The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 259 I am willing to crawl on the ground and support the glory of the motherland

Keep your name anonymous and forge swords for your country!

Be low-key and pragmatic, and make great achievements through accumulated experience!

This is what Liu Tao often warns and demands of himself, and he also uses it to warn and demand everyone!

Those who come into contact with the core secrets have strict confidentiality training and are required to remain anonymous. They are not even allowed to return to their hometowns for a year.

The only thing Liu Tao can do for them is to bring their parents and wives to them.

Even ordinary employees receive confidentiality training at least once a month and are always reminded not to disclose their work to the outside world.

"Leader, what we do is to forge swords for the country, strengthen our military industry, and build our national defense so that soldiers can use advanced weapons and equipment to protect their homes and country, protect our motherland, and defeat any enemy. "Liu Tao said in a deep voice: "If I could, I would lie on the ground and support the glory of the motherland!"

After the founding of the Republic, how many scientists made swords for the country incognito, and how many scientists worked hard for the prosperity of China.

They are all elites, and they can all have a good life in European and American countries.

For example, Mr. Qian Xuesen became a world-renowned aerodynamicist at the age of only twenty-eight. In 1947, when he was thirty-six years old, he defeated all kinds of discrimination, arrogance and prejudice with his excellent strength and became an aerodynamicist. Professor at the Provincial Polytechnic Institute.

In 1949, at the age of 38, Qian Xuesen was already the director and professor of the Jet Propulsion Center at the California Institute of Technology. In 1953, Qian Xuesen, who was just 42 years old, formally proposed the concept of physical mechanics, advocating that the macroscopic mechanical properties of matter be determined from the microscopic laws of matter, and opened up a new field of high temperature and high pressure.

But after the news of the birth of the Republic reached the United States, Qian Xuesen still chose to return to serve his country.

At that time, even Qian Xuesen's teacher said that Qian Xuesen had surpassed him.

U.S. Navy Undersecretary Danny Kimble even claimed: No matter where Qian Xuesen goes, he is worth the strength of five divisions.

After going through many difficulties and all kinds of obstacles, Qian Xuesen finally returned to China with difficulty.

There are many people like Qian Xuesen, but he is the one that everyone is most familiar with!

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" The old man couldn't help but be deeply moved. "If everyone can be like you, Comrade Liu Tao, I believe that China's prosperity is not a dream, but can definitely be realized!"

Subsequently, skilled workers began to arrive at the production workshop.

Liu Tao accompanied several leaders and began to visit the production workshop.

"Leader, please don't underestimate this small part. It is the traditional gear of the tank's traditional system. It plays a vital role in the tank. Through it, the power of the engine can be transmitted to all parts of the tank. "In the system." Liu Tao picked up a gear and introduced, "Our requirement for it is that its processing accuracy reaches the micron level, which means that its error is smaller than one of our hairs."

"With a small gear like this, once a mistake occurs, it can cause the entire tank to malfunction or even collapse." Liu Tao handed the small gear to the leader.

"I heard reports before that your Panshan Machinery Factory has a large number of high-precision machine tools. Now it seems to be true. Even the machining accuracy of a gear is so high." The leader looked at the gears and said with praise.

"Although the tank looks rough and crazy, it is actually very precise and delicate inside. The more advanced the tank, the higher the processing requirements." Liu Tao said: "Even many parts are It has to be processed by a five-axis machining center to meet the requirements.”

The leader nodded, he knew that Panshan Machinery Factory has a five-axis machining center.

It is also the only one in the country that has a five-axis machining center.

Some important parts are processed through five-axis machining centers.

"This assembly plant has very complete equipment. The tank main gun can be easily installed through the lifting equipment. The turret can be easily lifted and installed on the tank body. Even an entire Type 80 main battle tank can be lifted. Then lift it to the front and let the driver drive the tank out." Liu Tao pointed to the lifting equipment.

It is no exaggeration to say that the instrumentation and equipment of this assembly plant far exceeds that of a machine plant.

In the past, tank production, to put it harshly, could produce tanks as long as it could produce tractors.

But not now!

Like this assembly plant, the maximum requirement for lifting equipment is that it can lift 70 tons!

"The performance of this main gun has reached the world's leading level. Is it because rare earths are added to the material?" The leader couldn't help but ask when he saw the workers installing the tank gun.

Leaders know something about rare earths.

We also know that the country’s rare earth output will be taken over by Panshan Machinery Factory in the next five years.

"Yes!" Liu Tao nodded, "Not only the main gun, but also tank engines, computers, etc. contain rare earths. Although rare earths account for a small proportion of the formula, they are essential!"

"Rare earths are really good things. It seems that comrades in the past did not know the goods and sold the treasures at cabbage prices." The leader couldn't help but sigh, "This is a strategic material. It is very precious and cannot be exported easily."

Liu Tao smiled, "We should strengthen mining management and not exploit indiscriminately, which will cause serious environmental damage. As for exports, naturally we cannot treat them as cabbage prices. There is oil in the Middle East, and we in China have rare earths."

"The Middle East has oil, and we in China have rare earths! As this sentence means, the relevant departments should make good plans, prohibit the random mining of rare earths, and develop rare earth resources scientifically." The leader couldn't help but say, "Good things should be sold at a good price."

In the afternoon, the first Type 80 main battle tank had been produced. This is a self-use version of the Type 80 main battle tank.

Some problems, Liu Tao repaired on the spot.

"A great power! A great power!" The old man looked at the mighty and domineering Type 80 main battle tank and exclaimed.

In less than a day, a Type 80 main battle tank was produced. The old man couldn't help but calculate it. Doesn't this mean that the monthly production capacity can reach 30 vehicles, and 360 Type 80 main battle tanks can be produced in a year!

This output is already extremely impressive.

Even the old man became interested and wanted to experience the feeling of driving a tank despite the secretary's dissuasion.

Finally, the old man entered the cockpit and slowly drove the Type 80 tank under the guidance of Liu Tao.

Half an hour later, the old man came out of the Type 80 tank. He said excitedly: "This Type 80 tank is very easy to drive, easier than driving a car."

In fact, the most difficult part of a Type 80 main battle tank is not the driver or the gunner, but the commander.

The commander is the soul of a Type 80 main battle tank, and he has to learn the most knowledge.

A normal person can drive a Type 80 main battle tank on the road at a speed of 40~50 kilometers per hour.

Of course, this does not mean that the driver will become a qualified driver in an instant. On the contrary, to be a qualified driver of a Type 80 main battle tank, you have to learn a lot, and even only by becoming an experienced driver can you make the Type 80 main battle tank move like an arm.

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