The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 243 Why must we fight for another six or seven years?

Just got off the plane.

Liu Tao clearly felt the atmosphere of National Day.

It seems like the whole world has entered the ocean of joy during National Day.

Back in the courtyard, meals have been prepared at home.

This is a real reunion for their family.

Two sisters, Liu Hongying and Liu Honglei, saw each other again after more than ten years. They couldn't help but burst into tears as they hugged each other. This was the joy of reunion.

Because of the age difference, Liu Hongying and Liu Honglei have the best relationship, while Liu Tao and Liu Ziyu have the best relationship.

What we are preparing today is hot pot, beef hot pot.

Beef bones are used to make soup early, and the rich aroma of beef bones and meat is wafting around.

Plate after plate of thinly sliced ​​beef, including fat beef, cockroach, five-flowered toe, three-flowered toe, snowflake, beef brisket, etc., and even bullwhip.

First, get a plate of meat for the children and let them go to the table next to them to eat. Each child has a bowl of rice.

Liu Tao’s son ‘Li Jingming’ was the youngest and could not walk yet. He cut a piece of fruit, peeled it and gave it to him to eat. The little guy ate happily.

Liu Tao and others were eating and drinking, and even opened two bottles of Maotai.

While chatting, we talked about the upcoming reform of the Fifth Machinery Department.

In other words, the reform of various machinery ministries and commissions must be changed to the head office.

From the 1st Machinery Department to the 8th Machinery Department, all were changed to the head office.

The jurisdiction is almost the same. It may just be a sign at the beginning, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is only the first step.

There will definitely be more changes to come.

"Come, let's congratulate our Comrade Liu Zhenbang for his progress with this glass!" Liu Tao picked up the wine glass and stood up and said.

Liu Zhenbang said angrily: "If you don't make progress, I will be embarrassed to admit that I am your father in the future!"

Not long ago, the foreign trade working group of the Fifth Ministry of Machinery was finally officially confirmed as a deputy department unit, and Liu Zhenbang, the leader of the foreign trade working group, officially became a deputy department-level cadre.

Instead of just treatment like before!

There is no doubt that this step is very important, a real step forward.

If Liu Zhenbang is willing to go to the local provincial defense management office, he can directly become a department-level cadre.

More importantly, Liu Zhenbang is only 51 years old now, and he still has a lot to do in the future.

But for Liu Zhenbang, there was no joy, because the entire Fifth Machinery Department knew that Liu Tao was Liu Zhenbang's son.

Liu Tao is already a real department-level cadre, and his pace is much faster than Liu Zhenbang.

As for influence, Liu Zhenbang cannot compare.

Now when Liu Tao goes to the Fifth Machinery Department, he can see the leaders at any time without waiting in line.

Although the Fifth Machinery Department will be changed to the Ordnance Industry Corporation in the future, the brand name of the foreign trade working group will remain unchanged, and the office location will also remain unchanged. Liu Zhenbang is still the leader of the foreign trade working group, and others will call him 'Director Liu' 'Or 'Director Liu Zhenbang'.

"Now we have many workers in Iran and Iraq. How long do you think this war will continue? Will their lives be in danger?" Liu Zhenbang talked about this matter.

Liu Tao thought for a while and said: "This battle will definitely not stop for a while. Both sides still have money, and the current casualties are still affordable for them. Saddam has always wanted to win Ah Bataan, this can be seen from the fact that Abadan has not been bombarded at this time. If Saddam wants to capture Abadan at all costs, the Persians will not be able to defend Abadan. "

Now that the Iran-Iraq war has reached this point, it is already in a state of anxiety, and the two sides are in a stalemate.

Of course, Iraq still had the advantage, and Persian casualties were also greater.

But it is a fact that the front cannot be pushed forward.

The losses of weapons and equipment on both sides are very high. Although Iraq has a strong armored force, it is constantly being exploded in the face of anti-tank missiles and anti-tank mines.

In the early days, Iraq relied on the "Avangard" air defense missiles to shoot down many Persian fighter planes, but mainly relatively backward fighters. For the F14, which can fight at high altitudes, it can completely drop bombs outside the attack range of the "Avangard" air defense missiles.

On the contrary, during this period, the Persians relied on anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns to shoot down and injure many Iraqi air forces.

After all, the Iraqi Air Force has even first-generation fighters, and the other most advanced ones are only second-generation fighters.

There is not a single third-generation fighter jet.

"How long do you think this battle will last?" Liu Zhenbang asked.

"At least we will fight for another six or seven years." Liu Tao said with a smile, "At least all those weapons and equipment have to be consumed. The longer the fight, the better, and we can export more weapons and equipment."

Liu Tao was certainly aware of the cruelty of war and the terrifying speed at which weapons and equipment were worn out.

A large number of weapons and equipment were either destroyed or damaged. A large amount of ammunition is consumed, and the consumption rate is very alarming.

That is to say, China's reserves are indeed huge, otherwise the ammunition depot will really be emptied.

"Six or seven years? Can they fight for six or seven years?" Liu Zhenbang still thought it was impossible. "Both of their countries are not big, how can they fight for that long?"

When the cannon goes off, there is a thousand taels of gold.

Everyone knows how costly war is.

As the leader of the foreign trade working group of the Fifth Ministry of Machinery and responsible for the foreign export trade of the arms industry, Liu Zhenbang knows it best.

The two companies handled more than 10 billion U.S. dollars in capital from him.

That's all real money!

Not to mention the other departments handled by Liu Tao, the total amount of funds in just one year is probably 20 billion US dollars.

"Before the war, Iraq's foreign exchange reserves were nearly 40 billion US dollars, and Persia was about the same." Liu Tao smiled, "In the year since the war, thanks to the rise in oil prices, Iraq has earned more than 40 billion US dollars from oil exports alone. In addition to importing food, clothing and other daily necessities, these revenues can also be used to import weapons and ammunition."

"Not to mention, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other countries are all rich, and they can lend Iraq a lot of money." Liu Tao said confidently.

Under his influence, Iraq and Iraq not only imported weapons and ammunition, but also purchased a large amount of food, clothing and other daily necessities from China.

Liu Tao didn't know the specific import and export volume.

But the amount is definitely not small.

The transportation on land and on the sea has never been interrupted.

The cost-effectiveness of China's products is really too high. As long as Iraq and Iraq understand it, they can't resist this temptation.

After all, everyone's money is not blown by the wind. No one is unwilling to spend less money to import more materials.

Of course, China has always called on both sides to engage in peaceful dialogue and resolve their differences through political consultation and negotiation. After all, China is also a country that has suffered a lot. It really loves peace and hates war the most.

Moreover, China has repeatedly emphasized in the international community that peace and development are the themes of the times. We should strengthen the power of peace, stop war, and develop the economy wholeheartedly. Making money together is what we should do.

In order to show China's sincerity for peace, China has already streamlined its troops by nearly one million in the past, and will further streamline its troops next year.

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