The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 196 Absolute terrain advantage (please subscribe)

The next morning.


Just as the sky was getting light, the camp sounded an emergency assembly whistle.

Liu Tao hurriedly put on his clothes, and when he came out, he heard someone notifying him to go to the headquarters.

As the headquarters, there was a battalion of soldiers stationed here, and Koulin Mountain was already under control, so there was almost no danger.

No air defense alarm sounded, which meant that the danger did not come from the air.

Liu Tao came to the headquarters and found that he was the last one to arrive.

Seeing that Commander Wang looked very unhappy, Liu Tao asked: "What's wrong? But what big thing happened?"

"Just now, the border defense station sent a message that Laoshan was bombarded. Those bastards are so bold!" Commander Wang gritted his teeth.

There is no doubt that this is a provocation.

This is a slap in the face of the soldiers!

What the hell?

Liu Tao was stunned.

He had never expected that the other party would be so rampant.

After a big defeat at Koulin Mountain and such a huge loss, they dared to retaliate at Laoshan.

It's only been two years, and the other side has expanded so much?

Liu Tao was shocked. Is this like the naughty kid who was beaten to a pulp two years ago?

Not like!

Not like at all!

"I'll call my superiors right now and beat them up!" Commander Wang was angry.

Then he picked up the phone and reported the latest situation to his superiors.

There is no doubt that his superiors were also furious.

Yesterday, the 42nd Division had just won a hearty victory, and everyone was very happy. The superiors did not plan to continue fighting. After all, the recovery of Koulin Mountain was also a warning, in order to promote peace and resolve it at the negotiation table as soon as possible.

But now, this artillery bombardment was like pouring a basin of cold water on them and slapping them in the face.

Soldiers, isn't it to protect the country and the people!

Suddenly, the entire command center became busy and began to formulate a combat plan.

On the Koulin Mountain side, only one infantry regiment and an engineering regiment were left here, and all other troops were transferred to Laoshan.

The entire army was mobilized, and soon after receiving the order, each unit went to Laoshan.

The combined battalion also went to Laoshan. Liu Tao took advantage of the gathering and used the golden finger to repair 20 Type 80 tanks and 2 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, bringing these tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns to their peak condition.

At noon, the troops had already arrived.

At the headquarters, the regiment-level and battalion-level cadres held a meeting.

The chief of staff introduced the terrain of Laoshan, giving everyone a clear understanding of this place.

The main peak of Laoshan is 1422.2 meters above sea level. It forms a strategic location with Xiaoqingshan, Songmaoling, Balihe Dongshan, etc. 27 kilometers to the south is Hejiang City, the capital of Hejiang Province, and to the north you can see 25 kilometers deep in the north, making a large area here without any secrets.

The main peak of 1422.2 meters does not seem to be high, but the vertical height from Chuantou Village at the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain exceeds 1262 meters. The entire mountain is gentle in the south and steep in the north, high in the west and low in the east.

In particular, the slope on the back side exceeds 50 degrees, and the slope near the main peak is close to 70 degrees. It is impossible for people to stand on such a slope, especially the 60-meter-high cliff on the north side of the main peak.

It is conceivable that it is impossible to attack from the north.

Looking at the entire Laoshan area, with the main peak as the center, three large mountain ridges extend to the east, west and south, covered with fortifications of the leap forward, presenting a tripod.

Under such terrain conditions, the most convenient attack route is to launch an attack along the Panlong River, in the Qingshui River area, on the south side with a gentler slope.

However, from a military point of view, this six or seven kilometers long hilly area is a dead end. This attack route means that the attacking troops must be exposed to the enemy's artillery fire.

This attack route will face the long and short firepower of many highlands such as Daxiaoqingshan, Songmaoling, and Laoshan. Only by withstanding the huge casualties caused by artillery fire can there be a chance to attack the high ground. At the same time, the required ammunition and supplies, as well as the remains of the wounded and martyrs, must also be transported from this area. The enemy can easily block the military industry and logistics supply lines.

This is the absolute terrain advantage.

The enemy's defense system here is triangular and mutually dependent.

And this is just the enemy's position on Laoshan. Once the battle starts, the firepower of the surrounding highlands will provide strong support, and the relatively flat terrain is more conducive to the rapid reinforcement of the enemy's reinforcements.

The enemy has built fortifications on various high grounds. There are reinforced concrete bunkers and tunnels on the positions. These fortifications are generally not exposed to the ground. The exposed fortifications are divided into two layers, above ground and underground. After the surface fortifications are destroyed, the underground fortifications can continue to resist. The fortifications are connected to the trenches. In addition, the enemy has set up some fake positions to induce the attacking troops to expose the ground too early. Various firearms are staggered in the positions, mainly mortars, anti-aircraft machine guns, recoilless guns, light and heavy machine guns, forming a dense firepower defense line that combines light and dark, near and far, and crosses.

Especially the artillery position hidden in Xiaoqing Mountain, where there are medium-sized mortars with a range of about 4 kilometers.

The entire command center and various commanders felt their hair tingling as they listened to the chief of staff's introduction. This Laoshan is much more difficult to attack than Koulin Mountain.

"The 121st Regiment is responsible for attacking the main peak of Laoshan. The 2nd and 3rd Battalions will carry out frontal attacks on the left and right sides respectively. The 1st Battalion will avoid the Vietnamese army's fire blockade from the flanks, and will go around from the side and rear to seize the 1072 high ground 1 km south of the main peak of Laoshan, split the enemy's defense system, and prevent the enemy from reinforcing." Commander Wang began to deploy the attack plan.

After Commander Wang deployed the attack plan, Liu Tao stood up and said: "Commander Wang, can we let our synthetic battalion launch an attack from the Qingshui River area?"

"Director Liu, when the chief of staff introduced it just now, you should know that the enemy's artillery blockade in this area is quite severe." Commander Wang frowned.

Liu Tao nodded: "I know, but I noticed that the enemy does not have large-caliber artillery. The largest artillery is the Soviet-made 85mm recoilless gun and 82mm mortar."

"These have no damage to the Type 80 tank!" Liu Tao was full of confidence. These caliber artillery could not destroy the Type 80 tank at all, and even the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun could not be destroyed.

Unless the enemy is equipped with extremely powerful armor-piercing shells.

But this possibility is almost non-existent.

"According to the terrain, the slope in this area is about 10 to 20 degrees." Liu Tao's mouth curled up slightly, "For a tank, it won't take much time to rush up six or seven kilometers."

Even if it is a 30-degree slope, the Type 80 tank can rush up.

The enemy's artillery and bullets hitting the Type 80 tank are just a waste of bullets.

And the Type 80 tank can continue to fire while moving to destroy the enemy's fortifications.

As for the mines that may be buried along the way, there are naturally minesweepers in front to detonate the mines.

Others are not threatening to the Type 80 tank.

As for the possibility of threatening the Type 80 tank, only large-caliber artillery is available, but the enemy does not have it.

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