The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 261 Adventure (Subscription Request)

The completion of the first phase of the tank production base made Liu Tao slightly relieved.

This means that the output of the Type 80 main battle tank and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun will increase.

Even after the completion of the first phase of the project, the delivery pressure of the Type 80 main battle tank and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is still very high, but even if it is improved a little, it will be good after all.

Liu Tao returned to Panshan Machinery Factory. For more than half a month, there were many weapons and equipment that needed his quality inspection.

It took a day to complete the inspection of all these weapons and equipment.

The weapons and ammunition of Panshan Machinery Factory are partly overseas orders and partly military orders.

Many bullets are produced and sent to the warehouse.

The ammunition in the warehouse is sent to the front line, and the ammunition produced before is consumed.

The firearms are mainly sent to the training troops in Tianzhu Mountain, and a small amount is used as a replacement for the worn-out weapons of the front-line troops.

Currently, the 40th Division is on the front line, and the 37th Division is training in Tianzhu Mountain.

According to the current situation, the troops train in Tianzhu Mountain for more than a month, and then fight on the front line of the two mountains for two months, so that more troops can be rotated.

Liu Tao watched the new batch of tank equipment being transported away and saw them off.

This batch of tank equipment has three main destinations. One is the two military regions in the southwest. After all, the Type 81 light tank and the Type 81 medium tank are suitable for plateau and mountain operations, where they can better exert their combat effectiveness; one is to the north, where the pressure is huge, and the tanks continue to strengthen their combat effectiveness; one is to the Jinling Military Region, where the Type 81 light tank and the Type 81 amphibious tank are very suitable for operations in the south.

He delivers these tank equipment about twice a month.

As for the Type 80 main battle tank and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, they are mainly placed in the synthetic brigade first, and then sent to Yangcheng Port or to the Western Region Province when they are about to be delivered.

The production of the self-use version of the Type 80 main battle tank and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is relatively limited, and the increase rate is relatively slow, far less than the high production of the export version.

Of course, this production is mainly due to the small amount of military purchases, and the gradual increase in the use of its own synthetic brigade can be done. Now it is mainly exported to make a small amount of money.

Since the deposit had been paid, he naturally had to work hard to complete the order, deliver it in time, and maintain his credit.

Then, Liu Tao set off to return to Beijing, after all, his wife was going to give birth in these few days.

Beijing, Siheyuan.

Although it didn't snow today, the temperature was very low.

General Liu Tao took off his coat, washed his hands, and sat down.

At this time, the soup base of the hot pot was boiling on the table, and the strong aroma of beef was exuding.

Today, the family prepared beef hot pot. Liu Hongying had already boiled the soup base with beef bones.

The beef was cut into thin slices, placed on plates, and a basin of washed green vegetables was placed.

Liu Hongying was already blanching beef and vegetables for the children to eat.

Several children were shouting excitedly, some wanted more corn, some wanted more cauliflower, and some wanted more beef.

Of course, soda is indispensable here, which is the favorite of children.

"Can your sister come back together during the Chinese New Year?" Chen Fang handed the bowl and chopsticks to Liu Tao and asked.

Liu Honglei can't come back for a few days every month like Liu Tao.

"My second sister and her family just plan to come back for the New Year, and they don't even have a weekend off." Liu Tao said, and then prepared some sauces himself.

Liu Honglei and her husband are different from Liu Tao. Although they were allocated a house because of Liu Tao's partiality, they can't go back to Beijing every month like Liu Tao.

Liu Tao can take a vacation or go to Beijing for work.

Liu Honglei and her family can't do that.

Because Liu Honglei is in the office, the restrictions are relatively small. For example, Chen Weimin is now in the engine production room, which is a military secret. If he writes a letter home, it must be reviewed and sent home only if there is no problem. When his family writes a letter, the relevant department must review it and see if there is no problem before it can be given to Chen Weimin.

Chen Weimin is now an engineering technician and has the status of a cadre, so he must set an example.

"That's good! That's good!" Chen Fang said, "I told your sister last time to let her come back, but she refused."

Liu Tao said with a smile: "My second sister and her friends are working well now, which is contributing to national defense."

Thinking back then, Liu Zhenbang and Chen Fang were very principled and refused to let their two daughters return to Beijing.

Now Chen Fang will think about letting Liu Honglei return to Beijing.

The spring breeze of reform and opening up has blown to Beijing, and it has indeed caused many changes in people's concepts.

"You are right, your ideological awareness has declined, which is very dangerous." Liu Zhenbang said in agreement, "Honglei and her friends are working well in Panshan Machinery Factory and contributing to the country. We should be proud of them."

"I am a brick of the revolution, and I will move wherever I am needed." Liu Zhenbang said this with righteous words.

"Eat your beef and drink your wine well, and no one will think you are dumb if you don't speak." Chen Fang glared at Liu Zhenbang.

She felt that Liu Zhenbang had become more arrogant at home since he became a deputy director-level cadre.

The family ate and drank, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"What do you think about the opening-up policy of Qiongzhou Island in Guangdong Province?" Liu Zhenbang mentioned something.

Liu Tao's expression moved. At the beginning of the month, Guangdong Province officially announced that Qiongzhou Island would implement an opening-up policy. He also saw this in Renren Daily.

At this time, Qiongzhou Island was not a provincial administrative unit, but an administrative region under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, which is equivalent to a prefecture-level city.

Qiongzhou Island implemented reform and opening up to the outside world, which is undoubtedly a further step forward in the national reform and opening-up policy and expanded its scope.

"This is a good thing, which shows that we have taken another step forward on the road of reform and opening up. In the future, more and more cities and regions will be open to the outside world." Liu Tao said.

"The article you wrote before caused a lot of controversy in Beijing. Although many people support your views, there are also many people who criticize you. If you were not in Beijing, you would be drowned in saliva!" Liu Zhenbang said meaningfully.

Liu Tao shrank his head and knew what Liu Zhenbang was talking about.

At the beginning of the month, he published an article in Renren Daily, which contained some views such as "poverty is not socialism, socialism is to eliminate poverty, and the prosperity of the country and the people is the pursuit of socialism". In the future, it will be familiar and must be learned in political classes. But in this era, it is absolutely subversive.

Many people wrote articles to refute his views, which even caused a lot of debate, and two different views clashed on this.

To be honest, if Liu Tao was not in Beijing but in Panshan Machinery Factory, he might have been criticized to death in person.

The current trend of thought is not the same as it will be in the future. Many people do not have enough knowledge about reform and opening up. Many people do not agree with this kind of crossing the river by feeling the stones and the fear of the unknown future. After all, the road in the past 30 years has been going well, and the national construction is much better than 30 years ago. Why not keep going?

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