The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 194 The fierce firepower of the combined battalion

Two kilometers away.

Two tank companies are ready, with huge gun barrels of tanks stretched out, aiming at the target.

Each tank is aiming at its target, and their target is the tank battalion in front.

Now the situation is very clear. The other tank battalion is equipped with 10 Type 59 tanks and 20 T-34 tanks, all of which are medium tanks.

Everyone is familiar with these two tanks.

The effective range of the Type 59 tank is 700~1200 meters, and the effective range of the T-34 tank is about 1 kilometer.

Two kilometers is already beyond the maximum range of the Type 59 tank and the T-34 tank.

This is the advantage of the third-generation tank, which can attack from a distance, while the first-generation tank and the second-generation tank cannot find the third-generation tank, and even if they find it, they cannot attack it.

They are waiting, waiting for the infantry company to arrive.

Finally, Li Fuguo gave the order to attack.


The commanders of the two tank companies ordered at the same time.

"Boom boom boom~~"

20 tanks fired in unison, and the 125mm tank gun roared.

In order to destroy the opponent's tank with one shot, this time they used fin-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing shells, which have an export price of 60,000 US dollars per round.

The reason why it is so expensive is first because the construction material is very special. The front part of her shell has a long steel needle, which looks very sharp. After the shell is fired, it can reach a speed of 1,800 meters per second and hit the target at high speed. The powerful impact force helps the shell to maximize the penetration of the enemy's armor protection, and it has an extremely sharp power.

The material uses tungsten alloy to make the core. This is because tungsten has the strongest characteristics, is impact-resistant and resistant to high pressure without deformation. It is the hardest material and is most suitable for making the core of the shell. Compared with the steel core, it is more powerful and the strike efficiency is doubled.

Such a fin-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing shell, let alone the Type 59 tank and the T-34 tank, even the Leopard 2 tank and the T-72 tank will be directly scrapped.

After a round of salvos, some of the shells hit the enemy tanks steadily. If they hit, the whole tank would be scrapped.

Even if they didn't hit, the lethality would be extremely amazing if they hit the people next to them.

The tanks that didn't hit immediately reloaded the tail-stabilized armor-piercing shells, adjusted the angle, and fired again.

The entire tank battalion was hit by a sudden attack and immediately became a mess.

Not only the tank battalion was in a mess, but the 191st Regiment was also caught off guard and in a mess.

At this time, the rockets that had been prepared were fired at the command. The soldiers of the three infantry companies used the 80-type rocket launchers and fired at the first time.

That was a full 330 rockets, and they were even equipped with fuel-air bombs.

This was equivalent to 330 80mm cannons firing at the same time.

"Boom boom boom~~"

The rockets crossed a distance of nearly 300 meters and attacked the 191st Regiment, bombing the soldiers of the 191st Regiment miserable.

Even if it is a fuel-air bomb, it will directly generate high temperature and burn people to death. Even if they are not burned to death, they will suffocate to death due to lack of air.

After launching the rocket, 330 soldiers immediately threw away the rocket launcher and took the 78-type automatic rifle or machine gun to shoot at the 191st Regiment on the other side of the river.

The 191st Regiment was stunned by the fierce firepower and became a mess.

Some commanders reacted and wanted to come out to organize the troops, but they were all sniped by snipers in the dark.

At the same time, the two tank companies that destroyed the enemy tank battalion have started, shooting while advancing.



Every time a tank shoots once, it is equivalent to a roar of a 125mm large-caliber cannon, and the shells fall into the crowd of the 191st Regiment.

At this time, the 20 tanks are not using armor-piercing shells, but anti-explosive shells.

Anti-explosive shells are specially used to kill people and buildings.

The lethality of an anti-explosive shell is often extremely amazing.

After all, the killing radius of a 125mm explosive bomb is 25 to 35 meters, which is absolutely amazing.

At this time, it is equivalent to the combined battalion having 20 125mm howitzers to provide artillery support, which makes the other side doubt life.

The tanks are moving forward and heading directly to the river. Even if the river is one meter deep, the Type 80 tanks will drive directly over.

At this time, the two tank companies are responsible for dividing the battlefield into two halves, so as to better annihilate the enemy.

Many people in the 191st Regiment were killed, and the rest could not organize any resistance at all. They were in a mess and fled.

What they didn't know was that they had no way to run.

There were people from the combined battalion sniping on both bridges, and even at critical moments, the bridges would be blown up.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was photographed by the photographers and reporters accompanying the team.

Although the photographers and reporters did not participate in the battle, they were still excited. It was really too exciting to fight this battle.

It was a one-sided massacre!

At the same time, the trumpet had sounded.

"Surrender your weapons and we will not kill you!"

"Put down your weapons, hold your heads with your hands and squat down!"

As for whether the monkeys can understand, this is not something that Li Fuguo and others consider.

If they don't understand and don't know how to surrender, then they will be shot decisively.

With the painful lessons learned two years ago, the education received by the combined battalion during this period is that anyone who does not put down his gun or squats with his hands on his head will be regarded as resisting, and he will shoot as soon as he finds something wrong.

The soldiers of the combined battalion rushed to the river, and at this time they were harvesting the battlefield.

At this point in the battle, it was equivalent to defeating the 191st Regiment and the Tank Battalion.

How many more monkeys can be killed or captured next depends on the efforts of the soldiers.

Maybe some agile ones may be able to escape to the mountains, but there are definitely not many.

In addition, there are people guarding the bridges on both sides, which is a real catching turtle in a jar, a real annihilation war.

Night fell, and the battle was over at this time.

There were more than 500 prisoners, and these prisoners were gathered together, with guns pointed at them. As long as anyone dared to move, they would be shot.

Other soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, these were their spoils of war.

The 42nd Division sent a regiment to help, but when they arrived, the battle was over.

They could only help guard the prisoners and help clean the battlefield.

The vehicle-mounted radars of the two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are rotating, ready for air reconnaissance.

The firemen have prepared the food, and the soldiers are eating. They will rest here for the next night.

After all, it is dark, and it is not safe to march in the mountains at night, and it is easy to attract enemy aircraft bombing.

As for the killed monkeys, the bodies will be collected and buried anywhere.

Li Fuguo counted the results and spoils of war, and when the statistics are completed, these will be reported to the 42nd Division Command.

Li Fuguo ate dinner while looking at the statistics, and after confirming that there was no problem, he began to contact the 42nd Division Command through the radio, and at the same time he had to prepare ammunition replenishment.

The results of this battle were very brilliant, but the ammunition consumption was also very large.

Pistol bullets, rifle bullets, and machine gun bullets can be replenished by seizing, but tank shells, 80-type rocket launchers, etc. cannot be replenished from seized weapons and ammunition. These ammunition are only available at Panshan Machinery Factory.

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