The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 202 Returning in triumph (Subscription required)

The second day of the Lunar New Year.

Panshan Machinery Factory, Guankou.

The red flag was waving, colorful flags were fluttering, and people on both sides of the road were holding national flags and flowers with excited faces.

The armed forces in the factory went to the front line to fight a great victory, and now they come to welcome the heroes back in triumph.

Especially the families of the soldiers are looking forward to but also worried!

Ever since they learned that their relatives were on the battlefield, they had not had a good night's sleep.

They are afraid that their relatives will not be able to come back if they go to war.

What they are most worried about now is that there is no familiar figure among the people who have returned.

"I'm coming!"

Finally, the deputy director ‘Sun Weihua’ shouted.

I saw a convoy appearing in front of me. The roaring engine of the Type 80 tank was full of horsepower, and the long barrel looked majestic.

The speed of the tank was not very fast. At this time, in addition to the driver, the commander and gunner were standing and saluting everyone.

The crowd sang, danced, and beat gongs and drums to welcome the heroes back in triumph.

There were even young women who gave flowers to the heroes.

Panshan Machinery Factory uses this gesture to express its support and admiration for the soldiers.

The soldiers enjoyed this moment of courtesy, which was a hymn to the heroes.

Even when I see my family and friends, I can't help but wave and shout.

If it weren't for discipline, perhaps the soldiers would immediately run to hug their family and friends.

Only those who have been to the battlefield can know the preciousness of peace.

Liu Tao was in the car. When he saw several figures, he couldn't help but show excitement.

These people are his relatives.

Liu Tao was not surprised that his second sister's family was here.

But when he saw his parents, wife and children, Liu Tao was surprised.

He did not expect that his parents, wife and children would come to Panshan Machinery Factory.

Liu Tao waved to them. When he saw his wife's eyes were red and tears were falling, Liu Tao wanted to get out of the car and hold her in his arms.

But he can't. As a leader, he needs to take the lead, otherwise other soldiers will follow suit.

The long road is lined with welcoming crowds on both sides.

Men, women, old and young, all available!

This is to welcome the heroes back in triumph!

The convoy was moving at a speed of 20 to 30 kilometers per hour.

Finally, the combined battalion arrived at the military camp.

"Didi dididi~~"

The convoy stopped and soon the emergency assembly whistle sounded.

The soldiers immediately gathered quickly.

"Comrades, you have worked hard during this period. You will have a ten-day holiday. Go back and spend time with your family!" Liu Tao announced.

Back to Panshan Machinery Factory, it’s time for the Hesheng Battalion to take some time off.

The finance department has prepared cash. In addition to paying the soldiers' wages, it is also the combat allowance.

Each soldier gets a combat allowance of five thousand yuan!

The injured soldier will receive an extra 1,000 yuan, the seriously injured soldier will receive an additional 1,000 yuan, and the three martyrs who died will receive a pension of 10,000 yuan each.

The weapons were put into the arsenal and they would go back with their allowance to start their vacation

Liu Tao, Li Fuguo, and Zhao Guoping did not take a vacation immediately, but went to the martyrs' homes. Even though they did not want to face this scene, they had to face it.

These soldiers were all veterans before. They were supposed to enjoy a normal life, but they were placed in Panshan Machinery Factory. After some training, they stood out and became soldiers of the synthetic battalion. Their families were all taken to Panshan Machinery Factory for resettlement. It is said that everyone is the backbone of the family.

Now they are sacrificed.

There are also those who were seriously injured and are still receiving treatment in the hospital. They must also let their families know.

Everyone came to the door one by one, told the families of the martyrs the truth, and praised them for their heroic battles and military exploits.

Seeing the families of the martyrs howling and crying, Liu Tao felt quite uncomfortable.

But this is war!

As long as there is a war, people will die!

By the time I got home, it was already evening.

When Liu Tao just arrived at the door of the house, Zhu Lin had already rushed into Liu Tao's arms with the child in his arms.

Liu Tao also hugged his wife tightly. He knew that she must be worried about her safety.

Otherwise, I would not have come to Panshan Machinery Factory during the Spring Festival.

You know, Zhu Lin was just out of confinement.

"You're a scientific researcher, why are you going to the front line to risk your life? If something happens to you, what will we, mother and son, do?" Zhu Lin couldn't help but shed tears as he spoke.

Liu Tao could only hug his wife and comfort her at this time.

Finally, Zhu Lin's mood gradually stabilized.

"You brat, you are a father, yet you are so disturbing." Liu Zhenbang said angrily.

After getting the news, he was also shocked.

You must know that it is a battlefield, not a joke.

If you are not careful, your life will be lost.

"Dad, aren't these the weapons we developed and need to be tested on the battlefield? I'm at the headquarters and everything will be fine." Liu Tao said, "We have an experimental unit. We can't keep training without going to the battlefield." Let’s go to the battlefield. Only those who have experienced the baptism of blood and fire on the battlefield can become an elite force.”

"There's no need for you to go. You don't know how to march and fight, and there are technicians for weapons. Why are you, the factory director, going to cause trouble?" Chen Fang said reproachfully.

After getting the news, she couldn't sleep well for a day.

Even though she knew that Liu Tao's troops had won a great victory.

But who knows if Liu Tao will get into trouble.

Liu Tao's heart was filled with warmth, he knew that this was his family's care and love for him.

For them, he was their relative.

That's all.

After entering, the table was full of dishes, and the three children stared at the food on the table, drooling.

However, under the intimidation of Liu Honglei, the three children did not dare to go to the table.

Liu Tao took a bottle of Moutai.

Everyone went to the table, it seemed lively.

After drinking a glass of wine, Liu Tao knew that on New Year's Eve, Liu Zhenbang and others flew to Kun City, and then took a car to Panshan Machinery Factory.

At first, Liu Zhenbang and others didn't know that it was the combined battalion that won a great victory, and Liu Zhenbang and others knew about it, and then asked for leave to leave Beijing.

On the 30th, the family had no intention of celebrating the New Year.

This meal was considered a reunion dinner.

"Will you go to the battlefield next?" Zhu Lin asked a little nervously.

Liu Tao shook his head and said, "No, this time the combined battalion exposed many problems that need to be solved."

"Besides, the battle on the front line is almost over. We have almost wiped out an enemy division. We cannot concentrate our forces to attack Koulinshan and Laoshan in a short time. Even if we fight again later, our Panshan Machinery Factory will not be used in the defensive battle." Liu Tao said.

In a short period of time, the combined battalion will not go to the front line again, but will focus on solving problems, further completing the combined battalion, and improving the combat effectiveness of the combined battalion.

Even Liu Tao has plans to expand the combined battalion and build a combined brigade.

After all, the combined battalion is the foundation of the combined brigade, and the combined brigade is an upgraded version of the combined battalion.

To build a combined brigade, it is not just a matter of building a few more battalions, but it is necessary to upgrade and improve the combined battalion. Only by laying a good foundation can the high-rise building of the combined brigade be built.

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