The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 199: White-eyed Wolf (Subscribe)

The synthetic battalion returned to the camp to rest.

In order to maintain confidentiality, the combined battalion did not set up its headquarters in a village like other troops.

Instead, it was set up in the wild.

Killing a big fat pig and lighting a fire to cook rice.

Here at this time, the combined camp has the conditions to provide the soldiers with hot meals.

As long as there are conditions, the soldiers of the combined camp will have meat and vegetables for every meal.

As for soup, even a bowl of broth is considered pretty good on the front line.

At this time, the sun begins to set in the west, the sunset emits a soft red light, and the sunset in the western sky is quite beautiful.

But on the battlefield, the sound of artillery fire can still be heard.

Obviously at this time, the fighting was still going on.

At the battalion headquarters, Li Fuguo convened a summary meeting of company-level cadres.

Based on the latest news, Li Fuguo has been marking the terrain map from the beginning of the war in the morning to now.

This is a summary meeting and also a learning meeting.

Not only summarize their own problems, but also learn tactics, broaden the commander's vision, and improve the commander's command level.

Li Fuguo was the leader of the main force before, so his command level was naturally good. After this battle, Li Fuguo also improved greatly.

At the end, Zhao Guoping reported the 42nd Division and the commendations from his superiors.

This is an affirmation of the synthetic camp!

Notify the whole country, what an honor this is!

Everyone couldn't help but applaud with excitement!

Liu Tao obviously noticed that Zhao Guoping seemed to have undergone some kind of change, which must have been the baptism of blood and fire on the battlefield.

Whether a person has experienced the baptism of blood and fire on the battlefield is completely different.

Later, while eating, a meeting of the whole camp was held.

At the meeting, Zhao Guoping read out the awards from the 42nd Division and superiors.

There were bursts of applause and cheers.

Especially when they heard that the commendation was announced nationwide, the soldiers were extremely excited. For every soldier, this is the greatest honor.

And everyone knows that now is because it is just the beginning, but later on, everyone’s military achievements will be indispensable.

Liu Tao made his final speech: "Comrades, we are a civilized and mighty force. The cause we are engaged in is great and just. We are fighting a just war."

"We used to be comrades fighting side by side with our opponents. We lived frugally. Less than a year after the founding of the Republic, we began to assist them. From 1950 to 1954, we supported them with gritted teeth and provided 116,000 firearms of various kinds. There are 420 remaining artillery pieces, as well as a large number of supporting ammunition and communication and engineering equipment.”

"In 1956, we had just finalized the production of Type 56 submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles. Before the troops were equipped with them, we gave priority to assisting them with 50,000 guns. From 1953 to 1963, we also established 6 anti-aircraft artillery battalions and 1 The engineering regiment, a pontoon regiment, a tank regiment, and a fighter regiment had just produced heavy pontoons in 1960, and they were the first to assist them. "

“For nearly 30 years from 1950 to 1978, the total amount of military, economic and free foreign exchange assistance we provided to them amounted to 20.3 billion U.S. dollars. This assistance included light and heavy weapons, ammunition and other military supplies enough to equip 2 million people in the army, navy and air force. Hundreds of production plants and repair shops, more than 300 million meters of cloth, more than 30,000 cars, hundreds of kilometers of railways and a complete set of locomotives and carriages, more than 5 million tons of grain, more than 2 million tons of gasoline, 3,000 kilometers of oil pipelines and hundreds of millions of dollars Our aid comes in cash, with no strings attached.”

The more Liu Tao said, the angrier he became: "We have sent a total of more than 20,000 experts and technicians."

The more the soldiers listened, the more annoyed they became.

I have seen wolves with white eyes, but I have never seen such a wolf with white eyes.

It can be said that China is sincere and does not ask for anything in return, but what it gets in exchange is a stab in the back.

This is simply intolerable.

Before, some soldiers felt burdened because they had killed so many people, but now after listening to what Liu Tao said, the soldiers no longer felt burdened because they were not killing people, but white-eyed wolves.

White-eyed wolves are always the most hated.

Just as everyone was finishing their meal, Mr. Wang came over with the guards.

Looking at the food in Hehe camp, Mr. Wang smiled and said, "Director Liu, your food is really good. You don't mind if we can share a meal together."

"Haha, you came just in time, let's try the cooking skills of our Hehe camp chef!" Liu Tao said with a smile.

Then someone gave meals to Commander Wang and the guards.

"You guys!" Looking at the meat, vegetables and broth, Mr. Wang gave Liu Tao a thumbs up.

"There is no way. Soldiers train intensively and must ensure that their food can keep up." Liu Tao smiled, "Now that we are on the battlefield, we can only eat dry food during the war. Now that we have retired to rest, we must make sure that the soldiers can keep up with the food." Have a hot meal.”

Commander Wang was filled with emotion. He knew that Liu Tao had sent people here to purchase supplies a month ago. In the past month, weapons and ammunition from Panshan Machinery Factory had been continuously transported to Maxupo.

We even bought chickens, ducks and pigs.

Although Liu Tao did not know how to march troops to fight, he prepared sufficient logistics for the combined battalion.

Then Commander Wang chatted with the soldiers and was very approachable.

Serving the people, these are just five words, but they are engraved in the bones of most cadres.

The same goes for the military.

People's Army, this is the highest praise for the army, because this army comes from the people and is with the people.

"Next, we just need to eliminate the enemy on the mountain. It will take at least a month for the enemy reinforcements to arrive." Commander Wang and Liu Tao sat together, "This time, thanks to your battalion, otherwise it would be difficult to fight in Koulin Mountain, let alone Laoshan."

Commander Wang knew very well how important the combined battalion played in this.

On the Koulin Mountain side, facing a reinforced regiment, Commander Wang and his men estimated at the beginning that it would take half a month and suffer heavy casualties to take Koulin Mountain.

But because of the combined battalion, Koulin Mountain was recaptured in just one day, and the enemy's 14th regiment was completely wiped out. The combined battalion even annihilated the enemy's 457th artillery regiment, the tank battalion directly under the 313th Division, and the 191st infantry regiment. In addition to the results of other units of the 42nd Division, more than half of the 313th Division's troops and most of its combat effectiveness were directly destroyed.

This time, on the Laoshan side, the combined battalion launched an attack from the south, attracting a large amount of artillery fire, and was the first to attack the main peak, cooperating with the troops to divide the battlefield.

So far, the combined battalion has also taken down the most enemy fortresses and caves.

Not to mention, the combined battalion launched artillery bombardment on the enemy reinforcements.

According to preliminary statistics, the artillery bombardment destroyed most of the enemy's troops, and only about 700 people escaped.

This means that the enemy has no more reinforcements on the Laoshan side, or more precisely, the enemy has no ability to support here in a short time.

There is no pressure even on the Koulinshan side.

After all, the 313th Division has no more mobile forces to be deployed.

And it is not so easy for the other side to withdraw troops. It will take at least a month to prepare for all kinds of things.

This means that the enemy has become an isolated army on the Laoshan side.

This is absolutely a fatal blow to the enemy.

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