The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 193 Finding the Target (Subscription Request)

The destruction of the battalion headquarters was a fatal blow to the morale of the defenders in various fortifications.

This was reflected in the afternoon, when the attack went very smoothly.

There were even internal conflicts among the defenders, and some defenders walked out of the bunkers and cat-ear caves to surrender.

"Hey, if you dare not surrender, then I will send you to heaven!" A soldier held a flamethrower and aimed it at a hole.

The next moment, there was a sound of "whoosh", and a fire dragon sprayed out from the muzzle and rushed straight to the monkeys in the cat-ear cave.

A fire dragon gushed out and swept straight towards the monkeys in the cat-ear cave. Before the monkeys inside could figure out what was going on, they were already on fire. The screams resounded throughout the cat-ear cave. The monkeys inside didn't care about the danger of being shot if they ran out at this moment. They ran outside and rolled on the ground, trying to put out the flames on their bodies.

But it was all in vain. All the monkeys in the cat-ear cave were burned to death by the raging fire. The whole process made people stunned.

It is more difficult to attack from below, but it is much easier to attack from above.

In addition, there are snipers on the top of the mountain aiming and protecting. Soldiers wearing flamethrowers, like catching mice, will conquer fortresses and cat-ear caves one by one, or use flamethrowers to spray flames or throw grenades into them as long as they don't surrender.

Of course, overall, it is more effective to use flamethrowers to deal with monkeys hiding in fortresses and caves, and the effect is great.

The sun has not set yet, and the battle here is over at about four o'clock in the afternoon.

No more gunshots can be heard.

Other soldiers of the 42nd Division escorted two hundred prisoners away, and at the same time a regiment took over here and cooperated with the engineering regiment to build fortifications in time.

The battle of the combined battalion is being repaired.

Everyone ate mule and horse meat and drank soup made from mule and horse bones.

After eating and drinking, everyone replenished weapons and ammunition.

The injured soldiers stayed in the rear to recuperate.

"Report! Battalion Commander, the scouts found a large number of troops, including a regiment and a tank battalion!" At this time, the signalman reported.

"Where are they!" Li Fuguo asked hurriedly.

At the same time, the staff had brought the topographic map.

Li Fuguo took the walkie-talkie, contacted the scout, and marked it on the topographic map.

"Battalion Commander, good opportunity, as long as we hold this bridge, this regiment will be trapped!" The staff's eyes lit up.

Li Fuguo smiled, "This infantry regiment and tank battalion are probably reinforcements from the 14th regiment. They haven't received the news that this place has been captured by us, so they come to support."

"Since you are here, don't even think about leaving!" Li Fuguo's eyes were full of murderous intent, "What is the situation of this river, how wide is it, how deep is the river, is the riverbed silt or something?"

"Battalion Commander, this river is about 30 meters wide, and most of it is dry season without water. The water depth in the riverbed is about half a meter to one meter, and there is no silt at the bottom of the riverbed, but pebbles!" The scout reported.

Li Fuguo hung up the walkie-talkie and then discussed the combat plan with the staff.

The terrain here is conducive to fighting an annihilation war, because the enemy has only one bridge in front and behind, a river on one side, and about three or four hundred meters of flat land on the other side, and a steep mountain in the distance.

Calling several company commanders, Li Fuguo announced the battle plan. The two bridges were handed over to the special operations team and the support troops. The first priority of the two tank companies was to destroy the tank battalion and divide the battlefield into two halves.

The enemy's tank organization followed the Soviet armored organization. A company was equipped with 10 tanks, plus a command vehicle, and three companies formed an armored battalion.

Although there were more armored vehicles than two tank companies, Li Fuguo had sufficient confidence in his side.

After the battle plan was assigned, the combined battalion immediately sounded the emergency assembly whistle, and set off immediately after the assembly.

On the way, Li Fuguo reported the situation and the battle plan to the 42nd Division Command

313 Division 191 Regiment.

"Captain, there are still 5 kilometers to the destination." The chief of staff said to the commander of the 191st Regiment with a topographic map.

Pan Guang, commander of the 191st Regiment.

"Damn, what the hell is Pei Chi doing? A reinforced regiment is defending Koulin Mountain, and we still need to rush to help!" Pan Guang couldn't help cursing.

The 191st Regiment was originally in the rear, and as a support force, it was required to support Koulin Mountain and Laoshan at any time.

However, Pan Guang felt at first that it should not be his turn.

Because Koulin Mountain and Laoshan are easy to defend and difficult to attack, various fortresses, cat ear caves and other defensive fortifications were built, and each had a reinforced regiment stationed. Such a strong defensive force is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The opponent can't attack it without losing two or three divisions.

Losing two or three divisions to attack Koulin Mountain and Laoshan, the commander is sick to do this.

As a result, he just received a call in the morning saying that Koulin Mountain attracted an artillery battle. Not long after, he received an order from the division commander Du Qingchi to rush to Koulin Mountain.

He was accompanied by the tank battalion directly under the division.

After hurriedly gathering the team and making various preparations, Pan Guang set off with the 191st Regiment and joined the tank battalion on the road. The tank battalion was in front and the 191st Regiment was in the back.

In order to avoid being hit by the tanks behind, the two kept a distance of 500 meters.

"Captain, a tank in the tank battalion broke down." At this time, the signalman came over on horseback.

Pan Guang frowned: "This Type 59 tank is unreliable. It broke down twice along the way!"

The tank battalion has 30 tanks and 1 command vehicle. Among the 30 tanks, there are 20 Soviet tanks and 10 Type 59 tanks.

At that time, China aided Vietnam with a large number of weapons, ammunition and supplies, including Type 59 tanks.

"Order the whole army to stop and rest!" Pan Guang said.

He was not in a hurry to arrive. After all, even if Pei Chi was a pig, Koulin Mountain could not be conquered in one day.

This is the rear area, and it is very safe.

"The commander has ordered the whole army to rest!"

"The commander has ordered the whole army to rest!"

The signalman rode on horseback to convey the order to rest, and a group of soldiers sat casually on the road and on both sides.

There were also soldiers who went to the fields to pick some fruits to eat.

The soldiers talked and laughed in groups of three or two, and they were quite relaxed.

This is the rear area, and there is no danger.

Even if there is smoke rising from the mountains in the distance, no one cares.

Because everyone knows that Koulin Mountain is fighting, and it is normal to have smoke in the war.

In this rear area, it is very safe and will not encounter the enemy.

Pan Guang took a bottle of wine, drank it, and ate beef cans.

Looking at the fortifications of Koulin Mountain on the topographic map, Pan Guang felt that if their 191st Regiment came to defend, facing the attack of a division, he could defend for at least three months without any reinforcements.

The more Pan Guang thought about it, the more he felt that Pei Chi was really a pig. A reinforced regiment stationed at Koulin Mountain, with so many fortifications, asked for help at the beginning of the war.

Pan Guang always looked down on Pei Chi, because the 191st Regiment was just an ordinary regiment with only 2,150 people in the whole regiment, while the 14th Regiment was a reinforced regiment with 2,510 people. Pei Chi's status in the 313th Division was higher than his.

However, Pan Guang also knew that Pei Chi had someone above him.

In the battle two years ago, they suffered heavy losses, and a group of cadres were dealt with. Someone above Pei Chi was directly promoted from a company commander to the head of the 14th Regiment, like riding a rocket.

This was something he could not compare to.

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