The United Nations, which was established from the experience and disaster of the Second World War, has taken disarmament of all countries as its highest goal and basic slogan from the beginning, because the entire international community recognizes that disarmament is an indispensable condition for human security and happiness.

However, the United Nations has held many disarmament negotiations and conferences, and all countries have been calling for disarmament, but after more than 30 years of calling for disarmament, the result is more and more disarmament.

The United States and the Soviet Union have been constantly strengthening their armaments. The army, navy, air force, and even the competition on the earth can no longer satisfy them, and they have extended directly to space.

This arms race can be said to be getting more and more intense.

A large amount of human creativity and material resources have been applied to destructive rather than constructive military projects.

China has loved peace since ancient times, and coupled with the humiliation of the past hundred years, it has suffered devastation and loves peace the most.

In the past year, the army has been streamlined by more than 700,000 people, from 6.02 million to 5.3 million!

This is the largest disarmament in human history since the end of World War II.

But this is not the end, but just a new beginning.

Now the country is brewing a new disarmament plan to reduce the army by one million again, from 5.3 million to 4.3 million.

It is a general trend to reduce the army, because the country wants to develop the economy and let everyone live a good life. And if it is to reduce the army, a group of people will have to bear the price and leave the army.

It is cruel, but it has to be done.

Just like when humans entered the industrial age, the use of large machines will inevitably make a large number of handicraft workers unemployed.

In the past year, China has reduced the army by more than 700,000 people, setting an example and promoting the peaceful development of the world. This caused a great sensation and the international community has a great change in China.

It is no secret to Liu Tao, Liu Zhenbang and others that the army will reduce the army by one million again this time.

Because this will be announced at the National Day celebration.

Even Liu Tao has seen the draft of the reduction plan.

According to the draft of the reduction plan, it was decided to further reduce and reorganize the army from November 1. First, the leadership organs of the artillery, armored troops, and engineering troops directly under the Military Commission were reduced to the Artillery Department, Armored Troops Department, and Engineering Department of the General Staff; the leadership organs of the artillery, armored troops, and engineering troops of the military region were also downgraded from the army level to the division level, and the number of military region organs was reduced by one quarter.

Second, the numbers of the two arms of the Railway Corps and the Infrastructure Engineering Corps were abolished. A total of 510,000 Railway Corps and Infrastructure Engineering Corps were collectively transferred to the Ministry of Railways and the corresponding state ministries or localities, and some troops were transferred to the armed police force as a whole.

Third, the number of combat troops was increased, and the number of service support troops and engineering troops was reduced. The combat troops of the whole army increased by 3.2 percentage points, while the support troops decreased by 4.5 percentage points.

Fourth, the tank division and most of the artillery divisions were assigned to the army system to improve the level of army organization. This is also to further realize the motorization of the troops, and even the transformation to mechanization.

Fifth, the coastal garrison forces were compressed and simplified; the local troops of the provincial military region were abolished; and some border defense forces were transferred to the public security department.

This time, the reduction of one million troops will take about a year and a half, that is, to achieve this goal by the Spring Festival of 1983, and reduce the troops from the current 5.3 million to 4.3 million.

And what supports the completion of the streamlining of the troops is precisely that the military trade has made a lot of money in the past two years, and a sum of money can be used to resettle the troops.

It can be said that the guiding ideology of our army construction has now undergone a strategic transformation, from the state of preparing for "early, big, and nuclear war" to the track of peacetime construction.

The reduction of one million troops again is not only to show that China will focus on economic construction, but also to show China's pursuit and efforts for peace in the international community.

All countries are preparing for war, and even the Iran-Iraq War is in full swing. Polar bears are often reported to have eliminated many guerrillas in Afghanistan, but China is doing the opposite. This pursuit and effort for peace is particularly valuable.

On National Day, the whole capital was in a sea of ​​joy.

Even at the entrance of Shichahai, students spontaneously organized patriotic poetry recitations. There were many people in Shichahai early in the morning.

Although there were many people, no one saw spitting or littering.

Although people in this era generally have low awareness of hygiene, they are much more conscious than later generations. If you spit or litter here, believe it or not, the old and young men around you can beat you to death without the appearance of the aunt with a red armband?

Liu Tao accompanied his wife for a walk. He held his son, and his son's eyes were looking around smartly.

From time to time, he laughed.

Listening to his son's laughter, Liu Tao was so happy. Children's laughter is the most contagious.

"Now everyone's life is really improving. There were no vendors in Shichahai before. Occasionally there were one or two, and they were like thieves. Now there are many vendors." Zhu Lin said in a low voice.

Although doing business is still a very risky thing.

But some people dare to take risks or are forced to do nothing.

There were people selling popsicles, popcorn, and fried rice.

No one cared, and there were many people at each stall.

"The state has already given recognition to self-employed people. On December 11 last year, a person named Zhang Huamei in Wenzhou applied for a business license from the Wenzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce and obtained the first self-employed business license in the country." Liu Tao smiled faintly.

Zhu Lin was a little surprised: "Really?"

Liu Tao smiled. The information transmission is very busy now. Most people are not well informed. If they don't pay special attention to such things, they won't find them at all.

"Not only that, this year, Xiaogang Village's 'big contract responsibility system' will be confirmed. The household contract responsibility system will quickly spread throughout the countryside. The era of eating from the same pot will never return!" Liu Tao said: "We are in an era of drastic social change. The whole society will undergo earth-shaking changes rapidly."

This is not a secret. The draft for solicitation has already reached the second draft.

If nothing unexpected happens, the first No. 1 document on rural work will be officially issued in the new year.

"Society is indeed changing very fast. Before, if you want to go to college, you have to be an educated youth first. You can go to college after you have good performance and get a recommendation." Zhu Lin said, "Now you don't need to do that. You can go to college directly by taking the college entrance examination."

"Zi Yu has good grades. He will definitely get a good score in the college entrance examination next year and go to a good university." Zhu Lin said.

Now Liu Zi Yu is in the first semester of the third year of high school. Next year is the second semester. In July next year, he will also take the college entrance examination.

Liu Ziyu's current grades are very good, and he ranks among the top in school. If nothing unexpected happens, he can choose any university.

With Liu Tao's encouragement, Liu Ziyu is full of motivation. He doesn't need his parents to force him to study, and he is very self-motivated.

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