5.2 billion order!

No leader is willing to give up this huge order.

This order is enough to support a large number of enterprises and allow them to grow and develop.

It is true that the Type 80 tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are produced by Panshan Machinery Factory, but a large number of production materials and parts need to be purchased.

It is just that Panshan Machinery Factory has guaranteed all the rare earth production, and the price is much higher than the original export price, which has driven the development of the rare earth industry.

If any leader says to give up this huge order, he will definitely be criticized to death, and his political life will be over.

With such a large order, it is normal to have problems, but problems can be solved, even if they are difficult to solve, but there are always more solutions than difficulties!

Soon, the contract agreement was signed.

In the courtyard, Liu Zhenbang looked at his son in amazement.

Almost every time he returned to Kyoto, he made some gains, and rarely returned empty-handed.

This time, he directly signed a super order of 5.2 billion US dollars with the Persians.

The Persians purchased a lot before, but they mostly purchased equipment for the troops in service. However, this time they directly purchased Type 80 main battle tanks, Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and "Vanguard" air defense missiles.

The Type 80 main battle tank is advanced, but it is very expensive. One can buy four or five Type 59 tanks, not to mention that the shells of the Type 80 main battle tank are much more expensive than those of the Type 59 main battle tank, more than ten times more expensive.

Moreover, this time the Persians not only purchased Type 80 main battle tanks, Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and "Vanguard" air defense missiles, but also ordered a batch of weapons and ammunition, as well as a large amount of daily necessities. This part of the order also exceeded one billion US dollars.

"Calculate it, your Panshan Machinery Factory should have received orders worth 25 billion US dollars so far." Liu Zhenbang asked.

"Almost, but it's just an order. It will take at least three to five years to deliver." Liu Tao estimated it in his mind, and it was about 25 billion US dollars.

But this does not mean that all 25 billion US dollars have been received. The delivery time of those orders is three to five years.

That is to say, there is a large amount of final payment, which must be settled in the next three to five years.

"We work so hard, but the orders are less than one-third of yours. It's true that people are more annoying than people!" Liu Zhenbang was silent for a long time, then sighed.

Moreover, some of these orders were because of Liu Tao's matchmaking, otherwise there would be no orders at all.

Liu Zhenbang increasingly agreed that the leaders called Liu Tao the title of "God of Wealth".

He even doubted whether there were gods in the world, and whether his son was really the reincarnation of "God of Wealth".

25 billion US dollars, this is almost catching up with the total export volume of China in the past two years.

Liu Tao took a sip of wine, picked up a piece of scalded mutton, and felt happy in his heart.

The export price of tanks and armored vehicles is high, which is much better than the export of firearms.

Moreover, the export of tanks and armored vehicles means that shells will also be exported, and advanced tank shells are never cheap.

If it is an advanced fighter, then one fighter is often equivalent to many main battle tanks.

If it is a warship, an advanced warship costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

The more advanced the weapons and equipment, the higher the price.

"These oil-producing countries in the Middle East are really rich. They are at war, but they can still come up with so much money." Liu Zhenbang said enviously.

It is said that a cannon shot is worth a lot of gold.

However, the war between Iran and Iraq has been going on for more than a year, but so far, both sides are still very rich, and their foreign exchange reserves have not been spent. They can still spend a lot of money on overseas purchases.

Look at China, which is very poor. Exports are not easy, and the money earned is hard-earned.

Liu Tao said: "There is no way. Oil is called the 'blood of industry'. Social development requires more and more oil. Now industry cannot do without oil."

Although oil is mainly used as fuel and gasoline, it is actually the raw material of many chemical industrial products, such as solutions, phone bills, pesticides and plastics.

The Middle East is rich in oil, and it is easy to mine. People can make money lying down and live well by relying on oil exports.

China now produces hundreds of millions of tons of oil every year, and can even export nearly 20 million tons of oil every year. In the past few years, oil exports have accounted for a large proportion of China's exports. In the past two years, oil exports have reached nearly 4 billion US dollars each year.

It's just that 4 billion US dollars is a lot for small countries, but it's nothing for a country as big as China, and China also needs to import a lot of things every year.

If there were no weapons and equipment exports last year, there would have been a trade deficit, and foreign exchange reserves would have become negative.

"We can't envy the oil-producing countries in the Middle East. Only by achieving industrialization and making money from industrial product trade can we have a future." Liu Tao shook his head and said.

China is such a large country with so many people. It is destined that it cannot rely on a single product to dominate the world, but must develop in an all-round way.

Only by achieving industrialization can so many people have jobs and create a huge amount of wealth.

And only industrialization can truly enrich the country and strengthen the army.

In this era, the competition among major powers is ultimately a competition of industrial capabilities.

Behind the bipolar rivalry, the United States and the Soviet Union are the world's top two industrial powers, and their industrial capabilities are far ahead of other countries.

"You have so much money now, how are you going to spend it? You can't spend that much money building a factory?" Liu Zhenbang asked.

The richest company in the country right now is none other than Panshan Machinery Factory.

Even if it develops very fast, there is still a lot of money.

The funds are so abundant that even the Fifth Machinery Department is envious.

"In addition to the needs of factories, we can build reservoirs, hydropower stations, power grids, water plants, railways and highways!" Liu Tao said with a smile, "If there is not enough money, how can there be too much spare money?"

"Don't talk about this money, even if the money is ten times more, I can still spend it." Making money is not easy, but spending money is not easy?

A Malone training base would cost hundreds of millions!

Car manufacturing plants, motorcycle manufacturing plants, air conditioner and refrigerator manufacturing plants, semiconductor manufacturing plants, etc. all have huge investments.

Besides, so much money does not mean that it belongs to Panshan Machinery Factory. There is still a lot of money that needs to be settled to other factories.

Liu Zhenbang took a sip of wine and lowered his voice: "During this period, there has been a voice that thinks that you should contribute most of the profits. This voice is also heard in the ministry."

Liu Tao frowned slightly.

I knew in my heart that someone had pinkeye.

Seeing Panshan Machinery Factory making a lot of money, I felt envious and jealous.

Sure enough, pink eye is a disease that exists even in this era, and is not a unique product of the future.

"Whatever, the leader designated us as a reform pilot unit, gave us so many tasks, and gave us a lot of autonomy in terms of finance." Liu Tao took a sip of wine and seemed to say to Liu Zhenbang, and also to Liu Zhenbang. Say it yourself.

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