313 Division Headquarters.

Du Qingchi was in despair.

At this time, he had received the news that Koulin Mountain had been lost.

The 14th Regiment was completely wiped out!

Even the 457th Artillery Regiment, the tank battalion directly under the division, and the 191st Infantry Regiment he sent for support had been annihilated.

This means that the 313th Division was seriously injured and more than half of its troops were lost.

Now there are only the 122nd, 247th, and 266th Infantry Regiments in the direction of Laoshan, as well as some troops under the division, with a total of more than 7,000 people.

In just one day, half of the troops were lost, and the combat effectiveness was even reduced by more than half.

Because with the annihilation of the tank battalion directly under the division, the 313th Division no longer has tanks.

The tank battalion is a very powerful force of a division, which is no less than the combat effectiveness of a regiment, and even to some extent, it exceeds that of an infantry regiment.

Du Qingchi smiled bitterly, he was finished!

After this battle, unless a miracle happened, he would never be able to stay in the army again. He might even be sent to a military court and shot after such a big defeat.

"Asshole! Damn it! How did they do it!" Du Qingchi punched the table hard.

Originally, he wanted to treat Koulin Mountain and Laoshan as the Shangganling of Liaodong Peninsula, and the entire defense line was as stable as Mount Tai.

After receiving the news, he did not hesitate to strengthen the troops in the direction of Koulin Mountain and Laoshan. Koulin Mountain sent a full 14th Regiment, a reinforced regiment, and Laoshan originally had a reinforced regiment stationed there. He sent another regiment to support it.

But it took only one day for Koulin Mountain to fall, and the 14th Infantry Regiment was annihilated.

Even the artillery regiment, tank battalion and infantry regiment he sent to support were all annihilated in one fell swoop.

If the 191st Regiment had not been hit suddenly and Pan Guang had not called, he would not have known that a large force had already gone around Koulin Mountain.

Du Qingchi seemed like a gambler who had lost badly. He wanted to recover the loss and even win back the principal and interest.

"Connect me to the 122nd Regiment Headquarters!" Du Qingchi picked up the phone and said, "I order you to bombard Tianbao Town at dawn tomorrow."

Du Qingchi's face showed a fierce look.

Masuluo, the command center.

At this time, the atmosphere was joyous, just like the New Year.

The battle was more optimistic than the most optimistic situation. Kou Linshan was recovered on the first day. This result can definitely be called brilliant.

Not only did it achieve the strategic goal of recovering Kou Linshan, but it also severely hit the enemy's arrogance.

The result of one day was greater than the result of the 42nd Division in a whole month two years ago.

The 14th Infantry Regiment, 191st Infantry Regiment, 457th Artillery Regiment, tank battalion, a mortar unit, and a battalion of 122 howitzers of the 313th Division were completely wiped out. There were more than a thousand prisoners alone, and the weapons and ammunition seized were piled up like mountains.

In just one day, this battle wiped out half of the 313th Division's troops and more than half of its combat effectiveness.

The entire battlefield situation was in their hands.

Commander Wang was in a good mood and ate an extra bowl of rice at night.

"Director Liu, your battalion has made great contributions this time!" Commander Wang said to Liu Tao with a smile.

He had never thought that a militia battalion of Panshan Machinery Factory would burst out with such a strong combat effectiveness.

The combat effectiveness was even stronger than that of the 42nd Division!

At least if the two sides broke out in the field, Commander Wang was not sure that he could defeat the synthetic battalion.

A battalion of troops against an infantry regiment and a tank battalion actually wiped out the opponent.

This is simply incredible.

Commander Wang had never fought such a battle before.

Commander Wang believed that the three regiments under his command, even the main regiment of the 121st Regiment, would not be much better against the synthetic battalion.

It was better to have a dangerous place to defend, and he could still resist with tactics and fortifications.

If the two sides were to fight in the field, the 121st Regiment would probably not last long before being defeated.

The firepower of the combined battalion was too fierce. Each person had a set of 80-type rocket launchers, which was like everyone had an 80mm cannon. A round of salvos could defeat the enemy.

If Liu Tao hadn't calculated the account for him before, Commander Wang would have wanted to set up a combined battalion in the 42nd Division.

"Commander Wang, now that the strategic goal has been achieved, should we defend Koulin Mountain or take the opportunity to recapture Laoshan?" Liu Tao asked, "You know, the 313th Division has lost more than half of its troops. We can outflank it from behind and attack its rear directly. They don't have any troops stationed in this area."

"The combat mission given to us by the superiors is to recapture Koulin Mountain." Commander Wang frowned.

Although it is said that a general is not subject to the orders of the emperor when he is away.

But you have to know that for a unit to have strong combat effectiveness, it must have iron discipline.

The superiors are keeping a close eye on this place, and Commander Wang dare not rashly expand the war.

If there had not been a combined battalion at Koulin Mountain this time, to be honest, the 42nd Division would have suffered heavy losses.

Just like another high ground, without the participation of a combined battalion, a regiment attacked from both sides, and still killed hundreds of soldiers, and the number of injured soldiers was as high as more than 300, with an astonishing number of more than 400 soldiers killed and wounded.

It is conceivable how difficult this kind of mountain attack is.

If they really go to bite, according to the original plan, I am afraid that even if the 42nd Division bites it down, the losses will be extremely shocking.

"Now our first priority is to build fortifications here at Koulin Mountain to prevent the enemy from invading again!" Commander Wang shook his head slightly.

After taking Koulin Mountain, the next step is to build various fortresses and other defensive fortifications from a high position and be ready for battle at any time.

After all, the enemy will definitely not be willing to lose Koulin Mountain. Koulin Mountain is a strategic location that controls the surrounding area of ​​20 to 30 miles.

Liu Tao muttered to himself, if it were him, he would either choose this opportunity to capture Laoshan and take Laoshan, a strategic location, or go straight to the back to expand the results of the battle.

With a division of troops, the opponent is less than half a division of the 313th Division, which is simply at an advantage.

But he doesn't know how to march and fight, and he is not a commander, so he can only think about such things.

"Your battalion will withdraw tomorrow. It's dangerous to stay there. If the enemy mobilizes all the troops, you will be surrounded." said the division commander Wang.

Liu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, anyway, defending the mountain is not our synthetic battalion's strong point."

Digging trenches and building fortresses are the strengths of the engineering corps.

In terms of defending positions, the synthetic battalion is not necessarily better than the soldiers of the 42nd Division.

Moreover, it is not so easy to supply weapons and ammunition to the rear of the combined battalion.

Coming back here, it is just right to rest and replenish weapons and ammunition.

At the same time, we can also hold a summary meeting and make a good summary.

Being good at summarizing is an important magic weapon for our army to win one victory after another, and Liu Tao naturally wants to inherit it well.

Liu Tao contacted the combined battalion by telegram and asked them to return early tomorrow morning.

However, Liu Tao and Commander Wang did not expect that the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind did not stop, and a storm was about to sweep in.

After all, fighting is a matter of both sides, not a unilateral matter, and one hand cannot clap.

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