Reform and opening up did not happen overnight.

If you ask a European and American economic master to preside over it, it will most likely be shock therapy.

As for the efficacy of shock therapy, it is absolutely amazing.

People who have never used it say that 'shock therapy' is good and has excellent curative effects, and they are highly praised.

Anyone who has personally experienced 'shock therapy' will be disgusted by it and hate it to the core.

If you don’t believe it, look at the countries that have personally used ‘shock therapy’ in the future. They have the most say.

Although the restructuring only took more than a month, Liu Tao felt deeply about it.

It can be said that no one can match his prestige in Panshan Machinery Factory. Even Wang Tiezhu, the first director of Panshan Machinery Factory, has far less prestige than him.

But during the restructuring, the employees who usually respected him would get out of control and ask him, after signing the labor contract, is this still their home? Are they still building socialism? Will he become an evil capitalist in the future?

There are even cases where some employees want to commit suicide.

In fact, it was no longer called a 'state-owned factory' but a company, and he was no longer the director of the factory, but the general manager. Many people were repulsed by this and even disgusted by these titles.

The restructuring group often holds lectures and debates, but the debate is still endless.

And this is what Liu Tao said to employees on the radio: "Socialism also has a market economy, and capitalism also has planned control. Poverty is not socialism, socialism wants to eliminate poverty."

Even so, many employees are still very resistant to restructuring.

There are so many problems and difficulties in the restructuring of Panshan Machinery Factory. It is conceivable that if other state-owned factories are restructured, there will be more problems and greater difficulties.

The leaders took notes one by one and wrote that these are the most precious treasures.

".I met with Persian Mohammed this afternoon. Persia purchased 200 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, 400 Type 80 main battle tanks and corresponding base artillery shells, and 800 'avant-garde' portable air defense missile launchers each equipped with 5 anti-aircraft missiles, with a total contract of US$5.2 billion." Liu Tao reported on the order, "In view of our current lack of production capacity, we would like to ask our superiors to coordinate more technicians to support us."

"And other tank manufacturers produce light tanks, heavy tanks, and amphibious tanks!" Liu Tao asked for help.

Other leaders asked for more information, and Liu Tao also answered them one by one.

"The Persians must win such a large contract order, 5.2 billion U.S. dollars. This is not a small amount. The deposit alone is 2.6 billion U.S. dollars!" The leader said: "If there is a problem, we will work together to find a solution. No one will start from it." If you mobilize manpower from other places, the people from Project 541 can be transferred to you first, or they can help produce some parts. "

"As for the production of tanks, forget it. It will be more troublesome if the tanks produced are not up to standard." The leader was a little helpless.

Liu Tao's heart moved.

Project 541, he knew something about this project.

In the 1970s, the country deployed a major weapons manufacturing project in Jin Province - the Second Tank Production Base!

This is Project 541!

Project 541 is a huge project. It is planned to build eighteen branch factories, which will be called the First Branch Headquarters, the Second Branch Headquarters, etc. After completion, each branch headquarters will stretch for 130 kilometers.

As for the reason for this project, we have to start with the Zhenbao Island incident in 1969. From that time on, Baotou 617 Factory, my country’s first tank production base, and Datong 616 Factory, which produces tank engines, were directly threatened, so the country decided to Jin Province established a second tank production base, namely Project 541.

Project 541 is located in the Zhongtiao Mountain area of ​​Shanxi Province, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Zhongtiao Mountain defense line can be established here during wartime.

The employees of each branch headquarters are mainly engineering and technical personnel from enterprises in large and medium-sized cities across the country who support third-line construction, college graduates, demobilized servicemen, engineering and technical backbones studying in the Soviet Union, and my country's first-generation tank technical experts.

According to the original plan, Project 541 initially planned to build a tank assembly plant, a body and turret foundry, three tank mechanical parts processing plants, two tank gun factories, three 580-horsepower tank engine factories, and three artillery shell factories. , 3 optical instrument factories, and later added power plants, large employee hospitals, railway dedicated line transportation headquarters, etc.

As far as Liu Tao knows, Project 541 has not been completed so far.

Unexpectedly, the leader would have such an idea and directly transfer technical personnel from Project 541 to support Panshan Machinery Factory.

But it’s normal to think about it. The investment in the newly built tank manufacturing base of Factory 256 is still higher than that of Project 541, and the technology is more advanced, and the machinery and equipment are also more advanced.

Project 541 can only produce Type 59 tanks, but now the Type 59 tanks are outdated and there are more advanced tanks.

Now the troops prefer the Type 81 light tank, the Type 81 medium tank, the Type 81 amphibious tank and the Type 80 main battle tank, but are no longer keen on the Type 59 tank.

Although the No. 1 Machinery Factory and others are still producing Type 59 tanks, the tanks they produce are mainly used to replace tanks that have been in active service for a long time. The tanks that have been in service for a long time are refurbished and used for export.

It is still unclear whether Project 541 is still necessary.

"Has your tank manufacturing base been built?" the leader asked.

Liu Tao said: "In another month, the first phase of the project will be completed."

A large number of people have been invested in the construction of the tank manufacturing base. At present, the road project has been connected to the main road, the factory's railway has been built and connected to the railway network, and two berths have been built at the dock.

"That's good, that's good!" The leader nodded.

The completion of the first phase of the project means that the production and manufacturing of the Type 80 main battle tank and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun can be increased.

For the Panshan Machinery Factory, or more precisely, for Liu Tao, the leaders are very relieved.

This is proved by Liu Tao with one victory after another. Who would have thought that the output of tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns would be so high so far.

You must know that it took the First Machine Factory 20 years to complete this step.

The First Machine Factory also has design data for several other tanks, but so far, not a single qualified tank has been produced.

Even other tank gun factories cannot produce tank guns that meet the requirements, and engine factories cannot produce engines that meet the requirements.

It is also for this reason that the leaders realized how terrible the damage to military factories was in those ten years, and they were determined to let the First Machinery Factory produce these advanced tanks.

It’s not that they don’t want to, but they have no choice.

It’s better to mobilize technical personnel to support Panshan Machinery Factory to produce more tanks and armored vehicles, and thus train more qualified workers in the process.

The current Panshan Machinery Factory has the highest industrial level in the country and has a large number of high-precision machine tools.

These high-precision machine tools are still confidential. In addition to the production and processing of Panshan Machinery Factory itself, it will also process some individual parts, such as aerospace engines, submarine propellers, etc.

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