The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 198 Bombarding the reinforcements (Subscribe please)

Combined battalion camp.

Two tank companies are replenishing ammunition.

After a morning of fighting, all the shells were used up.

Even the bullets of heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were all used up.

Each tank had clear marks on the surface, which were left by enemy shells and bullets.

Liu Tao checked each tank, and more than half of the tanks had some minor problems.

Liu Tao repaired them one by one.

Only he could cheat, otherwise the absolute combat effectiveness of the tanks would have been discounted.

The soldiers used the noon time to rest.

In the afternoon, they also had to cooperate with the troops on the mountain to remove the enemy's firepower points on the south side, so that the southern route could be safely supplied.

Only after clearing the enemy's artillery positions, as well as those bunkers and caves, can it be considered safe to supply at any time.

Although the artillery regiment of the 42nd Division is also constantly attacking the enemy.

But the artillery regiment is not as fast as the tank after all.

For example, the 42nd Division Artillery Regiment was equipped with 10 130mm cannons, 12 122mm howitzers, and 18 85mm cannons. Its firepower was absolutely fierce, but at the same time, it was not so easy for these cannons to move.

The firepower advantage that an artillery regiment could exert was not even comparable to 20 Type 80 tanks and two Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Liu Tao repaired the tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns one by one, and the traces on the surface still remained.

In the afternoon, the battle started again.

The sound of artillery and gunfire continued to sound.

Even though Liu Tao was in the rear, he could still hear it clearly.

The situation on the front line was constantly summarized to the headquarters.

The map of the headquarters continued to show changes in the battle between the enemy and us.

The 42nd Division Artillery Regiment once again bombarded the enemy positions in other directions. With the observation of the main peak, the effect of the bombardment was obviously better than in the afternoon.

In addition, the two tank companies of the combined battalion were walking up and down the attack route in the south, clearing out bunkers and cat-ear holes one by one. The soldiers of the infantry company were also clearing out. At least there should be no enemy bunkers and cat-ear holes on the route.

As for the highlands such as Daqingshan and Xiaoqingshan, their guns must be destroyed.

Without guns, the threat is greatly reduced.

Two Type 80 tanks acted as mobile turrets on the main peak, continuously providing fire support for the troops.

"Report! The main peak observed that an enemy regiment was coming to support, and it is now 7 kilometers away!" At this time, a new situation emerged.

Liu Tao was secretly surprised. Only then did he understand the importance of this main peak.

As long as the main peak is occupied, not only is it a favorable firepower advantage from a high position, but it can also grasp the active advantage in vision.

Now that they occupy the main peak, there is no secret within 27 kilometers to the south. As long as the troops are mobilized, they will be seen clearly, so that they can adjust the deployment according to the situation.

He finally understood why the enemy rushed to the main peak at all costs in the morning, and even after the main peak was occupied, they kept organizing troops to retake the position.

This kind of high ground is really too important.

"Order, let the synthetic battalion fire at the enemy reinforcements to slow down their route." Commander Wang immediately made arrangements, "Order the 123rd Regiment to move from the direction of Koulin Mountain, make an offensive posture, and deter the enemy! Order the 122nd Regiment."

The 123rd Regiment is the infantry regiment left in Koulin Mountain for defense.

The 122nd Regiment is the reserve support force on the Laoshan side.

The effective range of the tank is naturally not that far under normal circumstances.

But you have to know that it is different when you are high up!

The range will be greatly increased.

Because the fuel-air bombs have been used up, the Type 80 tank can only use anti-explosive bombs.

After calculating, adjust the angle and fire.

A round of salvos is 20 120mm anti-explosive bombs, which fall into the enemy reinforcements.

The enemy's marching route had only one road, which was the road along the river.

A regiment of 2,150 people formed a long team.

After all, this main traffic route was not wide.

At this time, the Type 80 tanks were divided into three sections to bombard the enemy.

I saw shells falling on the enemy's marching route, blowing up the enemy soldiers and horses.

One after another, the explosion of the killing bombs was like an earthquake.

After repeatedly determining the shooting angle and parameters, the hit rate was extremely amazing.

The enemy did not expect to be bombarded, and only some soldiers with rich experience hurriedly lay down on the mountain, and most of the soldiers were caught off guard.

20 Type 80 tanks and 2 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns constantly adjusted the angle and bombarded the support army.

A full 8 tank shells and 1,280 anti-aircraft shells.

This amount of shells fired even exceeded the shells consumed by the 42nd Division Artillery Regiment in the morning for half an hour.

It was also because many places were still under enemy control at this time. Otherwise, it would be easy to fight an annihilation battle by directly outflanking the rear.

After all, with so many shells falling, a regiment was basically scrapped.

The soldiers who were still alive, how could they have any combat effectiveness.

The annihilation battles fought by the combined battalion before were like this, directly covering with firepower, defeating the enemy, and then catching the turtle in the jar. The remaining soldiers of the enemy had no fighting spirit, and either surrendered or were killed while fleeing.

The photographer on the mountain took this scene.

Although it was impossible to take a clear picture of the enemy several kilometers away, the might of the Type 80 tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns was fully demonstrated.

After firing the shells, the tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns went down the mountain to replenish ammunition.

The soldiers on the main peak used telescopes to observe and count the results of this battle.

The results of the battlefield are not completely accurate numbers, but a rough estimate.

For example, this artillery attack is a regiment of 2,150 people. After deducting those who ran away, they are the people who were annihilated.

Even in order to attack the opponent, you can directly declare that this unit has been annihilated or defeated.

At this time, the enemy reinforcements were severely hit, which is definitely good news, because this is a loss of strength, which means that the enemy's strength has been greatly reduced, and once the enemy knows, the morale will inevitably be greatly weakened.

But there is a bad news for the synthetic battalion, that is, they can't fight.

The ammunition supply can't keep up!

It's impossible to continue fighting today. We have to wait until the weapons and ammunition are transported from Masup County.

Liu Tao was also quite speechless. He did not expect that the weapons and ammunition that were originally prepared for the army would be consumed so completely. The tank company only had some armor-piercing shells left, and the other explosive shells had been used up, and the shells of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were also gone.

The 80-type rocket launchers were also all used up.

Even the heavy machine gun bullets were all used up.

Only rifle bullets and general machine gun bullets could be seized from the 42nd Division and the battlefield.

Without weapons and ammunition, the synthetic battalion was like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, and there was no way to fight again.

Liu Tao found that he underestimated the consumption of weapons and ammunition in a battle, or underestimated the synthetic battalion's ability to consume weapons and ammunition.

From the beginning of the war to now, the consumption of weapons and ammunition of the synthetic battalion has exceeded the consumption of the entire 42nd Division.

The impressive record of the synthetic battalion is based on the amazing consumption of weapons and ammunition.

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