New Year's Eve.

Thick smoke can still be seen billowing from the battlefield, and some areas can be seen burning.

But the gunfire had stopped.

All positions have been captured.

By this time, all the highlands and positions from Koulin Mountain to Laoshan to Balihe Dongshan were conquered.

The troops were even building fortifications three to four kilometers deep to the south.

After shelling the reinforcements on the first day and destroying most of the reinforcements, there were no more enemy reinforcements later.

Synthetic camp, the camp is different from before.

20 tanks, 2 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and other vehicles surrounded the outside, and the soldiers of the combined battalion lined up to assemble.

A makeshift stage with a microphone on it.

Li Fuguo walked onto the stage, wearing a white armband on his left hand.

Li Fuguo's eyes were sharp and his voice was loud and a little heavy: "Today, we are holding a reunion meeting, but the war cannot actually enable us to achieve a true reunion. Our brothers who have already served in the battle, they are here today." Can’t be with us to share the joy of victory and reunion.”

"At this moment, we miss them more than ever. Here, let us solemnly salute them with the combat etiquette of soldiers, fire a gun, and say goodbye to them!" After finishing speaking, Li Fuguo turned left. .

At this time, a soldier was holding a plate with a red national flag on it. On the flag was a Type 78 pistol. The soldier's body was upright and he walked over with firm and powerful footsteps.

Then it was placed on the table and the warrior trotted off the stage.

Li Fuguo picked up the Type 78 pistol, faced the whole battalion of soldiers, raised his gun solemnly and solemnly and fired a salute into the sky.

All the bullets in a bullet clip were used up.

When Li Fuguo finished firing, the soldiers took out their pistols and then fired salutes as well.

This scene was recorded by military photographers and reporters.

Now that the fighting here is over, the 41st Division has also been mobilized here and will take over from the 42nd Division, and the combined battalion will also return.

They will spend the Spring Festival here and welcome the New Year.

Later, Liu Tao walked onto the stage. At this time, the staff of Panshan Machinery Factory distributed a bowl to everyone, and then filled the bowls in each soldier's hands with Maotai wine.

"Comrades, I am here to congratulate everyone on your glorious victory on the battlefield. This is a bowl of victory wine, but for the first bowl of victory wine, we pay tribute to our dear comrades!" Liu Tao said loudly while holding the wine, and then poured the wine Fell to the ground.

All the soldiers followed suit one after another!

The staff refilled the bowls in each soldier's hands with wine.

"Comrades, let us drink this victory wine! Long live the great motherland! Long live the great Chinese nation!"

"Long live the great motherland! Long live the great Chinese nation!"

The soldiers shouted loudly, and then drank all the wine in the bowl.

Then everyone moved to another place, where the chefs had prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Every soldier was given a pack of Chinese, regardless of whether he smoked or not.

Whether it is Moutai or Chinese cigarettes, soldiers are usually reluctant to drink or smoke.

But it's different now. Now it's Liu Tao who rewards the three armies!

Tomorrow we will break camp and return to Panshan Machinery Factory, so there is no need to save on the supplies originally prepared.

Pork, chicken, duck, fish, vegetables, etc.

There are ten people sitting at one table, and there are nearly a hundred tables.

Now everyone eats and drinks to their heart's content.

Liu Tao, Li Fuguo, and Zhao Guoping walked over table after table, saying hello to the soldiers and exchanging pleasantries and encouragement.

These warriors are all good.

They were not afraid of sacrifice, were brave in dedication, and dared to fight hard. They created a miraculous record in just a few days. Their performance even exceeded Liu Tao's initial expectations.

It was due to their extraordinary performance that in just a few days, the 313th Division was almost completely wiped out. Except for the 313th Division headquarters and troops, more than 12,000 people of the 313th Division were annihilated.

Although the 313th Division is a newly formed division of the enemy, and it is not an ace division or a main force division, the almost complete annihilation of the 313th Division is still a brilliant victory that can be called a miracle.

Although it had only been a few days, the effect of the combined battalion was the most obvious and its performance was the most brilliant.

None of the regiments of the 42nd Division can compare with the Combined Battalion.

And in Liu Tao's heart, these soldiers who have been baptized by blood and fire on the battlefield will be the precious seeds of the combined camp.

With them here, more synthetic camps can be formed!

Although there were casualties in the synthetic business this time, which made Liu Tao feel quite uncomfortable, he knew that as long as there is a war, there will be casualties. No matter how powerful the army is, it is impossible to achieve zero casualties and can only reduce casualties as much as possible.

Half an hour later, Liu Tao, Li Fuguo, and Zhao Guoping left the camp and headed to the hospital with fruits and food.

So far, three members of the combined battalion have been killed and more than thirty wounded are in the hospital.

Some of the injured soldiers had their feet crippled, some were shot, and some were affected by shrapnel.

Although the soldiers wear body armor and bulletproof helmets, it does not mean that they will not be injured or die.

Those with minor injuries were fine and could return to the team after recovery.

What is really more troublesome are those soldiers who were seriously injured. Some soldiers lost their hands or feet, which was a huge blow to the soldiers.

This can easily lead to serious psychological problems and even suicide.

These days, Liu Tao visits the wounded soldiers in the hospital every day.

He even saw that seriously injured soldiers from other troops committed suicide.

Being able to resolutely go to the battlefield is definitely not for money.

Because Chinese soldiers have no money at all.

Each ordinary soldier who died in the battle received a one-time pension of 450 yuan, each martyr in the class received 500 yuan, each martyr in the platoon and company level cadres received 550 yuan, each martyr in the battalion level cadres received 600 yuan, and each martyr in the regiment level cadres received 650 yuan.

If it was for money, no one would go to the battlefield.

Every soldier is loyal to the motherland and serves the motherland!

Liu Tao can't do anything about other troops.

But he will find a way to settle the martyrs and wounded soldiers who died in the combined battalion.

He has to give the wounded soldiers hope to live. Even if they lose one hand, they still have another hand and can still work. This is the greatest respect for them.

For soldiers who lose both hands or both feet, their families can be arranged to take care of them, and they can go to schools and factories to give lectures to make them feel that life is meaningful.

Liu Tao will apply for the honor of martyrs for the soldiers who died, arrange for their families to enter Panshan Machinery Factory, and raise their children in Panshan Machinery Factory until they grow up.

These are what Liu Tao can do and should do.

Liu Tao and others went to the hospital to visit the soldiers and chat with them.

When they left, it was already very late.

The starry sky tonight is dotted with stars and crescent moons, and it seems very quiet without the sound of gunfire.

In the past few nights, there were almost always gunfire sounds.

Now, the battle is over, or temporarily over, and the battle will not start again in a short time.

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