

They were discharged from the hospital three days later.

The birth of our daughter brought a lot of laughter to the family.

Even Liu Tao was a little reluctant to leave his wife and children after the vacation.

However, under Zhu Lin's urging and a look of reluctance, he set out on his way home again.

Kunshi, Haikou Town.

The huge piece of land has now turned into a huge construction site.

The infrastructure engineering corps is building.

In other words, these people can no longer be called infrastructure engineering soldiers, because just half a month ago, 30,000 officers and soldiers of the Yunnan Province Command of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps collectively took off their military uniforms and formed the Yunnan Province Urban Construction Group.

From then on, these people no longer belong to the army or have the status of soldiers, but belong to the local government.

This time, the province supported 10,000 people to join the construction of the headquarters of Huaxia Panshan Group Corporation, just to build it as soon as possible.

Liu Tao looked at this large construction site. Although there was a serious shortage of engineering vehicles and construction equipment, it was being built with a large amount of manpower.

The headquarters building of Huaxia Panshan Group Corporation will be built as a 20-story, 70-meter-high building. This is the first time such a tall building has been built in Yun Province.

The headquarters buildings of China Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation and China Southwest Industrial Group Corporation are lower than the headquarters building of China Panshan Group Corporation. They are tall buildings with 18 floors and a height of 64 meters.

Since this is a high floor, an elevator will be installed.

The elevator is naturally produced by Panshan Machinery Factory.

Even some places need to install air conditioners, which are produced by Panshan Machinery Factory itself.

Of course, those who produce air conditioners should now take the lead in China Gree Home Appliances Group Co., Ltd., which has already invested in building a factory for production.

In addition to being used by themselves, the refrigerators, air conditioners and hair dryers produced are also found in various cities and exported overseas. Currently, they are a major taxpayer in Yun Province.

"Comrade Liu Tao, your cable laying route has been finalized, but do you need to set such a high level of confidentiality?" The provincial leaders and Liu Tao were a little puzzled.

Just a few months ago, Panshan Machinery Factory and the four southwestern provinces and military regions held a joint meeting to build a cable, which was listed as a highly confidential military secret. The cable runs through Yunnan Province, Guangxi Province, Guizhou Province, Sichuan and Shu, connecting the various production bases of Panshan Machinery Factory.

"Leader, this cable is of extraordinary significance and very important. It is only being tested at present." Liu Tao smiled faintly.

This cable should actually be optical fiber. Once built, the various military factories of Panshan Machinery Factory can be connected to one and realize the Internet.

Speaking of the Internet, it can be traced back to the 1960s.

In 1969, under the promotion of the Advanced Research Projects Agency established by the US Department of Defense, the construction of ARPANET, the world's experimental network based on packet switching, began. In October of the same year, computers at Stanford University and the University of California, Los Angeles were connected for the first time through ARPANET, becoming the world's earliest Internet hosts.

Subsequently, more and more nodes and networks were connected to the Internet.

Of course, there are definitely not many hosts connected to the Internet, probably only a few hundred or a thousand.

As for the commercialization of the Internet, it is still far away.

Liu Tao is now only setting up a research institute in Panshan Machinery Factory, and several experts from the Computer Research Institute are conducting research in this area.

As for the external announcement, it is a cable.

Because now when we talk about optical fiber, no one knows what it is.

The first goal of the construction of this communication optical fiber is to realize the connection between the various military factories of Panshan Machinery Factory, which is experimental.

Later, it will be connected to various military regions, universities, etc., and then gradually extended.

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