At night, you can vaguely hear the sound of some gunfire.

Obviously, the enemy was unwilling to lose the main peak and position and launched a sneak attack at night.

As a student of the PLA, the Vietnamese army also has rich experience in night combat.

Liu Tao lay on the bed and closed his eyes slightly, looking thoughtful.

He didn't understand before why the southwest was the hinterland of China. I just thought it was because the southwest was inland, far away from the coast and the north.

But this time when he came to the battlefield and got more exposure to military aspects of marching and fighting, he understood why the southwest was the hinterland of China.

The southwest has many mountains, rugged roads, and complex terrain, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It is difficult for the troops to march, and there is no terrain to carry out large-scale operations. As long as the roads are destroyed, the marching speed will be very slow.

And every mountain can actually set up defensive positions to some extent, and it is also easy to conduct ambushes.

The entire southwest is definitely the most suitable for guerrilla warfare.

The southwest region covers 2.5 million square kilometers, occupying more than a quarter of China's land area. With such a large area, if 200,000 to 300,000 troops come in, they will definitely only be able to control the cities, not even the county towns, and then they will be slowly destroyed through guerrilla warfare. The land will be destroyed.

As long as the southwest is not lost, China will have a large rear area and China will never be destroyed.

He finally understood why the southwest was the core of the third-tier construction, and the third-tier construction in the southwest accounted for more than half of the country's total.

"No wonder the leaders have repeatedly reminded that the merged third-tier factories must have the ability to produce weapons in every province." Liu Tao couldn't help but think of the leaders' instructions in his mind.

Even at this time, the third-tier factories need to be reformed, but the bottom-line thinking has still not been given up.

"Panshan Machinery Factory should be based in the Southwest, grow and develop in the Southwest, and develop the Southwest!" Liu Tao had a clear understanding of the future development of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Staying in the Southwest and developing the Southwest is just in case, and it is a life-saving trump card at critical times.

Moreover, the development of the Southwest is self-evidently beneficial to the entire country.

Getting up from the bed and opening the map, Liu Tao used the light to gently draw his fingers from Myanmar to Laos and then to North Vietnam.

During this time, he has actually been in contact with some forces in northern Myanmar.

As for Laos, Vietnam's power is fading rapidly, and it is estimated that it will not take long to make progress.

In the vast region of North Vietnam, we can also make a difference.

Then Liu Tao took a pen and drew a picture of Myanmar from north to south, forming a north-south route that directly reached the Indian Ocean.

If Yun Province wants to develop, if it has an outlet to the sea, it will undoubtedly be like adding more wings to a tiger.

It’s just that access to the sea is not easy to deal with because there are too many forces involved.

"No matter how difficult it is, if you work slowly, there is always hope of getting through!" Liu Tao's eyes flashed with determination.

The importance of the outlet to the sea is self-evident.

If this line is opened, it means directly avoiding the Strait of Malacca and greatly shortening the route.

"Unite a group of people, attack a group of people, and form an interest group along the line!" Liu Tao knew that to open up this line, it would not work to go it alone.

Liu Tao looked at Kachin State, Chin State, Shan State, and Mongla.

Fortunately, in this era, you can find many acquaintances on that side, with various basic bases.

Although it requires the other party to pay resources, there is no doubt that weapons and ammunition are definitely the cheapest.

"Laos and Northern Vietnam also have great potential!" Liu Tao secretly thought.

It's just that a lot of time and energy have to be invested in these places, and they have to be supported and integrated step by step.

The next morning.

Just after dawn, the sound of artillery and gunfire rang out again.

Obviously, at dawn, the brutal offensive and defensive battle began again.

After having breakfast, the soldiers of the combined battalion also went out again.

Last night, a batch of weapons and ammunition arrived, and another batch of weapons and ammunition arrived in the morning. Now there is no shortage of weapons and ammunition.

Liu Tao went to the 42nd Division headquarters. He was not needed for such things as going to the battlefield, and he was not a soldier.

Naturally, Li Fuguo commanded the synthetic battalion.

"Last night, the main peak of Laoshan repelled more than ten enemy sneak attacks and shattered the enemy's conspiracy." Commander Wang said, "Today we will completely clear this area and launch penetration into this area."

The enemy's triangular defense was broken down as this side of the main peak was almost conquered, leaving only two corners.

The situation at this time can be said to be very good.

Liu Tao didn't understand this, but he could feel that everyone here at the headquarters was full of optimism and seemed quite relaxed.

Liu Tao was also very happy. The butterfly effect caused by the flapping wings of his little butterfly became more and more obvious.

Even though he was not a soldier, he had the impression that this mountain was difficult to attack and the army had to pay a lot of sacrifices to win.

But now, the battle is going smoothly, the casualties are much smaller, and the results are brilliant.

The sound of artillery and gunfire from the front became more intense.

Liu Tao could hear the roar of the Type 80 tank.

He could even distinguish the sound of each weapon.

Liu Tao believed that the next war would go smoothly.

Sure enough, the fierceness of the battle exceeded Liu Tao's imagination.

The combined battalion had fully replenished three bases of weapons and ammunition. At noon, the southern attack route had been completely cleared, and no more guns and artillery could threaten this place.

In fact, by the morning, there was an institutional surrender.

Obviously, some enemy troops' wills collapsed.

With the attack route to the south opened, supply was no longer a problem. A large amount of weapons and ammunition were sent to the main peak, and even artillery positions were built on the mountain.

Even for a 54-type 122mm howitzer, the minimum range is 3.4 kilometers, and the maximum range is 11.8 kilometers.

Even from a high position, the range will be even greater.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, there was already the roar of a 122mm howitzer, which came directly from the direction of the main peak.

As for mortars and recoilless guns, there were also artillery.

With artillery support, the battlefield situation became more obvious.

The enemy's positions were inevitably bombarded.

The only better ones were the fortresses and cat-ear caves.

These were hard bones, and the attack effects of howitzers and the like would not be very obvious, after all, the accuracy was not that great.

This kind of fortification required the use of 80-type tanks, flamethrowers, 80-type rocket launchers, sniper grenades and heavy sniper rifles.

In the afternoon attack, more enemy troops surrendered. Many enemy troops with broken will ran out of fortresses and caves, holding their hands and holding white flags.

More and more fortresses and caves were taken out, and high ground was occupied one by one.

After the high ground was occupied, the fortifications were rebuilt and reinforced, and the bodies of the enemy were collected. These bodies will be cremated and buried or buried somewhere else.

Of course, the bodies of our own soldiers will also be collected, and they have all become martyrs.

The injured soldiers were sent to the hospital for treatment.

Many soldiers can be cured through treatment, even if some of them are disabled, at least they are still alive and can survive.

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