The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 242 Entrusted with an Important Task

September 30.

Liu Tao brought his guards and bags with him, waved to the driver to go back, and then walked into the airport.

He now has to bring guards with him whenever he travels.

Even in China, the possibility of spies appearing is very small, but we have to guard against them.

Liu Tao cherishes his life very much.

After all, there is only one life, and if it is gone, it is really gone.

He has a new life, a foundation, a beautiful wife, and a child, and he has a bright future. Liu Tao is reluctant to die.

This time he took an eight-day vacation, just in time to spend time with his family during the National Day.

His second sister and her family, as well as Zhao Guoping and his wife, went back with Liu Tao.

Looking at Zhao Guoping's wife with a big belly, Liu Tao secretly sighed that he was also the matchmaker for the two.

If he hadn't pushed them, the two would probably have to wait for one or two years or even two or three years, and would not get married so soon.

Because Zhao Guoping's wife is only 18 years old this year.

The two are nine years apart.

However, it must be said that Zhao Guoping's wife is indeed a talent. She is already the most popular singer in the art troupe. Every performance is crowded, and she is always loved by the soldiers when she performs in the army.

Zhao Guoping chose to sit next to Liu Tao and report the summary made by the combined brigade these days.

Brigade-level summary, battalion-level summary, company-level summary, and even class-level summary.

But what makes Zhao Guoping very headache is that many soldiers can't read many words.

"The cultural level of the soldiers, you have to find a way to make them more literate, not only to strengthen the ideological work of the soldiers, but also to improve the cultural level of the soldiers, to recognize more words, and read more newspapers." Liu Tao said, "In the evening, you should offer more cultural courses to teach the soldiers to recognize words and read books."

Before the founding of the Republic, the illiteracy rate in China was 80%, and the primary school enrollment rate was 20%.

Although after 30 years of efforts, the illiteracy rate has been greatly reduced, but now the illiteracy rate has still reached 22.81%!

At this time, the standard for illiteracy is "illiterate", that is, as long as you know how to write your own name, you are not illiterate.

Despite such a low standard, the illiteracy rate is still 22.81%.

These soldiers are basically not illiterate, but their cultural level is not high.

This is true for ordinary soldiers and cadres.

Because this is because they have made meritorious contributions on the battlefield and promoted ordinary soldiers to cadres, many cadres actually have primary school education.

"We need cadres to take the lead. Our combined brigade should be a troop with culture, ideas, and strong combat effectiveness, not an illiterate troop." Liu Tao said in a deep voice: "Cadres should start to take turns to study at the Command Academy so that they can receive systematic command and combat education."

This time, the combined brigade actually exposed many problems during the northward march.

Liu Tao is not a commander and does not know how to build a troop. He can only provide good logistics support, give money, food, weapons and ammunition.

These things about building the troop have to be handed over to Li Fuguo, Zhao Guoping and others.

Zhao Guoping nodded. In fact, the troops have had a tradition of carrying out literacy campaigns since a very early time, and the troops have always been working hard to improve the cultural level of cadres and soldiers.

In July, the superior assigned a group of military academy graduates to the combined brigade, and they were regarded as treasures by the combined brigade. As long as they are undergraduate military academy graduates, they will be promoted to company-level cadres as soon as they arrive at the combined brigade. They will serve as instructors or staff officers in the company, and they are also the key cadres trained by the combined brigade.

Zhao Guoping agrees with what Liu Tao said that the army needs to be built into a high-level army.

He also encountered many difficulties in doing ideological and political work. Every time he returned to Beijing, he would go to his predecessors for advice.

He also agreed with what Liu Tao said before that a unit without faith is absolutely without combat effectiveness.

So in the combined battalion and the current combined brigade, Zhao Guoping has made great efforts and efforts in the ideological and political work of the troops.

In addition to discussing the affairs of the combined brigade, Liu Tao and Zhao Guoping also discussed the affairs of Panshan Machinery Factory.

After National Day, Panshan Machinery Factory will be officially restructured.

Zhao Guoping is also the deputy leader of the restructuring preparatory group and is also involved in the work of the restructuring preparatory group.

The restructuring of Panshan Machinery Factory is of far-reaching significance and is a pilot reform of military factories or state-owned factories.

"Comrade Zhao Guoping, when the formal restructuring is completed, you will serve as the deputy general manager of the group and the general manager of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation. Do you have the confidence to take on this heavy responsibility?" Liu Tao suddenly said.

Zhao Guoping was shocked when he heard this.

He was also the deputy leader of the restructuring preparatory group, so he naturally knew that after the restructuring of Panshan Machinery Factory, the Huaxia Panshan Group Corporation would be formed. And below, two group corporations will be formed according to military business and civilian fields, namely the Huaxia Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation for military business and the Huaxia Southwest Industrial Group Corporation for civilian fields.

This means that the level of the two group corporations will be very high, and the power will be very great.

Because this will realize the one-person-in-charge system, for example, if he serves as the Huaxia Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation, he will inevitably serve as the secretary of the party group. He will be the real one-person-in-charge in the entire Huaxia Southwest Ordnance Industry Group. Except for being responsible to Liu Tao, his direct superior, no one else has the right to interfere with him.

Zhao Guoping hesitated a little and said, "Director, will it be inappropriate? I am still young, less than 30 years old! Should we let other deputy directors with more seniority come to convince the public?"

There are now 15 deputy directors in Panshan Machinery Factory, including Li Fuguo and Zhao Guoping, who are from the armed forces, and focus on the ideological and political work of the combined brigade and the group. There are also directors of 256 and 356 factories. Similarly, the director of Panshan Hospital also has the title of deputy director.

"You said that, I am two years younger than you!" Liu Tao smiled: "On the road of reform, everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones. It is not that seniority can accomplish things."

The two deputy directors of Panshan Machinery Factory were previously assigned idle positions by Liu Tao.

He values ​​ability more than seniority.

Although seniority is also important, there is no doubt that ability is more important at the current juncture.

Many of the people he promoted are not people with high qualifications, but people with strong abilities.

And just like now, they are both deputy factory directors, but the size of their power is very different. Whether they have entered the party group or not, and their ranking in the party group, all make a big difference.

"How is it, do you have the confidence to take on this burden?" Liu Tao asked again.

Zhao Guoping nodded solemnly, "Since you have such high expectations of me, I will not let you down."

"Just the combined brigade?" Zhao Guoping frowned slightly. The work of the combined brigade is also very important and busy.

Liu Tao said without comment: "Do it at the same time, do it well at the same time!"

Isn't he busy?

Few people can sleep six hours a day, and often only sleep five hours. It is normal to work until one or two in the morning.

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