It was late at night.

As soon as he returned to the master bedroom, Liu Tao pushed Zhu Lin against the wall, put his arm around Zhu Lin's waist, and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

As the saying goes, a long separation is better than a new marriage.

Since Zhu Lin became pregnant, the two have not lived in their own world.

Zhu Lin has been worried these days, always afraid that Liu Tao will have an accident on the battlefield. Now that Liu Tao is back safely, how can he bear to refuse, and immediately responded enthusiastically.

The clothes of the two were scattered on the ground one by one, and soon the battlefield had moved to the bathroom.

The shower in the bathroom sprayed hot water, splashing water.

After the second plum, the two lay on the bed and hugged each other tightly.

Liu Tao relaxed as a whole. Here is home and a warm harbor in his heart.

The next morning, it was inevitable to get up and exercise.

When a ray of sunlight shone through the window in the morning, the two had already fought a fierce battle.

Liu Tao went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed into a set of clean clothes, kissed his wife on the forehead gently, and went to the factory.

In the quality inspection room, a lot of weapons and ammunition have been stockpiled, waiting for Liu Tao to test.

Liu Tao tested them one by one, and those unqualified weapons and ammunition were picked out.

Each weapon and ammunition has a unique number, which is equivalent to the identity card of the weapon and ammunition. Through the number, the corresponding file can be found. For example, for a heavy sniper rifle, there will be corresponding records of who made it and who tested it.

At noon, Liu Tao did not eat in the cafeteria, but went home to eat.

After washing his hands, Liu Tao held his son, a little baby who was only more than a month old, and his whole body was still soft, but it was much easier to hold than when he was just born.

When the baby was one month old, the baby's hair was shaved off and specially put away.

Looking at his son's cute appearance, Liu Tao's face would unconsciously smile.

This kind of joy can only be experienced by parents.

The feeling of home always makes him enjoy it very much.

Before, this was just where he lived, not home.

Where there are wives and children, it is home!

Two days later, Liu Zhenbang and Chen Fang left Panshan Machinery Factory and returned to Beijing.

Zhu Lin and the child stayed, after all, Zhu Lin's maternity leave was still on.

At this time, women's maternity leave is 90 days, which is the rights of women.

The soldiers of the combined battalion had a holiday, but Liu Tao, the factory director, had no holiday.

Instead, he became even busier.

In order to go home for lunch at noon and try not to work overtime at night, Liu Tao became busier and busier to improve work efficiency.

On this day, Liu Tao convened a meeting of the factory leadership team.

At the meeting, the brewing plan was presented to everyone at the meeting.

Sichuan, Guizhou, and Guangxi provinces each built a military base and a civilian production base.

After attending the meeting of the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building, Liu Tao returned to Panshan Machinery Factory and formed three working groups to go to these three provinces for inspection and research.

Each of the three working groups is led by an outstanding cadre.

During this period, the three working groups have completed the research work and even made plans.

"Director, will this stall be too big?" Zhang Hongjun frowned.

It has extended to Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces at once, and each of them has built two bases. The investment is huge.

The weapons industrial bases in Guizhou and Guangxi provinces need to invest 100 million yuan each, and the civilian industrial bases also need to invest at least 100 million yuan each. These two provinces alone need to invest up to 400 million yuan.

Not to mention Sichuan Province.

The tank manufacturing plant in Shancheng originally cost at least 1 billion yuan. Now it is necessary to invest 500 million yuan to build a military production base in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, and 500 million yuan to build a military factory in Chengdu. In addition, it will cost 1 billion yuan to build an automobile production base in Shancheng.

This means that it will cost 2.4 billion yuan to build these production bases!

Zhang Hongjun even thought that his factory director was going crazy.

And even if it was to be built, it would be built in Yunnan Province.

Yunnan Province is so big that there is plenty of space to build factories!

"This is a task from above. I hope that all comrades will raise their awareness and solve difficulties when there are difficulties!" Liu Tao said in a deep voice, "This is a political task that must be completed!"

Zhang Hongjun and others were shocked.

Liu Tao said it was a task from above, definitely not referring to the Yunnan Provincial Defense Management Office, but the Fifth Machine Department!

After all, Panshan Machinery Factory is now directly under the Fifth Machine Department.

"These production bases are not completed all at once, but are carried out in three phases, and are expected to be completed in 3 to 5 years." Liu Tao naturally would not invest so much money at once.

2.4 billion, this is equivalent to an astronomical figure.

Although Panshan Machinery Factory has signed so many contracts, it can take out so much money just for the deposit.

But you have to know that the weapons and ammunition, raw materials and parts produced by Panshan Machinery Factory all need to be paid to other factories, and there are also workers' wages, transportation costs, etc.

Then, Liu Tao read out the new personnel appointments.

Qin Hua is the head of the Guizhou Ordnance Industry Production Base, with an administrative level of division level; Huang Yongxin is the head of the Guizhou Civilian Industry Production Base, with an administrative level of division level; Li Guimin is the head of the Guizhou Ordnance Industry Production Base, with an administrative level of division level; Chen Min is the head of the Guizhou Civilian Industry Production Base, with an administrative level of division level; Yang Weiguo is the head of the Mianyang Ordnance Industry Production Base, with an administrative level of division level; Hu Xiangbei is the head of the Rongcheng Ordnance Industry Production Base, with an administrative level of division level; Cai Kun is the head of the Shancheng Automobile Production Base, with an administrative level of division level.

Zhang Hongjun and Sun Weihua couldn't help but look at each other, and they already understood that Liu Tao was promoting people.

These people are either cadres supported by the province or cadres supported by the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building, and they joined Panshan Machinery Factory only two years ago.

It's only been two years, and the speed of progress is like riding a rocket.

If it weren't for their insufficient qualifications, I'm afraid they would be directly appointed as deputy factory directors.

You know, the two of them are also department-level cadres.

Liu Tao is indeed promoting people. These people are talents who have stood out in the past two years. They are all very young. The youngest is only in his early thirties, and the oldest is only in his forties. They are truly in their prime.

In addition to appointing the heads of various production bases, Liu Tao also adjusted some internal personnel appointments.

Zhang Hongjun, the deputy director, adjusted the management work and managed the work related to the trade union; Sun Weihua managed the work related to the veterans.

The two were further marginalized.

Although the two deputy directors are old people from Panshan Machinery Factory, their abilities are increasingly unable to keep up with the development of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Panshan Machinery Factory was very small back then, and the two were capable enough. But now Panshan Machinery Factory is very large, and the two are much less capable.

In addition, some personnel appointments and adjustments are also made, as well as the construction of new departments.

For example, the Procuratorate, the Judicial Court, and the Public Security Bureau!

Otherwise, internal employees and their families will not be able to find anyone to sue.

Although Panshan Machinery Factory is just a factory, whether it is the area under its jurisdiction or the population, it is the scale of a town, and even the population is equivalent to that of a county town.

Many aspects have been improved accordingly.

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