The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 258: Hiding one's identity and forging a sword for the country (asking for a monthly ti

December 24, the 29th day of the 11th month of the lunar calendar, is Christmas Eve in the West.

In the mountain city, snowflakes started to fall in the sky early in the morning. It snowed for a few hours, leaving the sky and the earth completely white.

The cold weather can almost be said to be the coldest day in the mountain town this year.

The weather is very cold, but the workers in Factory 256 are all wearing the latest clothes and are beaming with joy.

Even Liu Tao put on a set of clean clothes and tried to cheer up, but he still couldn't help but yawn from time to time.

Just three days ago, he received an unexpected notice that the leader decided to participate in the opening ceremony of the first phase of the tank production and manufacturing base, so that he had to temporarily adjust the arrangements for the opening ceremony.

The guards also started performing security work three days ago.

He was the only one who participated in the entire opening ceremony to know that the news of the leader's coming was currently kept under wraps.

"Director, the convoy is already coming to us!" The director of Factory 256 reported to Liu Tao in a low voice.

Apart from Liu Tao, the one who came to attend the opening ceremony this time was Zhao Guoping!

Liu Tao has been here for half a month, and together with other technicians, he has installed various CNC machine tools.

Zhao Guoping rushed to Factory 256 yesterday afternoon. As the head of China Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation, he naturally had to attend this kind of launching ceremony.

"Let everyone be in good spirits and welcome the leaders with the most enthusiastic spirit!" Liu Tao warned.

The director of Factory 256 muttered to himself that the leader with the worst energy was Liu Tao.

But he didn't say anything. In the past half month, everyone had noticed Liu Tao's work, and he often worked until two or three in the morning every day.

Last night I worked hard until four in the morning, and got up early at six in the morning for final inspections.

In other words, Liu Tao only slept for two hours.

At the gate, festive red cloth is hung on both sides.

The workers on both sides lined up. Although it was snowing in the sky, no one felt cold.

Almost one-third of the skilled workers here were transferred from Panshan Machinery Factory.

After all, this place will specialize in the production of Type 80 heavy tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

The remaining one-third of the workers come from the 256 old factory, and the other third are the skilled workers supported this month.

The entire production base is surrounded by the Yangtze River on one side and mountains on the other. There are only two entrances to the east and west, and the entrance there is relatively narrow.

At this time, they are located at the east gate. A high-standard road has been built from here to the mountain city, directly connected to the tank manufacturing base. There is also a railway connecting the railway network.

Soon, the convoy appeared in sight.

Immediately the sound of gongs and drums sounded, making this moment very festive.

The motorcade stopped at the door and got out of the car one by one.

When the old man got out of the car, everyone couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed. This was a huge surprise.

Because even the leadership team here in Shancheng did not receive the news.

When seeing the old man, some leaders couldn't help but hide their speeches in their pockets.

At this time, there is no place for them to speak.

The importance of such a tank production and manufacturing base to China is self-evident.

This means that in the most unfavorable situation, if the entire north falls, you can still rely on this tank production and manufacturing base to produce tanks here so that the troops can have advanced tanks.

After a complete supporting factory is established here, it will become the largest tank production and manufacturing base in China. In addition to the current assembly plant, there will also be three tank gun factories, three tank engine factories, three artillery shell factories, and four Tank mechanical parts processing factory, two body turret foundry.

The surrounding area has been assigned to Factory 256.

In the long term, the annual output here will be 2,500 tanks and armored vehicles of various types, and the output can even reach 5,000 units in an emergency.

It is precisely because of the importance of this tank production and manufacturing base that the old man made the decision to attend the opening ceremony of the first phase of the project in person.

"Leader, welcome to Factory 256!" Liu Tao looked a little nervous.

Even though he had seen her four times, he still felt nervous.

After the leaders arrived, it was not long before 8 o'clock, and the opening ceremony began.

The leader delivered a speech: "Comrades, the largest tank production and manufacturing base in the country will be built here. This is the hinterland of our country and is of great significance to national defense construction. After the construction of the worker comrades, the construction of the first phase of the project was finally completed today."

Liu Tao, the host, was the sixth one to give a speech.

The ensuing opening ceremony was very simple, just pulling down the plaques on both sides of the gate and the red cloth of a statue.

The plaque on the left side of the gate reads: China Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation; the plaque on the right side reads: Shancheng Tiema Industry Co., Ltd.!

The plaque on the left represents that this place is affiliated to the Southwest China Ordnance Industry Group Corporation and is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest China Ordnance Industry Group Corporation. The plaque on the right represents the external name of this factory, Shancheng Tiema Industrial Co., Ltd.!

As the red cloth came down, everyone couldn't help but applaud and beat gongs and drums to celebrate this moment.

Reporters pressed their camera shutters one after another.

Then I walked into the factory, and there was a statue on a lawn not far away. The statue was covered with red cloth.

As the red cloth was unveiled, many people couldn't help but be stunned.

The sculpture was hiding its face and holding a sword in both hands.

This sculpture was not small, but everyone did not understand its meaning.

"Comrade Liu Tao, what is the meaning of this sculpture?" the old man asked curiously.

Zhao Guoping, who was beside Liu Tao, replied: "Leader, this is the inheritance of our Panshan Group. When we were still Panshan Machinery Factory, Comrade Liu Tao had people sculpt such a sculpture. The meaning is: hide your identity and forge swords for the country; be low-key and pragmatic, and accumulate and burst out!"

"Every military production base of ours will have such a sculpture to warn everyone!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but show a solemn look.

The old man was also moved when he heard it.

Hide your identity and forge swords for the country!

For this kind of military factory, many people really hide their identities, because they all forge swords for the country!

This is to prevent leaks, and it is also for everyone's good!

Being low-key and pragmatic, accumulating and bursting out, this is also a warning to individuals, so that everyone can be down-to-earth and accumulate well, so as to go further on the road.

"What a man who forges swords for the country in anonymity! What a low-key and pragmatic man who accumulates knowledge and then makes a breakthrough!" The old man couldn't help but praise.

Others applauded at this time, and the applause was thunderous.

They finally understood why the sculpture buried its head and covered its face. It turned out to be a metaphor for people who silently dedicate themselves to the country and hide their identities!

It's the end of the month, please give me a monthly ticket!

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